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Picture of the Day: Atop Earth’s Atmosphere
In this breathtaking photograph we see the crescent moon through the top of Earth’s atmosphere. The image was taken above 21.5°N, 113.3°E by International Space Station crew Expedition 13 on July 20, 2006 over the South China Sea, just south of Macau.
17 Apr 2013,
Simon Freemantle: "Mauritius Certainly Can Be the 'Gateway' to the East Africa"
South Africa is positioned as a 'gateway' for Southern Africa, providing good access in terms of logistics. Mauritius, meanwhile, can certainly become a 'gateway' for East Africa, including financial services. This will be a pretty serious competition for South Africa.
17 Apr 2013,
Council Meeting: The New Statutes of the UoM Ratified
The final step in the restructuring of the University of Mauritius as recommended by the report Manraj was sealed at Monday. After the meeting with the Senate on Wednesday, the Council of UoM met yesterday to ratify the new statutes of the institution.
17 Apr 2013,
Offshore: The Mauritian Jurisdiction Abandoned in Favour of Singapore, Luxembourg and Bermuda
There was less than a half-dozen inscriptions 'Foreign Institutional Investors' (FIIs) for the year 2012-13, when Maurice was mentioned as country in the list of more than 80 new registrations IFSI in India for the last fiscal year.
17 Apr 2013,
Martin Richard, 8 ans, victime des attentats de Boston
Les drapeaux du Capitole, à Washington, sont en berne. Les Etats-Unis sont en deuil après les attentats de Boston et les médias américains s'émeuvent particulièrement de la mort de Martin Richard, 8 ans, le plus jeune des trois spectateurs tués dans les attaques.
17 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
CEB Shortfall of Rs 800 Million
The Central Electricity Board (CEB) is left with a shortfall so lately. The main reason is the loss of electricity on their network. A situation in which the CEB intends to tackle as soon as possible.
17 Apr 2013,
Toll Roads will Benefit, Says Anil Bachoo
The Minister of Public Infrastructure, Anil Bachoo, believes that toll roads will benefit Mauritians once all road projects will be completed. However, there is no public vehicle shall be submitted. This is what he said on Tuesday afternoon at the National Assembly to question of the MP MMM Raffick Sorefan on the toll road project, which will be in the form of PPP (public private partnership).
17 Apr 2013,
Michael Sik Yuen Announced the End of Mauritius Shopping Fiesta
The Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA) and the Ministry of Tourism wanted to make it an annual tourist event. But Tourism Minister explained that there will be no response to the first edition held in 2012.
17 Apr 2013,
The Complete Guide to Setting and Negotiating Freelance Rates
It's the most common question I receive from aspiring freelancers of all types: How much should I charge? The question comes packaged in various different guises—whether it is a beginner dipping their toes in the freelancing waters for the first time or someone who has been freelancing for a while but wants to renegotiate their rate with a client.
17 Apr 2013,
Quake Kills 34, Injures 80 in Pakistan, Sources Say
At least 34 people have died and 80 are injured in Pakistan after a powerful earthquake struck near the country's border with Iran, sources tell CNN.
17 Apr 2013,
Bhimla Ramloll Released: “All Sunkai’s Customers Will Get Their Money”
Bail this Tuesday, April 16 after spending 19 days in police custody, Bhimla Ramloll undertakes to repay all its "customers."
17 Apr 2013,
5 Keys to Recruiting the Best of the Best
Great employees are important to any company's success, but especially critical at a start-up. In the tech sector, a great software developer will produce more than 10 mediocre ones--and likely avoid costly missteps in the process.
17 Apr 2013,
Automobile : La Nouvelle Hyundai Santa Fe Dévoilée
IMC a dévoilé cette semaine, à l’hôtel St-Régis au Morne, le dernier de ses SUV de la marque Hyundai : la Santa Fe à sept places. La soirée de lancement a aussi été l’occasion de présenter officiellement le nouveau directeur général des deux filiales automobiles du groupe CFAO à Maurice, en l’occurrence Roddy Sharp, originaire d’Écosse.
17 Apr 2013,
Sunkai Co Ltd: Track Offshore Investments
In the survey of financial scams, the prejudice can be easily mounted to a little over Rs 1 billion, the Central CID investigators say more and more convinced that the track should lead to offshore funds collected hundreds customers.
17 Apr 2013,
Other wife found on Facebook: 'Friends' on Facebook reveal bigamous relationship
In a bizarre story involving Facebook “friends,” a Washington man has been charged with bigamy after the social media site revealed he had married two women.
16 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Mmm! Taste of beer triggers good feelings in the brain
The taste of beer, without its alcoholic effects, may be enough to trigger the release of the pleasure chemical dopamine in the brain, a study finds.
16 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Evasion Fiscale : le Fisc Enquête sur des Avocats et Avoués
La Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) vient d’ouvrir une enquête sur plusieurs avocats et avoués qu’elle soupçonne d’évasion fiscale depuis quelques années. Si bien que, selon nos informations, le fisc se retrouve avec un important manque à gagner alors que cet argent devrait se retrouver dans les caisses de l’État pour contribuer au développement du pays.
16 Apr 2013,
Allégations d’escroquerie : Yajna Ghurburrun sous surveillance policière dans une clinique
Yajna Ghurburrun, fille de l’ancien vice-président de la République, Sir Rabindranath Ghurburrun, ne s’est pas présentée en cour mardi comme elle l’avait déclaré la veille aux enquêteurs de la Criminal Investigation Divison (CID) de Trou-aux-Biches pour son interrogatoire.
16 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Amende de Rs 25 000 pour un pirate informatique
Un habitant de Pamplemousses, âgé de 35 ans, était poursuivi sous une charge de “obstructing operation of computer system”. Il a été trouvé coupable d’avoir piraté le portail Internet du gouvernement en 2005 et a écopé une amende de Rs 25 000 en cour intermédiaire, mardi.
16 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Coupable de relations avec une mineure
Un jeune, habitant la région de Vallée-Pitot a été trouvé coupable de relations sexuelles avec une mineure en cour intermédiaire mardi. Le jeune homme (20 ans) travaillait comme maçon. Il a plaidé coupable en cour. La sentence sera prononcée le 29 avril par le magistrat Vijay Appadoo.
16 Apr 2013, Le Matinal