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Des chefs-d’oeuvre à vos pieds...
Petits chefs-d’œuvre mais grand succès ! Ils sont fabriqués en Inde par des artisans de la région de Patiala en Punjab. Des merveilles qu’on a retrouvées à la l’’Indo International Trade & Cultural Exhibition’ au Freeport à Mer-Rouge.
15 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Belle avec l’aide de Dame Nature
Des produits végétaux pour le visage et le maquillage, cela possible grâce à Nature’s Essence et Coloressence, deux marques proposées par Shazia Baharay depuis octobre 2012. Ils sont importés de l’Inde et disponibles dans le magasin que Shazia gère avec son époux à Curepipe à côté de la basilique Ste-Hélène. Nous l’avons rencontré à l’‘Indo International Trade & Cultural Exhibition’ où elle exposait ses produits de renom international, utilisés par les stars bollywoodiens, pour les faire connaître au grand public afin qu’il puisse en bénéficier lui aussi.
15 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Les plaisirs exotiques de Mystic Masala
Après avoir visité l’immense ‘Indo International Trade and Cultural Exhibition’ (IITCE), les visiteurs ont pu se désaltérer et déjeuner dans le Food Court aménagé pour l’occasion. Le couple Bisnathsing, soutenu par leur fils et leur belle-fille, a eu du pain sur la planche pendant la durée de cette foire car à eux seuls, ils ont géré une foule affamée et assoiffée parmi plus des 80 000 personnes venues à la foire. La tâche était certes ardue mais étant dans le domaine depuis une vingtaine d’années en tant que propriétaires du ‘Mystic Masala’ au Caudan Waterfront, c’est à cœur joie qu’ils …
15 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Anupam Jain : “Toujours donner le meilleur de moi-même”
La troisième édition de l’Indo International Trade & Cultural Exhibition tire bientôt à sa fin au Freeport de Mer-Rouge. Haute en couleur, l’IITCE a permis à des milliers de Mauriciens de faire de bonnes affaires grâce aux produits mis en vente par 180 exposants dont 30 compatriotes. A seulement 29 ans, Anupam Jain est la tête pensante derrière ce gros succès. Tantôt organisateur et animateur, tantôt mannequin et bourré de diplômes, Anupam Jain est de ceux pour qui rien n’est impossible dans la vie. Rencontre.
15 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Video of the Day: Best Fails Of The Week 2 April 2013
15 Apr 2013,
Picture of the Day: First Flight
In this momentous occasion, we see two baby common goldeneye ducks leaving the nest and taking to the air for their first ever flight. The expressions on their face are priceless! What an amazing event to witness :)
15 Apr 2013,
Imelda: Alert 4 for Rodrigues
Rodrigues undergoes extreme cyclonic conditions with Imelda presence in the region. For 15 hours, Monday, April 15, the island went on alert 4.
15 Apr 2013,
Platform for Cooperation Between Mauritius and Monaco
This is the 43rd time that Mauritius signed an agreement to avoid double taxation. To the Minister of Finance, Xavier-Luc Duval, this agreement with the Principality of Monaco will increase the visibility of the island as a financial center in Europe.
15 Apr 2013,
New Partnership Between SAP and SIL
SAP recently raised SIL to a higher level of Partnership Mauritius and sub-Saharan Africa. Both companies are leaders in their respective industries - locally and globally for SIL for SAP - have marked this partnership together Wednesday, April 10 at the Hilton Resort & Spa in Flic-en-Flac, with an official ceremony and a demonstration of SAP mobile solutions.
15 Apr 2013,
The Biggest Threat To China's Economy
On Tuesday, Fitch Ratings downgraded China’s long-term local currency debt one notch, from AA- to A+. The primary reason for the move was the country’s too-rapid expansion of credit, one of the “underlying structural weaknesses” the agency cited in its announcement.
15 Apr 2013,
Deal Firmly with Road Demons
According to the Central Statistics Office, there were 22 258 road accidents on our roads by the end of 2012. Between January and October 2011, there were a total of 19 961 vehicles (motor and non motor) involved in road accidents as compared to 18 360 during the corresponding period of 2010.
15 Apr 2013,
The Ponzi Shaken
Scams, according to the Ponzi scheme, are indeed practiced in Mauritius. The principals of four companies - Whitedot International Consultancy Ltd; Sunkai Ltd., Je T’aime Marketing and Power Masters Entrepreneur Cooperative Credit Union Ltd. - have been offside by the police. This tightrope finance would have eaten thousands of investors.
15 Apr 2013,
Bring Your Own Device: In 2013 There Will Be More Mobile Devices Than People On Earth
Mobile devices will soon outnumber us – is the Matrix far behind? According to projections found in a new Cisco® Visual Networking Index (VNI) Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update. The report projects that by the end of 2013; there will be more mobile-connected devices than there are people on earth. Wow.
15 Apr 2013,
Rodrigues: 7000 Houses Without Electricity, Hundred People in Refuge Centers
The weather has deteriorated significantly in Rodrigues where a cyclone warning class 3 is in force since Monday morning. At noon, 7,000 customers were without electricity, according to the correspondent of Radio Plus Port Mathurin, Jean-François Collet.
15 Apr 2013,
Accident : un Mort à Pont Colville
La route a été une fois de plus meurtrière dimanche, aux petites heures du matin. Une voiture a fait une sortie de route avant de heurter de plein fouet un lampadaire à hauteur du Pont Colville.
15 Apr 2013,
Use Personal Rituals to Make Changes Stick
How many times have you promised to exercise more, or start meditating, or spend less time at the office? To make changes that last, create rituals — highly specific behaviors that you do at the same time every day (or on specific days you select).
15 Apr 2013,
Horse Racing - Day 5 - The Camille L. Nairac Cup: Hot Rocket Resists all Attacks!
The team allet savored his first win in a main event Saturday on the occasion of the 5 th day. His chestnut, Hot Rocket installed bookies favorite, has not cracked was evidence of resistance in the line in which he resisted all attacks. This is a victory that will certainly call others and saw how he shined Saturday can reasonably think that this horse would do well until mile.
15 Apr 2013,
WiFi in Colleges
The Cabinet, which met on Friday, 12 April, took the decision to install wireless terminals in each college. Similarly, a decision was also taken that all secondary schools will be connected to the fiber optic network.
15 Apr 2013,
Imelda: Rodrigues III Alert, No Warning in Mauritius
Imelda tropical cyclone moved away from Mauritius, but came close to Rodrigues where a warning class III is in force since 4:30 Monday morning.
15 Apr 2013,
Plusieurs cultures de piments affectées par l’anthracnose
Actuellement, plusieurs plants de piments sont affectés par l’anthracnose, également appelée chancre. Des taches noires apparaissent sur les piments et ils deviennent secs. “L’anthracnose peut infecter les fruits quel que soit leur état de maturité”, a déclaré Kreepalloo Sunghoon, président de la Small Planters’ Association, au Matinal. Ainsi, l’anthracnose peut s’attaquer au fruit qu’il soit mûr ou vert.
14 Apr 2013, Le Matinal