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Video of the Day: Black and Wite Dance
21 Mar 2013,
Kia Red Cube: Showroom for the Leal Brand No1
The year has only just begun. And Kia, with a 16% increase in sales, ranks as a leader in the automotive market in Mauritius with 199 vehicles sold. It is the first automotive brand with 186 cars sold, continuing the momentum in 2012 when, for the first time in its history, Kia was the head of Mauritius podium with 969 units sold.
21 Mar 2013,
Picture of the Day: The Crane Operator’s View
In this fantastic shot by MildlyReactive we see what a crane operator’s view would be like at night. The photographer is not actually a crane operator, he’s an Urban Explorer or ‘Rooftopper‘ who likes to scale buildings and other objects of significant height for interesting shots like this.
21 Mar 2013,
Now Road Safety Book for Std 3, 4
Road safety awareness should be instilled in people from a very young age and the government is striving to achieve this.
21 Mar 2013,
Air Madagascar: Scheduled Flights Cancelled
Redevelopment domestic flights by Air Madagascar has not helped tourism operators. The standoff between the two parties.
21 Mar 2013,
Distribution Driving Licence Counterpart Extended until March 28
It's confirmed! Distribution Driving Licence Counterpart (DLC), which was to end on Thursday 21 March, has been extended to seven days.
21 Mar 2013,
Cement: Holcim Justify its Rates
"If we were actually above the market price, and if it was really profitable for them, bidders would not have waited for the tender of the STC (State Trading Corporation) to enter the market.
21 Mar 2013,
A Low Intensity Earthquake Recorded In The Area-Mauritius-Reunion Rodrigues
Several centers seismological observation showed Tuesday night, an earthquake measuring 5 on the Richter scale. It occurred 300 kilometers east of Rodrigues, in an area between the Mascarene Islands.
21 Mar 2013,
Burglary To The Service Station Bagatelle By Three Masked Men Armed With Swords
It's the wee hours of the morning that three men wearing balaclavas and armed with swords attacked three employees of the station. Booty of Rs 40,000 was won.
21 Mar 2013,
Performance Management System: Moutia pour un Changement de Mentalité des Fonctionnaires
Intervenant hier au Domaine Les Pailles, à l’ouverture d’une formation sur le Performance Management System et au lancement du guide Performance Management in the Civil Service : Understanding Performance Appraisal Forms and Performance Improvement Plans, le ministre de la Fonction publique et des Réformes administratives a plaidé pour un changement de mentalité de la part des fonctionnaires dans le cadre de la réforme de la Fonction publique.
21 Mar 2013,
Siddharth Sharma, GM Rose-Hill Transport: "Yes, the Light Rail, but beware, Taxis Brown”!
He did not yet 40 years old but he is already facing a major challenge: the transition of the company Rose-Hill Transport in the context of LRT and maintain jobs. Siddharth Sharma, General Manager (GM) of the company Rose-Hill Transport, is still serene.
21 Mar 2013,
Unauthorized Deposits: New Warning from BoM
The Bank of Mauritius yesterday launched a new warning to members of the public who are attracted by individuals, companies or institutions that offer unauthorized deposit plans and are also bound rates of pay more attractive.
21 Mar 2013,
Fisheries Dept Seize Over 1 km of Net
The Ministry of Fisheries has conducted six crackdown operations since the beginning of the year, and, according to the minister of Fisheries Nicolas Von Mally, about 1,227 metres of illegal net were seized.
21 Mar 2013,
Public Sector, PRB: The Exception Report "On Target"
The commission established by the government after the publication of the wage Pay Research Bureau (PRB) for the public and parastatal body is currently finalizing preparations prior to the submission of the report to GM.
21 Mar 2013,
Soornack Case: Defense Submits 21 'Particulars' to the Complainant
Main Case that Nandanee Soornack housed in Supreme Court against the two media groups, La Sentinelle Ltd and the Mauritius Ltd, demanding a ban on publishing any article on his private life and his family has been called pro forma Tuesday, before the Master and Registrar.
21 Mar 2013,
Australian PM Gillard apologises to Australian mothers for forced adoptions
Thousands of unwed women were made to give up their children so that they could be adopted by married couples.
21 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Clonage : la résurrection d'une grenouille disparue
Des chercheurs australiens ont redonné vie à des embryons de grenouilles plates à incubation gastrique, une espèce officiellement éteinte depuis 2001.
21 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
How to Evaluate a Market Strategy
These seven characteristics of market strategies actually generate sales.
21 Mar 2013,
Mauritius' economy 'miracle' not all it seems
Granted, the island country has made good use of the aid it received, but its economic position now is akin to that of Spain.
21 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Horse Racing, Season 2013: MTC Ready for the Challenge
Despite a financial disaster at the end of the 2012 season, the Mauritius Turf Club, through its chairman Gilbert Merven is confident of horseracing back on track.
21 Mar 2013,