Latest news
Picture of the Day: Beautiful Lake Bondhus in Norway
In this incredible photograph, we get a view of the beautiful Lake Bondhus in Norway. In the background you can see the Bondhus Glacier (Bondhusbreen) which is an offshoot of the large Folgefonna glacier, with a length of approximately 4km and a height of 1,100 meters.
20 Mar 2013,
Roadway Terre-Rouge/Verdun: Litigation around "Damage" to Plantations
In Rivalland, Crève-Cœur, fifty farmers complain of damage to their plantations in the work carried out since 2010 on the route Terre-Rouge/Verdun. RDA rejects the accusation and said it had received no formal complaint to this effect.
20 Mar 2013,
Training in the Financial Sector : Agreement Between UTM and GBOT
According to the statement of Kesseven Padachi, director of the School of Accounting, Finance and Economics (SAFE) at the University of Technology Mauritius (UTM), there is a gap between the quality of skills of graduates and employers' expectations in the financial services sector.
20 Mar 2013,
Island of Opportunity: Mauritius Is on the Up
A piece of tropical paradise without the crowds – Mauritius offers a tax-friendly alternative to the Caribbean.
20 Mar 2013,
Where to Invest Money?
Invest their money wisely in order to maximize the return does not come without risk. Indeed, we must juggle between level of risk and return. The market offers different types of investments and investment. While savings accounts and life insurance always attract much, what other investments available? Overview.
20 Mar 2013,
Septuagenarian Reverses a Pedestrian
A resident of Beau Vallon, aged 58, is the intensive care unit of the hospital Jawaharlal Nehru, Rose-Belle.
20 Mar 2013,
Légume : la Pomme d’Amour Affectée par une Bactérie
La pomme d’amour sera de plus en plus rare et chère dans les jours à venir. Kreepallon Sunghoon, planteur dans le Nord, attribue cette situation à la prolifération d’une maladie, le mildiou, qui a largement affecté la récolte.
20 Mar 2013,
Jamel Debbouze lance un appel pour retrouver son chapeau perdu à l'île Maurice
Jamel Debbouze, inquiet, mais pas désespéré. Il ne ménage pas ses efforts pour retrouver son chapeau perdu lors de son spectacle à l'île Maurice. Le trublion y tient beaucoup et pour cause, c’est un cadeau de son père.
20 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Circular Migration: 425 Mauritians were Able to Find Employment in Canada
The figure was disclosed this Tuesday, March 19: 425 Mauritians were able to find employment in Canada since 2011 in the framework of Circular Migration. Most of them work as a welder, painter or driver.
20 Mar 2013,
Taxes: 4 Ways to Get a Form
Many taxpayers complain these days have difficulty to obtain tax forms they have filled manually by 1 st April deadline to get in good standing with the IRS. The Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) reveals four ways to get it.
20 Mar 2013,
Deadly Road: One Death Every Three Days
Sad record: 33 people were killed in road accidents since the beginning of the year against 26 in the same period in 2012.
20 Mar 2013,
Manraj Report on the UoM: Vulnerabilities Identified for Restructuring
The report of the visitor to the University of Mauritius (UOM), Dev Manraj, on the restructuring of the university was made public Tuesday. Dev Manraj identifies weaknesses of the university and provides a list of corrective measures to revitalize the UoM to promote a 'true knowledge hub'.
20 Mar 2013,
Could Sri Lanka Become Asia's Next Casino Hotspot?
Sri Lanka has become one of Asia’s most promising economies in recent times, yet the potential of it’s gambling sector is only starting to gain recognition amongst international operators looking to expand their presence in Asia.
20 Mar 2013,
MPA to Extend Port with Rs 3.5 bn Investment in 3 Years
The Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA) will inject Rs 3.5 billion over a period of three years in a project pertaining to the extension of the new terminal by 800 metres.
20 Mar 2013,
Chagos: the Pressure Increases on the British Government
The pressure is maintained on the British government especially with the 2016 renewal of the lease for the Chagos. Thus, discussions between Washington and London must be initiated by mid-2014.
20 Mar 2013,
Médine Garden Centre : de belles scènes de jardin
Un simple regard posé sur une fleur et voilà une journée remplie de bonheur. Situé à quelques pas du Cascavelle Shopping Mall, Médine Garden Centre vous offre une vraie promenade parmi les plantes. Si vous affectionnez le jardinage comme passion, un détour s’impose ! Car couvre-sol, arbustes, fleurs, plantes d’intérieur, arbres fruitiers, plantes endémiques et gazon y sont proposés pour redonner des couleurs à votre jardin.
19 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
9 Things You Need To Know For Startup Investing
Startup investments can be rewarding both financially and personally. By investing in a startup you are contributing to job creation and capital formation.
19 Mar 2013,
La double casquette de Pritam Joymangul
La débrouillardise caractérise Pritam Joymangul. Il porte deux casquettes en alternance, marchand de fruits et chauffeur de camion.
19 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Louis Joseph Poona : un flic derrière le comptoir
Louis Joseph Poona, un habitant de Camp Créole, à Cascavelle, est le gérant de ‘Le Flic Store’, sorte de supérette qui attire autant par son nom que par la mine joviale du patron.
19 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Christopher Legentil : la réussite par la détermination
On travaille par nécessité, parce qu’il faut bien vivre, se nourrir, se vêtir et pourvoir aux besoins de sa famille. Chaque individu travaille pour une raison quelconque. Et s’il y a des gens qui adorent leur boulot, d’autres sont condamnés à gagner leur pain à la sueur de leur front… Nous avons rencontré un jeune homme qui a posé ses bagages, il y a une semaine, pour travailler à Maurice.
19 Mar 2013, Le Matinal