Latest news
C1 - Arsenal : Wilshere blessé et indisponible trois semaines
L’international anglais d’Arsenal, Jack Wilshere, souffre d’une blessure à une cheville et sera indisponible pendant au maximum trois semaines, a annoncé mardi le manager du club londonien Arsene Wenger.
12 Mar 2013,
Le siège de l'OMC à Genève évacué après une alerte à la bombe
Le siège de l'OMC à Genève évacué après une alerte à la bombe
12 Mar 2013,
Monique Ohsan-Bellepeau: “Rodrigues a un bel avenir”
C’était la fête à Grande Montagne ce mardi 12 mars. Depuis le début de l’après-midi les alentours du terrain de football étaient très animés car cela faisait longtemps que ce village n’avait pas accueilli la fête de l’indépendance.
12 Mar 2013,
PRB: Mohun Aujayeb Retires this Friday , GRA: Penny Hack Contract Not Renewed
Mohun Aujayeb will no longer be the head of the Pay Research Bureau (PRB). He retires this Friday, March 15th; Penny Hack is no longer the vice-president of the Gambling Regulatory Authority (GRA). His contract was not renewed. He was informed of this decision through a letter from the Ministry of Finance.
11 Mar 2013,
Supply Carbutants: Cader Sayed Hossen Reassures
Insurance companies refuse to cover operating refineries with crude oil from Iran. The Mauritian Minister of Commerce is reassuring.
11 Mar 2013,
Three Tips for Saying Yes to No
Saying no is difficult for almost anyone. For some, it's nearly impossible. But sometimes it's crucial to your success. If you find yourself saying yes too often, use these three tips to prepare to say no:
11 Mar 2013,
Insecurity Road: Two New Victims on the Road this Weekend
Two French tourists injured this morning in a collision between a motorcycle and a van in Forbach roundabout
11 Mar 2013,
Video of the Day: Best Fails Of The Week 4 February and the Whole Month (2 videos)
11 Mar 2013,
Picture of the Day: Moon Beam
In this creative shot, photographer Steve Nilsen shines his flashlight towards the moon as a beautiful halo is also seen encircling the moon. This phenomenon is known as a ‘moon ring’ or ‘winter halo’.
11 Mar 2013,
Accident: List of Victims Grows
The black series continues on our roads. A woman aged 83, was fatally hit by a car at the Staircase Saturday. A victim who joins the eight other cases reported since Sunday, March 3.
11 Mar 2013,
Front Commun Contre le Permis à Points: Vers une Contestation en Cour
Un Front commun a vu le jour en marge de l'entrée en vigueur du système de permis à points, prévu pour le 1er avril.
11 Mar 2013,
The Evolution of the Corporate Event
By the time Paula Balzer joined TBA Global as its chief operating officer, she had already made a name for herself in corporate marketing and live events. ” The founder of Red Giant Marketing, Balzer knew her way around the boardrooms at Fortune 100 companies and the entertainment industry.
11 Mar 2013,
3 Paths Toward A More Creative Life
Everyone can learn to be more creative, but to become very creative, I’ve come to believe you need to lead a creative life.
11 Mar 2013,
Plaisance Airport: New Terminal Welcomes First Passengers
The 300 passengers on commercial flights Air Mauritius from London arrived at the new terminal Plaisance Monday. This event marks the start of operations of new airport facilities. (Photo: The unit Air Mautitius greeted by airport firefighters after landing).
11 Mar 2013,
Indian President's Visit Mauritius
The President of India, Pranab Mukherjee, arrives in Mauritius today, Monday, March 11. An official visit as part of the celebration of the 45th anniversary of the Independence of Mauritius. This visit will not be as festive as agreements and records of the first order will probably be addressed.
11 Mar 2013,
Marriott & IKEA Launch a Hotel Brand for Millennials: What Does That Even Mean?
Most hotels are marketed to a specific group: travelers. Not Baby Boomer travelers or Gen X travelers or millennial travelers—but all travelers. But a new hotel brand called Moxy has been specifically “designed to capture the rapidly emerging millennial traveler.”
11 Mar 2013,
Cybercity: Political Pressure for Construction of Road Considered Dangerous
A new road will increase Ebony risk of accidents. This was ruled an engineer of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure in a report last month. The work, however, was launched two weeks ago.
11 Mar 2013,
How to Battle Job Boredom
It's easy to blame your company, your boss, or your colleagues when you feel bored with your job. But it's up to you to turn things around. Here are three ways to stop the boredom:
11 Mar 2013,
Une petite île avec une grande âme
Le pays entonnera lundi et mardi l'air du 'Motherland'. L'hymne national sera repris en chœur dans toutes les écoles ce matin et lors de la célébration officielle des 45 ans de l'Indépendance au stade Anjalay, à Belle-Vue, mardi.
11 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Pranab Mukherjee : “Une solution à l’amiable possible sur le DTAT”
Invité d’honneur aux célébrations de la Fête nationale, Pranab Mukherjee, président de la République de l’Inde, nous livre, dans une interview exclusive, sa vision des relations Inde-Maurice et son souhait de voir se développer davantage les avenues de coopération entre les deux pays. Concernant le traité de non double imposition (DTAT) signé avec l’Inde, le président Mukherjee se veut pragmatique et pense qu’on peut aboutir à un résultat qui sera favorable autant à son pays qu’à Maurice.• Lire l’interview de Pranab Mukherjee
11 Mar 2013, Le Matinal