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Impôts : le ‘E-filing’ gagne les faveurs des contribuables
La Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) a innové concernant la sécurité sur le ‘E-filing’. Premièrement, les contribuables ont eu un identifiant et un mot de passe qu’ils devront utiliser pour pouvoir s’enregistrer aux ‘MRA e-Services’. Une fois enregistrés, les contribuables auront plusieurs facilités. L’identifiant est le Tax Account Number (TAN) du contribuable. Par contre, pour le mot de passe, la MRA a émis un différent ‘pin-mailer’ à tous les contribuables.
25 Feb 2013, Le Matinal
Accident : un mort à La Flora
Un jeune homme, âgé de 23 ans, a trouvé la mort dans un accident de la route à La Flora, lundi après-midi. D’après nos informations, un camion l’a percuté alors qu’il traversait la route.
25 Feb 2013, Le Matinal
Consommation : le basmati 20 % plus cher
Le panier de la ménagère va encore prendre un rude coup dans quelques semaines. En effet, le prix du riz basmati est appelé à augmenter de 20 % sous peu.• Le prix joue les trouble-fête
25 Feb 2013, Le Matinal
Mauritius Income Tax Returns – Year of Assessment 2013
The time has now come to declare your hard earned money to the State, dear employees. By virtue of Section 112 (1) of the Income Tax Act 1995, the due date for the submission of returns of income and payment of tax this year by individuals is the 31st March ...Read full article on Island Crisis: Mauritius Income Tax Returns – Year of Assessment 2013.
25 Feb 2013, Island Crisis
Nissan and Toyota dispute the highest sales numbers, again
Nearly one month ago, you probably came across confusing adverts, du déjà vu in the sales of motor vehicles. Both Nissan and Toyota were claiming for having recorded the highest sales of vehicles for the year 2012 via their respective representatives ABC Motors and Toyota (Mauritius).
25 Feb 2013, Yashvin, pages of my life
Penalty Points: More Than 200 000 DLC Distributed
With the entry into force of allowed points in the coming weeks, the government presented a preliminary assessment on the distribution of Counterpart Driving Licence (DLC).
25 Feb 2013,
5 Ways to Lead a Meeting: Make 30 Decisions in 30 Minutes
Time is our most precious asset, yet many don’t know how to manage or value it. The workplace demands that we multi-task; employees lose focus and become disorganized, making it difficult to make good decisions and build momentum.
25 Feb 2013,
7 Ways to Ensure Your Emails Get Read
Tired of sending out emails and getting no responses back? An email expert shares seven tips to help make sure that your emails get read.
25 Feb 2013,
Meeting New Clients and Contacts Through Networking
The ability to network is one of the most crucial skills any startup entrepreneur can have. How else will you meet the clients and contacts necessary to grow your business?
25 Feb 2013,
Balance Creative Free Time with Structure
It's a well-established principle that people need slack time to work through their ideas. Companies like 3M and Google have given innovation “time off" to their scientists and engineers. But perhaps your company struggles to justify that level of slack, or you aren't confident that your employees would use such time effectively.
25 Feb 2013,
Can't We All Not Get Along? 5 Rules for Healthy Conflict
How to initiate professional conflicts without upsetting your colleagues or getting accused of being a "hater."
25 Feb 2013,
MTPA Nominated for the “Golden Travel”
Under the spotlight after the revocation of its president, Robert Desvaux, the Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA) is one of the nominees for the 2013 edition of "Travel d'Or."
25 Feb 2013,
Grand Bay Hosts 'Tuning Show'
Diamananda Tuning and FA are newcomers in the field events. To mark their arrival in the big leagues, they organize the March 2 and 3 a 'tuning show'. The event will take place in the parking lot of Super U in Grand Baie.
25 Feb 2013,
85th Oscars: The Winners List
Ben Affleck may not have earned recognition from the Academy in the directing category, but his movie "Argo" walked away on Sunday with the best picture Oscar.
25 Feb 2013,
Three Tips for Creating a Realistic Budget
If you have to put together an annual budget for your department, your compensation may depend on your ability to stick to it. Here are three tips for creating a manageable budget:
25 Feb 2013,
Accident : une Agente de la CIA Impliquée
La police de Trou-aux-Biches a ouvert une enquête sur les circonstances entourant un accident de la route survenu samedi impliquant une Américaine, agente de la Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
25 Feb 2013,
How To Talk About Your Biggest Weakness In A Job Interview
You’re in the hot seat and things are going well. You talk about your attributes, skills and strengths with ease. Just when you think it’s pretty much in the bag, the hiring manager asks that dreaded question: What’s your biggest weakness?
25 Feb 2013,
Impôts: lLa MRA Lance son Système E-Filing ce Lundi
La soumission d'impôt individuel est maintenant possible avec le nouveau système, E-Filing. Celui-ci est lancé, ce lundi 25 février, par la Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA).
25 Feb 2013,
New Government Portal Expects 500 Million Clicks per Year
170 websites and 65 online services. It is proposed that the new government portal, . Minister justifies the budget, Rs 50 million for the creation of the portal. " This is the face of the country, " he says.
25 Feb 2013,
Scientists Discover Traces of Lost Mini-Continent in the Indian Ocean
Scientists said Sunday they had found traces of a micro-continent hidden underneath the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius.
25 Feb 2013,