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Etudes supérieures : des milliers de jeunes au Salon de l’OVEC
Des milliers de futurs étudiants se sont donné rendez-vous les 23 et 24 février au Salon annuel de l’Overseas Education Centre (OVEC) au siège de la MCB à Port-Louis.
24 Feb 2013, Le Matinal
Accident : une agente de la CIA impliquée
La police de Trou-aux-Biches a ouvert une enquête sur les circonstances entourant un accident de la route survenu samedi impliquant une Américaine, agente de la Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
24 Feb 2013, Le Matinal
Le PM : “Nul ne peut nous éliminer” (VIDEO)
24 Feb 2013, Le Matinal
Penalty Points: Prison for Any Act of Corruption
A strategy will be put in place to prevent bribery in connection with the introduction of the penalty points. This was announced Ben Buntipilly, Advisor Road Safety Office of the Prime Minister.
24 Feb 2013,
Infrastructure Économique : Métro Léger Objectif 2017
Un budget de Rs 180 M pour la première phase du projet consacrée aux services de conseils, dont la confirmation de l'alignement du corridor Curepipe/Port-Louis
24 Feb 2013,
Légumes : Prix Forts Jusqu'au Mois d'Avril
La pomme d'amour à Rs 90-100 le demi-kilo ; la carotte à pas moins de Rs 60 ; la laitue à Rs 30 l'unité ; le lalo à Rs 40 le demi-kilo ; la margoze à Rs 25 ; le cotomili à Rs 15 la botte...
24 Feb 2013,
Flight to Detriment of Tourist: Taxi Driver Fined Rs 10,000
He was about to fly to the airport Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam in Placentia. But Alain Pierre Sellin, a Swiss tourist, preferred to turn noting that he swindled a sum of Rs 32,000 by a taxi driver.
24 Feb 2013,
Inauguration Of Phase 1 Of The Ring-Road: "Everyone Will Be Housed in the Same Boat" as Navin Ramgoolam
After almost three years of construction, the first phase of Ring-Road was inaugurated on Wednesday afternoon, in the presence of Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam and the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Infrastructure Anil Bachoo before an audience of guests.
24 Feb 2013,
Graduate: Your First Steps to Success
You finally HigherSchool your Certificate (HSC) in his pocket. This long-awaited graduation marks the beginning of another journey LifeOn your professional and personal. At this stage, one gnawing question pléthorede surely your mind about the direction of your career.
24 Feb 2013,
Rivière-du-Rempart : Lifeless body of a Man Found in Roadside
The lifeless body of a 70 year old man was found at a roadside in Rivière-du-Rempart this Saturday, February 23.
24 Feb 2013,
Construction and Real Estate Fair
The first Fair of Construction and Real Estate will be held from February 27 to March 2 Freeport Terre Rouge. This exhibition is dedicated to the players in the industry Building and Public Works.
24 Feb 2013,
Youth Employment Program: To Facilitate Access to Labour Market
As in many countries, although Mauritius made several efforts to the training and education of young people, has not been spared the scourge of unemployment.
24 Feb 2013,
Grand Basin: Park Spiritual Inauguration
The president Kailash Purryag, Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam and other government ministers proceed at the inauguration of the first phase of Somnath Spiritual Park and a Shiv Mandir which was built a shivling (symbol of Shiva ) and 108 other shivlings and the laying of the foundation stone for the second phase of the park spiritual.
24 Feb 2013,
Celebrations March 12: Place the Festivities!
Ceremony punctuated by exciting demonstrations, a popular festival with Indian artists recognized a book fair ... The festivities are promising for the celebration of our 45th anniversary of Independence and the 21st of his accession to the status of Republic.
24 Feb 2013,
The New Website Cannot Cost Rs 50 Million
The new website of the Government of Mauritius ( was launched some days ago and unsurprisingly the Government has succeeded to fool most of you with the sensational Rs 50 million announced cost of the new website. = Rs 50 Million The days of the old 1990s-looking website and ...Read full article on Island Crisis: The New Website Cannot Cost Rs 50 Million.
24 Feb 2013, Island Crisis
Allemagne - 23e journée : Le Bayern fait voler en éclats le Werder
Emmené par un duo Ribéry-Robben des beaux jours, le Bayern Munich a étrillé le Werder Brême (6-1) samedi à l’Allianz Arena, portant à 18 points son avance sur Dortmund qui se déplace dimanche à Mönchengladbach.
24 Feb 2013,
"Marée citoyenne" contre l'austérité et la corruption en Espagne
Des dizaines de milliers d'Espagnols ont défilé samedi dans les grandes villes du pays pour protester contre la politique d'austérité du gouvernement, la privatisation du secteur public et la corruption.
24 Feb 2013,
Météo France : Haruna s’intensifie et se rapproche de la Réunion
Le système dépressionnaire Haruna, formé dans le Canal du Mozambique, a gagné en intensité pour redevenir tempête tropicale. Il se rapproche de l’île Sœur. Haruna se trouvait tôt dimanche matin, à 690 km de la Réunion.
24 Feb 2013,
GML On The Move – Tour de l’île en cinq disciplines : Le nouveau défi de Yan de Maroussem
En septembre dernier, Yan de Maroussem avait relevé le défi de faire le Tour de Maurice en courant. Le 2 mars prochain, l’«ultra» relèvera le challenge d’être le leader d’un nouveau tour de l’île, cette fois-ci en cinq disciplines sportives, soit le kayak, le vélo, la course à pied, le roller et le ski offshore, afin de sensibiliser le public à une cause que tient à cœur GML et sa fondation.
24 Feb 2013,