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Ferguson expects Park to stay on at Man United
CHICAGO (AFP)Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson said he expects South Korean midfielder Park Ji-Sung to sign a contract extension that will keep him with the club for two more years.Speaking at a news conference in Chicago, where United will face Major League Soccer's Chicago Fire in a friendly at Soldier Field on Saturday, Ferguson said Park has been offered a new deal and is certain he will sign."He has been offered a new contract, yes," Ferguson said. "I'm sure he'll sign it. His career at United has been nothing but excellent, a tremendous professional."And I'm sure he'll accept the new …
22 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Cycle race at Beau Plan
CRA World Events, in collaboration with the sponsor Freight and Transit PTY Ltd, will host the FTL cycle challenge at L’aventure du sucre at Beau Plan on Sunday.
22 Jul 2011,
Accidents in brief
A motorcycle procession of the Prime Minister in an accident in Phoenix
22 Jul 2011,
Accident à Calebasses - Il n’a pas survécu à ses blessures.
Le nom de Rajensingh Nurkhoo, 53 ans, Anil pour ceux qui l’ont côtoyé, vient s’ajouter au nombre des victimes de la route.
22 Jul 2011,
La Chine appelle Washington à respecter son "intégrité territoriale"
NUSA DUA, Indonésie (AFP)La Chine a appelé vendredi les Etats-Unis à respecter son "intégrité territoriale", alors que les tensions se sont accrues ces derniers mois dans les eaux disputées de mer de Chine méridionale.Le ministre chinois des Affaires étrangères, Yang Jiechi, a soulevé cette question lors d'une rencontre vendredi sur l'île indonésienne de Bali avec la secrétaire d'Etat américaine Hillary Clinton, selon un porte-parole de la délégation chinoise."Il est important de respecter la souveraineté et l'intégrité territoriale de la Chine", a souligné ce porte-parole du ministère des Affaires étrangères Liu Weiming."Et de respecter les inquiétudes majeures de la Chine concernant …
22 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Liverpool can challenge us warns Rooney
LONDON (AFP)Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney believes a rejuvenated Liverpool can emerge as genuine contenders in this season's Premier League race, according to reports.The England striker, who fired a hat-trick for United this week during their tour of the United States, said that Liverpool's summer transfer activity would leave them better equipped to challenge for the title.Liverpool have spent nearly £50 million in the close season, acquiring midfielders Jordan Henderson and Stewart Downing as well as Scottish playmaker Charlie Adam from Blackpool.With manager Kenny Dalglish also preparing further signings, Rooney thinks that the Reds could emerge as title contenders."I think …
22 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Distribution gratuite de plantes endémiques et médicinales
L’Etat veut plus d’arbres et que les Mauriciens utilisent davantage de plantes médicinales. L’autre priorité va de pair avec la protection de l’environnement. Le ministère de l´Environnement et du Développement durable a lancé récemment une campagne de distribution de plantes endémiques et médicinales et épouse aussi la cause de Mauritius Telecom dans sa politique de recycler des piles et téléphones usagés. Lors d’une cérémonie de distribution de ces plantes à Triolet le jeudi 21 juillet, le ministre de tutelle, Deva Virahsawmy a lancé un appel pour que les Mauriciens utilisent les plantes médicinales et surtout plantent des arbres afin d’embellir …
22 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Belgique: huit partis prêts à tenter de régler une crise sans précédent
BRUXELLES (AFP)Le chef socialiste francophone belge Elio Di Rupo a réussi vendredi à convaincre huit partis de négocier en vue de former un gouvernement et tenter de mettre un terme à une crise d'une durée sans précédent mettant l'unité du pays à rude épreuve.Une fois obtenu cet accord, M. Di Rupo s'est rendu chez le roi Albert II pour lui faire rapport. Le monarque, constatant "la volonté exprimée par une large majorité de résoudre les problèmes institutionnels et socio-économiques auxquels le pays est confronté", a demandé au leader du PS de poursuivre sa mission de "formateur", a indiqué le palais …
22 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Formations gratuites proposées par La Balise Marina
La Balise Marina organise des journées d’inscription, les vendredi 22 (de 10 à 19 heures) et samedi 23 juillet (de 9 heures à midi), à La Maison de La Balise Marina, à Rivière-Noire. Ces deux journées ont pour but d’inciter les habitants de la région à s’inscrire afin de bénéficier de formations gratuites. Les formations À partir d’octobre 2011, des formations dans les secteurs de l’hôtellerie, de la construction, des services du bâtiment et des activités liées à une marina seront proposées aux personnes âgées entre 16 et 40 ans habitant les régions de Grande-Rivière-Noire, Petite-Rivière-Noire et La Preneuse. Des …
22 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Health minister still in hospital
At around 6.30 pm on Thursday, the security at Apollo Bramwell Hospital was busy filtering visitors to a VIP patient in room 602 minister of Health Maya Hanoomanjee. Several high profile visitors to the minister’s room included the President Sir Anerood Jugnauth in the afternoon. He stayed for about one hour and left Apollo Bramwell [...]
22 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Balise Marina holds job oriented trainings
La Balise Marine will hold a two-day registration drive on Friday and Saturday at its seat in Riviere Noire. This is to enable residents of the region to receive free training in sectors such as hotels, construction and activities related to the marina. The training will be open to people aged between 16 and 40 [...]
22 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Baroness Ashton lauds island for fighting piracy
The European Union high representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, expressed her satisfaction following the signature of the Mauritius-European Union Transfer Agreement of Suspected Pirates last week. She recalled that the excellent cooperation between Mauritius and the EU in the fight against piracy has resulted in the signature of the agreement. “I [...]
22 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Cycle race at Beau Plan
CRA World Events, in collaboration with the sponsor Freight and Transit PTY Ltd, will host the FTL cycle challenge at L’aventure du sucre at Beau Plan on Sunday. The cycle race will comprise two circuits – 40 and 70 kilometres. This will start at 8.30 am. The director of FTL, Cedric Lagesse, who is also [...]
22 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Finance mgmt to be extended to Rodrigues
During the debate at the National Assembly on Tuesday, Rodrigues member of parliament (MP), Jean Francisco Francois quizzed the acting minister of Finance and Economic Development, Vasant Bunwaree on the need to bring amendments to legislations related to Rodrigues in order to ensure the smooth implementation of programme-based budgeting. In his reply, Bunwaree said that [...]
22 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Aloe vera has green future
Aloe vera commonly known as the miracle plant, has the potential to become the future agro-industrial crop. This was stated by an officer of the Agricultural Research and Extension Unit. “Some 25 tonnes of aloe vera gel costing around Rs 1 million are currently imported annually. This excludes imports in other forms such as juice, [...]
22 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Air Mauritius posts profit of 10.3 million euros in 2011
Air Mauritius held its annual general meeting of shareholders at the Grand Baie International conference centre on Thursday. The chairman, Kamal Taposeea told the board that they performed as a team despite challenges. He also lauded the national carrier’s performance for the financial year. He said, “The group posted profits of 10.3 million euros compared [...]
22 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Lefranc gets 30 years for murder
Judge Saheeda Peeroo sentenced Andy Le Franc to 30 years of imprisonment at the Assize court on Thursday. He has been found guilty for the murder of Géraldine Ermio, a croupier of casino on December 16, 2008. The accused was on remand since January 5, 2009. Judge Peeroo took note of the fact that the [...]
22 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Innodis Foundation finances
In the context of the food programme for Early Childhood Care and Education Authority (ECCEA) pre-schools, a donation ceremony was organised on Thursday at the seat of Municipality of Quatre Bornes. Several eminent personalities including Dr Vasant Bunwaree, minister of Education and Human Resources and Arianne Oxenham, mayor of the municipality were present for the [...]
22 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Forum bridges generation gap
The Senior Citizens Council operating under the aegis of the ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Reform Institutions held an Intergenerational meeting between its members and students of different colleges on the occasion of its Silver Jubilee on Thursday at the Rabindranath Tagore Institute. Present on this occasion, the minister of Social Security, National [...]
22 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Boney Kapoor & Sahara to co-produce films
Producer Boney Kapoor who has joined the Sahara group of companies as a member of their board of directors will now join hands with Sahara to co-produce films. Says Boney, "I haven't just joined Sahara as a director but I also head their entire entertainment branch. All the television and film entertainment will be monitored by me. So yes, I'll be co-producing all my own films with Sahara." Also, on the anvil is a film featuring Boney's lovely wife Sridevi who makes her comeback into acting with Gauri Shinde's English Vinglish. Boney has his own dream project for his wife …
22 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?