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Preventive measures taken to curb fire in sugarcane fields
Three cases of fire were reported in sugarcane fields between July 2009 and July 14, 2011. The police have been conducting awareness programmes for small and medium sugarcaneplanters. They are also being sensitised on how to keep a neighbourhood watch. This information was provided by Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam in reply to a question [...]
20 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Unions oppose alcohol test
The common front of trade unions for transport, in collaboration with the taxi proprietors union will meet on Thursday to decide on their protest against the government’s breathalyser test. Rafick Bahadoor, president of the taxi proprietors union said that they delayed their protest by 15 days to find a better solution along with the different [...]
20 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Delinquency kept under control in Rodrigues
During the debate at the National Assembly on Tuesday, MP Jean Francisco Francois from Rodrigues sought information on the number of reported cases of juvenile delinquency over the last five years in Rodrigues. He also wanted to know if setting up a branch of the Brigade des Mineurs is being considered and if regular awareness [...]
20 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Dette américaine: Obama parle de "progrès" et salue un nouveau plan du Sénat
WASHINGTON (AFP) Le président américain Barack Obama a jugé "conforme à (son) approche" sur le relèvement du plafond de la dette un nouveau plan du Sénat présenté mardi, et estimé que "des progrès" avaient été effectués dans les négociations avec ses adversaires républicains."Des progrès ont été effectués dans certaines des discussions", a dit M. Obama en notant toutefois quil "ne reste plus beaucoup de temps" avant la date butoir du 2 août pour éviter un défaut de paiement.Devant la perspective dun accord proche, la Bourse de New York a signé mardi sa meilleure progression de lannée: le Dow Jones a …
20 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
34,520 euros spent on tourism sector strategy plan
According to the minister of Tourism and Leisure, Nando Bodha, a total amount of Rs 1,324,580 (34,520 euros) had been disbursed in relation to the preparation of the Mauritius Sector Strategy Plan on Tourism 2009-2015. This was set up in collaboration with the European Union. He was answering a question by the second member for [...]
20 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Man pleads guilty to murder of casino croupier
The murder trial of Géraldine Ermio was heard at the Assize court on Tuesday in front of judge Saheeda Peeroo. The suspect, Andy Lefranc, a 30-year-old mason residing at Tranquebar was accused of assaulting the 30-year-old Ermio with a knife. The atter was a cashier in a gaming house. The murder took place between 9.30 [...]
20 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Singapore delegation to discuss water problems
A Singaporean delegation will be in Mauritius next week to discuss water management in the country. This information was given by a senior officer of the Central Water Authority (CWA). Work sessions will be scheduled with the various stakeholders including the CWA, the Irrigation Authority and the Waste Water Management Authority. The delegation will examine [...]
20 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Agriculture: le pulvérisateur à piston arrive à Maurice
Blychem Ltd, société du groupe IBL a présenté son nouveau produit, le CP 18, un pulvérisateur à piston, destiné aux professionnels du secteur agricole. Cela s’est passé le mardi 19 juillet lors d’un point de presse au Clos St Louis, Domaine Les Pailles. Blychem Ltd est spécialisée dans les systèmes de pulvérisation pour l’agro-industrie. Le CP 18 est le dernier né de la gamme Cooper Pegler. Ce pulvérisateur à piston possède de nombreux atouts : robuste, pulvérisation de qualité et durée de vie de 20 ans comme tous ses prédécesseurs de la gamme Cooper Pegler. ʺLe CP 18 est un …
20 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
SIC, casinos to sign agreement
The government has decided that the State Investment Corporation(SIC) will request for a proposal for a strategic partnership with casinos. This was announced by the acting minister of Finance and Economic Development, Vasant Bunwaree. He said that the decision was keeping in view the global forces and other circumstances that are leading to unsustainable losses [...]
20 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Police promotion list includes women staff
Opposition MP Satish Boolell quizzed the Prime Minister on the number of vacancies at the gazetted office level for women in the police force. He also wanted to know whether the disciplined forces service commission (DFSC) will fill the existing posts. Ramgoolam referred to the term used by MP Boolell, namely ‘gazetted office level’ and [...]
20 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Tour de France: incursion italienne pour la 17e étape
GAP (AFP)Le Tour sort de France, mercredi, dans la seconde moitié de la 17e étape qui arrive dans la cité italienne de Pinerolo au terme d'un parcours de 179 kilomètres.Pour rejoindre le pays voisin, la course grimpe jusqu'au col-frontière de Montgenèvre (2e catégorie, Km 96,5). Une courte descente mène ensuite à la montée de Sestrière, à plus de 2000 mètres d'altitude (1re catégorie).Il reste alors une très longue descente vers Villar Perosa, la résidence d'été de la famille Agnelli, pour un final nerveux sur des routes empruntées par le Giro en 2009, lorsque la course rose avait franchi la côte …
20 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Murdoch's wife leaps into global spotlight
SHANGHAI (AFP)Wendi Deng, who has emerged as an unlikely heroine after leaping to defend her 80-year-old husband Rupert Murdoch from a pie-wielding protester, has a reputation for fierce loyalty and ambition.Her full-blooded swing at her husband's assailant during a British parliamentary hearing on the News of the World phone hacking scandal has catapulted the former volleyball player into the global spotlight.But even before that, the Chinese-born American was known as a formidable operator at the heart of one of the world's most powerful families.Although she holds no formal role in the company, Deng remains a constant presence at her husband's …
20 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Sao Paulo throw in towel on Tevez deal
SAO PAULO (AFP)Brazilian side Corinthians have admitted defeat in their attempt to sign Argentinian star Carlos Tevez from Manchester City.City manager Roberto Mancini had said on Monday that the English Premier League club had agreed to a deal but the Brazilians contradicted him and then said Tuesday that time had run out with the transfer window in Brazil for players coming in from abroad closing Wednesday night.The Brazilian side's initial offer for the 27-year-old striker was reportedly worth 40 million euros ($63.57m) but there has been much debate between the two clubs on how the fee would be structured.In a …
20 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Katrina Kaif apologises for her remarks on Rahul Gandhi
Katrina Kaif finds herself in yet another controversy following her remarks about Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi. When she was asked about her Nationality, Katrina replied that she wasn't ashamed to be half Indian and half Brit. She further said even Rahul Gandhi is half Indian half Italian. These remarks have not gone down too well with Congress members who are fuming at how the actress could make such statements. However, the actress has now apologised and said that the statement was blown out of proportion by the media and made in a completely different context by her. She has …
20 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Katrina Kaif to do item number in Bodyguard
In Ready, it was Zarine Khan who heated up the screens with her scintillating performance in 'Character Dheela' along with Salman Khan. And now for his next film Bodyguard, Salman's former flame Katrina Kaif will be heating up the scene. Bollywood Hungama has learnt that the Katrina won't just be doing an ordinary cameo in Bodyguard. Instead, Kaif is all set to sizzle in a grand item number that will play during the opening credits of the film. It is said that Salman was so impressed with success of 'Sheila Ki Jawaani', that he requested Katrina to be a part …
19 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Emirati faces punishment for back-heel penalty
DUBAI (AFP)A United Arab Emirates footballer may be punished for a back-heel penalty kick made when his team was already 6-2 up in a friendly against Lebanon, The National newspaper reported on Tuesday.Clips on video-sharing site YouTube that have notched up hundreds of thousands of views show Theyab Awana jogging towards the ball in Sunday's match, but spinning to face away from the goal at the last minute and scoring with a backwards kick."This should not have happened," the Abu Dhabi-based The National daily quoted team manager Ismail Rashed as saying. "I think what happened is disrespectful."We cannot accept anyone …
19 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Grèce: lourdes peines de prison dans le procès des anarchistes des Cellules de feu
ATHENES (AFP)Deux jeunes Grecs de 23 ans, principaux accusés du procès du groupe extrémiste anarchiste grec Conspiration des cellules de feu, ont été condamnés mardi à 37 ans de prison chacun, après avoir été reconnus coupables de "participation à un groupe terroriste".Connu surtout pour lenvoi de colis piégés à des ambassades étrangères et des dirigeants européens qui avait mis en alerte toute lEurope en novembre 2010, ce groupe a signé de nombreux attentats en Grèce depuis son apparition en 2008 entraînant dimportants dégâts matériels mais jamais de tués.Après plus de six mois daudience, le tribunal dexception formé de trois juges …
19 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
La "Voecklermania" est aussi médiatique sur le Tour de France
GAP (AFP)Si Thomas Voeckler a retrouvé en même temps que son maillot jaune la ferveur du public, le coureur et son équipe Europcar doivent également composer avec les envahissantes sollicitations de médias du monde entier.Depuis samedi, et son ascension du plateau de Beille avec les meilleurs grimpeurs du monde qui lui a permis de conserver son maillot jaune, les journalistes de la planète se sont penchés sur le "cas Thomas Voeckler"."Là, ils se sont dit +Ce n'est pas du hasard, il se passe quelque chose+. Pour les médias étrangers, c'est nouveau. Certains journalistes présents depuis quinze ans n'étaient jamais venus …
19 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Réprimée pendant 42 ans, la culture berbère explose dans l'ouest libyen
YEFREN (Libye) (AFP)"Azoul (bonjour). Je vais vous apprendre la langue de vos grands-parents". Cest avec ces mots que Sara Aboud a donné son premier cours de berbère aux enfants de Yefren. Des mots qui envoyaient en prison du temps où Mouammar Kadhafi régnait dans les montagnes de louest libyen et qui aujourdhui veulent dire liberté.Depuis que les villages berbères du Djebel Nefoussa se sont libérés du joug de Mouammar Kadhafi, leur culture explose: radio, journaux, associations, musées, chansons, cours de langue amazigh.Partout sur les murs, ces dessins géométriques colorés et ce signe symbolisant les amazighs, comme sappellent les berbères dans …
19 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Tour de France : le directeur de course "pas inquiet pour la météo"
GAP (France) (AFP)Le directeur de course du Tour de France, Jean-François Pescheux, a déclaré mardi "ne pas être inquiet" pour les conditions météo qui pourraient compliquer les étapes alpestres du Tour de France."Pour l'instant, on attend. On décidera au jour le jour", a précisé à l'AFP le directeur de course au départ de Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux."Ce qui peut poser problème, ce sont des chutes de neige qui rendraient le parcours impraticable. Mais toutes les dispositions seront prises à ce moment-là. On ne va pas tirer de plans sur la comète à l'avance. On décidera au bon moment, en fonction des conditions de …
19 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?