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Boodhoo to fight own case
The Supreme Court will, on July 7, hear Harish Boodhoo’s appeal. This appeal is against a ruling by district court magistrate Priscilla Veerabudrun, who found the former politician guilty of failing to put an end to a public gathering at Port Louis on April 20, 2009. The demonstration constituted a breach of sections 5 and [...]
04 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
PMSD reiterates support to gay rights
The Parti Mauricien Social Democrate (PMSD) is in favour of a national debate on homosexuality. The party members criticised the Opposition members as being hypocritical. Speaking at a press conference held at St George Hotel in Port Louis on Saturday, the spokesman of the party, Lindsay Morvan, raised the question of equal rights for everyone. [...]
04 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
MMM highlights strained relations between PTr, MSM
Paul Bérenger, leader of the Mouvement Militant Mauricien (MMM), highlighted the strained relations between the Labour Party (PTr) and the Mouvement socialiste militant (MSM) members. He made these comments at his weekly press conference in Port Louis on July 2. He said that every week there are disagreements and verbal confrontations between the two parties, [...]
04 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Tunisie: Ben Ali de nouveau jugé par contumace
TUNIS (AFP)Lex président tunisien Ben Ali est jugé par contumace lundi à Tunis dans une affaire de détention darmes, de stupéfiants et de pièces archéologiques, un procès formel dont le verdict devrait être connu dans la journée, à moins dun nouveau report.Lun des deux avocats commis doffice (sur quatre, deux se sont retirés), Hosni Béji, a dores et déjà annoncé quil demanderait le report du procès pour mieux préparer la défense de son client. Mais cette demande a peu de chance dêtre accordée, selon des sources judiciaires."On ne va pas se laisser faire, on va défendre notre client commme il …
04 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Delhi Belly banned in Nepal
Just two years ago, Akshay Kumar starrer Chandni Chowk To China was banned in Nepal when it released. And now, just two days post its release, Aamir Khan's Delhi Belly, which stars Imran Khan, Vir Das and Kunaal Roy Kapur has been banned in the Himalayan kingdom. This ban ruling comes after the Nepal Censor Board recommended approximately five dialogue cuts in the film. However, due to non-compliance of the directive by cinema halls, which were screening the film sans the cuts, the board has decided to ban the film altogether.
04 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Attention shifts to Strauss-Kahn's accuser
NEW YORK (AFP)The paper said the man was one of several individuals who made multiple cash deposits totaling around $100,000 into the woman's bank account over the last two years.Strauss-Kahn's black Mercedes sedan made several attempts to duck away from reporters on Saturday as the couple took in New York.An older couple later visited the townhouse, carrying bags that seemed to be filled with groceries. Both had dined with the Strauss-Kahns the night before at an Italian restaurant on the Upper East Side, running a tab of around $600. It was a stunning reversal of fortune for a man who …
04 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Aamir's Khan threw impulsive bash to celebrate Delhi Belly's success
Aamir Khan broke free of his three years of no drinking rule on Friday night ...actually Saturday morning, when he threw an unscheduled impromptu party for the spectacular opening of his production Delhi Belly at his residence in Bandra. Yes, Aamir can be unrehearsed and spontaneous too, if he wants. He proved it on Friday night with his impulsive decision to have a party and an even more impulsive decision to drink after staying away from alcohol for three years. Says an invitee at the party, "Yes, Aamir suddenly decided to host a party for all the cast and crew …
04 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Salvia divinorum – une plante aux effets psychotropes extremement puissants
Suite aux nombreux abus liés à la consommation de cette plante jusqu’ici parfaitement légale, de plus en plus de pays commencent à en interdire la consommation. Un couple décide de... Read more »
04 Jul 2011, KotZot
Recensement 2011
350 000 foyers à Maurice, Rodrigues, Agaléga/St-Brandon touchés par l’exercice socio-économique le plus important se déroulant tous les dix ans Ce soir à minuit, la caméra virtuelle du Bureau central... Read more »
03 Jul 2011, KotZot
Sonu Sood to be the brand ambassador of Vicks?
Sonu Sood, is one dude who can truly be called as the proverbial 'lambi race ka ghoda'. Be it his impressive debut in Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh or his spine chilling villain in Dabangg or his cop's role in the flavour of the season Bbuddah...Hoga Terra Baap, Sonu has indeed come a long way. It took a smash hit like Dabangg for the producers and directors who don't even mind coughing astronomical moolah to sign for their film. Talking of cough, according to Bollywood Hungama's ever reliable sources, Sonu Sood has been chosen to be the brand ambassador of Vicks. The …
03 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Crime a Paris – L’ancien maire de Beau-Bassin Siddick Ameerally retrouvé mort.
“Je suis encore sous le choc. L’annonce de son décès a été un coup très dur. Je n’arrive toujours pas à y croire”, confie Noorani Ameerally, le frère cadet de... Read more »
03 Jul 2011, KotZot
Live Chat: Vir Das on July 5 at 1600 hrs IST
After impressing one and all with his performance in last year's Badmaash Company, funny man Vir Das is back with the laugh-riot Delhi Belly. The actor's comic timing in the film has become the talk of the town and Vir is but obviously elated with the response and feedback coming his way. Bollywood Hungama gives you a chance to have a live video chat with Vir Das on Tuesday, July 5, at 1600 hrs IST. Don't miss!
03 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Hrithik, Katrina, Abhay, Farhan & Kalki to go on road trip from Mumbai to Delhi
The heavyweight starcast of Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara are truly living upto the concept of their film by doing the unthinkable! When stars like Hrithik, Farhan, Abhay, Katrina and Kalki decide to go on an adventure road trip from Mumbai to Delhi, it shows that they surely want to live it up and 'let themselves go'. The entire cast Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara will be going on an adventure road trip from Delhi to Mumbai to promote their film, while driving through India stopping at various cities en route, with the journey starting on July 7 from Bandra (Mumbai) and …
03 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Egypte: le gouvernement confirme la dissolution des conseils municipaux
LE CAIRE (AFP)Le gouvernement égyptien a confirmé dimanche une décision de justice de dissoudre tous les conseils municipaux au motif quils sont dominés de manière écrasante par des élus proches de lancien pouvoir du président Hosni Moubarak, ont annoncé les médias dEtat."Le gouvernement a décidé dentériner la décision de justice de dissoudre les conseils municipaux", selon un bandeau diffusé par la télévision.La Cour suprême administrative du Caire avait décidé le 28 juin de dissoudre ces conseils à la suite de plaintes concernant la mainmise du parti national démocrate (PND) de M. Moubarak, aujourdhui dissous.Les résultats de lélection de ces conseils …
03 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Le Serbe Novak Djokovic remporte son premier Wimbledon, contre Nadal
LONDRES (AFP)Le Serbe Novak Djokovic a remporté son premier Wimbledon en battant l'Espagnol Rafael Nadal, tenant du titre, en quatre sets 6-4, 6-1, 1-6, 6-3, dimanche en finale.Avec cette troisième victoire en Grand Chelem, Djokovic, qui était assuré depuis deux jours de ravir la place de N.1 mondial à Nadal au prochain classement lundi, confirme qu'il est bien le meilleur joueur du moment.C'est l'accomplissement d'un rêve pour le Serbe qui s'est mis au tennis à l'âge de quatre ans après avoir suivi le tournoi londonien à la télévision.C'est aussi un événement de taille dans l'histoire du tennis puisque Djokovic brise …
03 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Turkmenistan president 'sings own birthday song'
ASHGABAT (AFP)The president of isolated Turkmenistan marked his birthday by singing on national television a love song whose music and words he had penned himself.Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov serenaded Turkmen viewers with the love song "For You, My White Flowers" on a special television show late Saturday celebrating his 54th birthday.Berdymukhamedov was shown in casual clothes, wearing grey slacks, a shirt and green pullover, singing the song to the accompaniment of a guitar which he also played.The song was also shown on a giant screen to a concert attended by 3,500 people in Ashgabat, with the audience standing and applauding …
03 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
TGV Lyon-Turin: chantier pris d'assaut au Val de Suse, nombreux blessés légers
CHIOMONTE (Italie) (AFP)Au moins trente policiers, deux manifestants et un ouvrier ont été légèrement blessés dans lassaut lancé dimanche par des opposants à un chantier du tunnel de la ligne à grande vitesse Lyon-Turin dans le Val de Suse (nord de lItalie), a-t-on appris de sources policières.Des échauffourées se poursuivaient entre les manifestants et les très nombreuses forces de police déployées.Cocktails Molotov, blocs de pierre, bouteilles remplies dammoniaque étaient lancés sur les forces de lordre qui répliquaient avec des coktails molotovs et des jets deau.Cinq manifestants ont été arrêtés. La police a dénoncé la présence de quelque 2.000 militants dextrême …
03 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Matildas beat E. Guinea 3-2 in Womens World Cup
BOCHUM, Germany (AFP)Australia kept their World Cup dream alive with goals from Leena Khamis, Emily Van Egmond and Lisa De Vanna giving them a hard-fought 3-2 Group D win over Equatorial Guinea.A double from captain Anoniman could not lift the African side who crash out of the tournament after losing 1-0 to Norway in their opener.After losing their opening game 1-0 to Brazil, the Matildas needed a win to keep in the running for their second consecutive quarter-finals.With three points from two games they will have to wait until the final game against Norway on Wednesday to book their quarter-final …
03 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Les sanctions occidentales commencent à faire sentir leurs effets sur l'Iran
TEHERAN (AFP)Vente de pétrole plus compliquée, circuits financiers et commerciaux perturbés, investissements étrangers incertains: le renforcement il y a un an des sanctions internationales contre lIran commence à faire sentir ses effets, constatent les milieux économiques à Téhéran.Cible principale des sanctions avec le secteur bancaire, lindustrie pétrolière qui rapporte à lIran 80% de ses recettes en devises accuse le coup de lembargo sévère décrété en juillet 2010 contre lIran par les Etats-Unis et lUnion européenne, rapidement suivis par la plupart des pays industrialisés.LInde, deuxième client de lIran auquel elle achète quelque 12 milliards de dollars de pétrole par an -20% …
03 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Monaco royal couple host brunch before S.Africa trip
MONACO (AFP)Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene of Monaco, the world's newest royal couple, hosted guests for a private marriage brunch on Sunday a day after their church wedding, the royal family said.The brunch in the private gardens of the tiny principality's royal palace was prepared by French chef Alain Ducasse, creator of the main wedding feast, along with Joel Robuchon and palace chef Christian Garcia.The royal couple were due to fly on Tuesday to Charlene's home country South Africa, where the prince was due to attend a meeting of the International Olympic Committee of which he is a member.The …
03 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?