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Copa America: le Chili bat le Mexique et prend la tête
SAN JUAN (Argentine) (AFP)Le Chili a pris la tête du groupe C de la Copa America en battant le Mexique (2-1), lundi soir à San Juan, après le nul entre l'Uruguay et le Pérou (1-1) dans l'après-midi.Il s'agit de la deuxième victoire seulement en six matches du tournoi (après le 1-0 de la Colombie contre le Costa Rica dans le groupe A).Le Mexique, avec un groupe composé majoritairement de joueurs de moins de 22 ans (que huit ont incorporé après avoir remplacé des joueurs exclus pour raisons disciplinaires), avait pourtant ouvert la marque d'une tête lobée signée Araujo (41e).Mais le …
05 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Affaire DSK: la journaliste Tristan Banon dépose plainte à Paris
PARIS (AFP) La journaliste Tristane Banon après avoir tergiversé, va déposer plainte mardi contre Dominique Strauss-Kahn pour tentative de viol, une annonce faite par son avocat au moment où semblent se dégonfler à New York les accusations dune femme de chambre du Sofitel. Jugeant que la démarche de Tristane Banon intervient "opportunément" alors que les faits allégués remontent à 2003, les avocats de Dominique Strauss-Kahn ont immédiatement répliqué en annonçant dans un communiqué à lAFP "une plainte en dénonciation calomnieuse contre Mme Banon".Interrogé par lAFPTV, son avocat Me David Koubbi a expliqué que Tristane Banon avait "pris cette décision parce …
05 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Air Mauritius takes off to Shanghai
Passengers were greeted by a Lion Dance Air Mauritius’ first flight to Shanghai left on Monday 4th July 2011 with over 200 passengers on board. After a short transit in Kuala Lumpur, the flight is expected to land at Shanghai International Airport (Pudong) later today. The once weekly flight is operated by an Airbus A330-200, with 24 seats in lie flat business class and 251 seats in economy class. Air Mauritius had the privilege of welcoming His Excellency the President of the Republic and Lady Jugnauth, Honourable Bodha, Minister of Tourism and Leisure and Didier Robert, President du Conseil Régional …
05 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
1.3 km Ring Road project at Pailles, 30% complete
The construction work for the first phase of the Ring Road at Pailles is progressing at a fast pace. According to sources at the Road Development Authority (RDA), around 30 per cent of work is complete.
05 Jul 2011,
Pénurie de voitures de seconde main sur le marché
“D’ici peu, les petits showrooms qui importent des voitures de seconde main devront fermer boutique. Raison évoquée : ils ne peuvent plus concurrencer les grands. Ainsi, les petits importateurs ne peuvent produire une garantie bancaire de Rs 100 000 pour chaque voiture qu’ils importent. C’est sûr qu’ils sont appelés à disparaître. Les gens ont fini par causer une psychose et ne veulent plus de voitures japonaises.” C’est ce qu’a déclaré Zaïd Ameer, président de la ‘Dealers of Imported Vehicles Association’ (DIVA) au Matinal.
05 Jul 2011,
Chileans in command at Copa America as Uruguayans labour
BUENOS AIRES (AFP)After Brazil and Argentina had served up dull fare in their opening matches, the Copa America finally caught fire Monday as Chile came from behind to edge Mexico and take command of Group C, where fancied Uruguay were held by Peru.Four draws in five matches, an average of barely a goal per game and sub-zero temperatures had left fans less than impressed and questioning if they would see anything approaching samba-style football from anybody over the coming month, Brazil included.Chile answered the question emphatically enough - though Arturo Vidal's winner against the Mexicans, a towering header from a …
05 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Defence wants magistrate to step down
On Monday, the defence in the Michaela Harte murder case appealed to the Supreme Court to ask senior magistrate Sheila Bonomally to step down. Bonomally is presiding over the pre-trial hearings at the District Court of Mapou. Acting chief justice Keshore Parsad Matadeen will hear the arguments on July 11 and has asked both parties [...]
05 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Killer roads claim 69 lives from January to May
Some 2,708 accidents were recorded from January till May 2011. This represents an average of 18 accidents per day. Around 53 accidents led to the death of 69 people, including 20 pedestrians. In 2010, 57 pedestrians were killed in a total of 151 road accidents. In fact, on Monday, an elderly woman was hit by [...]
05 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Bharatiya Sangeet Sadan to tour island
A group of Kathak dancers from Bharatiya Sangeet Sadan, New Delhi, will give three performances in Mauritius from July 5 to 7. The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) is sponsoring the 14-member group from the Bharatiya Sangeet Sadan. The Ministry of Arts and Culture is hosting the group under the cultural exchange programme. Each [...]
05 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Training programme designed for high level project managers
Tan Chee Peng, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Business Technovision International Pte Ltd, focuses on the TeamSynthesis training program offered by his company in Mauritius. He also revealed the factors contributing to the success of a project, but said that 70 per cent of projects are failures due to lack of planning. What is the [...]
05 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
China signs marine research agreement
The Mauritius Oceanography Institute (MOI) and the Second Institute of Oceanography, which operates under the State Oceanic Administration of China, will sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) by end of next week. The aim is to further promote cooperation in the field of marine science and technology. Rezah Badal, acting director of the MOI, said, [...]
05 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Jeetoo hospital facelift nears completion
The third phase of the construction work at Jeetoo hospital started on Monday. This was announced by the resident project manager of the hospital, Dhaneswar Soobrah. He said that the intensive care and accident department will be demolished order to make space for the new building. He added that the new hospital will be operational [...]
05 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Milk price up by 10 pc since Dec
The situation of milk on the world market is critical as several producing countries are suffering from weather conditions. This is leading to a scarcity on the market. From December till now, the price of milk has increased by 10 per cent. Local importers are perplexed with the situation and believe that the price of [...]
05 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
CWA to receive 2 water filters next week
The Central Water Authority (CWA) will receive two of the four water filters next week. The filters ordered recently cost about Rs 2.5 million each and their purchase is part of the government’s measures to tackle the falling water level in the reservoirs and aquifers. This was announced by Meghduth Chumroo, the acting chairman of [...]
05 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
CSO report indicates low salary rise in 2010
According to figures released by the Central Statistics Office (CSO), salaries increased by 5 per cent during 2010 and did not change during the start of the year. In the real estate sector, salaries increased by 10 per cent between March 2010 and March 2011, while in the civil service, they rose by 5 per [...]
05 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Sustainable action plan gains momentum
The concept of sustainable development is gathering momentum. The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development has prepared a National ‘Maurice Ile Durable’ Vision focusing on the 5Es, namely energy, environment, employment and economy, education and equity. “The government intends to have a concrete MID policy, a clear 10-year MID strategy and a detailed MID action [...]
05 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
La 4ème édition du Buyers and Sellers Meeting se tient du 13 au 19 juillet prochain à Cape Town en Afrique du sud.
La 4ème édition du Buyers and Sellers Meeting se tient du 13 au 19 juillet prochain à Cape Town en Afrique du sud. L’occasion pour plus d’une trentaine d’exposants mauriciens de rencontrer des clients potentiels. Amedee Darga, président d’entreprise Mauritius, est d’avis que le BSM a permis à Maurice d’augmenter son volume d’exportation vers l’Afrique du [...]
05 Jul 2011, MBC
Une augmentation du prix du lait à prévoir
Situation critique sur le marché mondial en ce qui concerne le lait. Ce produit si indispensable est devenu une denrée rare car des pays producteurs sont affectés par des conditions climatiques défavorables. Les importateurs chez nous sont perplexes face à cette situation. Ils sont unanimes à prévoir une hausse inévitable de prix, qui toutefois ne devrait pas nous affecter pour le moment vu l’appréciation de la roupie ces derniers temps. “Sur le marché mondial, la tendance est à la hausse”, remarque Lawrence Wong, directeur général de ‘La Trobe Ltd’, principal importateur du lait ‘Snowy’ d’Australie. Mais une chose est certaine, …
05 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Vidal heads Chileans past Mexico
SAN JUAN, Argentina (AFP)Chile provided a little of the passion the Copa America had been missing as they fought their way past Mexico 2-1 to go two points clear in Group C, Arturo Vidal bagging the winner with a fine header.Mexico's coach Luis Fernando Tena praised the Chileans after a stylish performance Monday. "They have great players, they are a solid and strong team. They know each other well and this team can go a long way at the Copa."It's a fair result - they were better than us," said Tena.With Peru having held fancied Uruguay to a 1-1 draw …
05 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Les officiers de la prison, de la police, et des pompiers se regroupent sous une plateforme commune.
Les officiers de la prison, de la police, et des pompiers se regroupent sous une plateforme commune. Avec ce front commun des forces disciplinaire, les officiers pourront mieux faire entendre leur voix. L’association réunit la presse pour la 1ere fois demain. L’occasion également pour les membres de lancer une newsletter.
05 Jul 2011, MBC