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Canada to greet William, Kate with pomp, protests
OTTAWA (AFP)Organizers said the Canadian government aimed to construct a schedule that "balances" official events with fun and includes a bit of alone time for the newlyweds.Quebec anti-monarchists, however, have added their own event to the royal itinerary, calling for protests when the couple stops in Quebec City on July 3.A poll released on the eve of their visit showed one-third of Canadians wish to cut ties with the British monarchy.As a member of the Commonwealth, Canada's official head of state is the British monarch, who is represented by a governor general.But in Quebec -- a former French colony conquered …
30 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Italie: divisé, le gouvernement planche sur un nouveau plan d'austérité
MILAN (Italie) (AFP)Fortement divisé, le gouvernement de Silvio Berlusconi planche depuis mardi sur un nouveau plan daustérité de 43 milliards deuros qui devrait être adopté jeudi, sous létroite surveillance des marchés qui ont lItalie dans leur ligne de mire."Jai un plan daustérité sérieux et responsable, qui fera lobjet dun débat sérieux et responsable. Il sagit dun plan fait dans lintérêt de lItalie et des Italiens", a déclaré le ministre de lEconomie et des Finances, Giulio Tremonti, en arrivant à une réunion avec M. Berlusconi et les principaux responsables de la majorité.Ce nouveau tour de vis doit permettre à Rome de …
30 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Birmingham City HK owner in court for money-laundering
HONG KONG (AFP)Birmingham City owner Carson Yeung, a one-time hairdresser turned football tycoon, appeared in court in Hong Kong Thursday charged with money-laundering, a day after being arrested by police.A sombre-looking Yeung, 51, was driven in a police van to the magistrates court, where the judge set bail at HK$7 million ($900,000) for the millionaire supremo of the club relegated from the Premier League last month.He was expected to be released later Thursday after surrendering his passport as required as part of his bail conditions.Police said in a statement that Yeung was arrested on Wednesday after narcotics bureau officers searched …
30 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Tunisie: La reprise du procès Ben Ali compromise par une grève de magistrats
TUNIS (AFP)Une grève de magistrats compromet sérieusement la reprise, prévue jeudi, du procès de lex-président tunisien Ben Ali, déjà condamné par contumace à 35 ans de prison, ont indiqué mercredi des sources judiciaires."Les trois magistrats chargés de laffaire sont déterminés à poursuivre le mouvement demain (jeudi) jusquà ce que le ministère de la Justice réponde à leurs revendications", a déclaré à lAFP une responsable du Syndicat des Magistrats Tunisiens (SMT) qui a requis lanonymat.Un juge, qui a aussi voulu rester anonyme a souligné que la journée de jeudi serait la plus importante pour le mouvement puisque, a-t-il dit "nous attirerons …
30 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mare aux Vacoas output cut by 50 pc
The water level in reservoirs and aquifers is diminishing drastically. In this context, the Central Water Authority (CWA) has decreased water output at Mare aux Vacoas by 50 per cent. This measure has mostly affected the regions of upper and lower Plaines Wilhems. On Wednesday the water level in Mare aux Vacoas was at 33.1 [...]
30 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Sik Yuen urges SMEs to innovate
Michael Sik Yuen, the minister of Business, Enterprise, Commerce and Consumer Protection, inaugurated a small and medium enterprise (SME) fair on Wednesday morning at the Port Louis Waterfront Esplanade. The fair, which will go on for four days, endeavours to improve the access of SMEs to the local and tourist markets. It is also a [...]
30 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Fifteen university students receive Emerginov awards
Fifteen students from the University of Mauritius (UoM) and the University of Technology (UTM) Mauritius, were rewarded at a ceremony held in the presence of Sarat Lallah, chief executive officer (CEO) of Mauritius Telecom, and UTM director Dharmanand Fokeer. The participants were judged on the project ‘Emerginov’ that they had submitted during the Orange expo [...]
30 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Malaysian guru talks on leadership skills
Moi Cok Wah, a talent management leader in South East Asian and Asian countries, is currently in Mauritius. He works for Team Synthesis, a consultancy firm with a presence in Singapore, Malaysia and Mauritius. His personal motto is to ‘help people while making a difference’. The Independent interviewed him to know more. What is talent [...]
30 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
MTPA rides high on water sports to promote tourism
Mauritius plays a key role in the South African Development Community (SADC) region. Keeping this in mind, the island, along with other African countries and Vanilla Islands, is organising certain events. This was stated by the director of the Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA), Dr Karl Mootoosamy, who was speaking at the opening of the [...]
30 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
MRC counsels SMEs on property assets
The Mauritius Research Council (MRC), in partnership with the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), is organising a consultation meeting and a training programme on intellectual property. The four-day training programme will focus on effective management of intellectual property assets by small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Training will begin on July 5 at Ebène. It is [...]
30 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
First Shanghai flight takes off on July 5
The minister of Tourism and Leisure, Nando Bodha, hopes to sell the Indian Ocean and eastern Africa to Chinese tourists in a package including South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana. Bodha believes that this will lead to a new influx of tourists. He added that everything has been done to ensure the success of its new [...]
30 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
New MBC union leader prioritises PRB
The verdict of the Pay Research Bureau (PRB) is Madhvi Bissessur’s primary concern. In an interview with The Independent, the newly elected executive president of the Mauritius Broadcasting Service Staffs Association (MBSSA) of the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) expressed her satisfaction at having the opportunity to discuss and negotiate with the management. What is on [...]
30 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Pravind Rughoo
On Tuesday, Indian Naval Ship Shardul, on a joint surveillance mission with the Mauritius Police Force in the country’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), detected Thai fishing vessel FV Ruang Lap, which was operating in the region of Nazareth Bank. The fishing vessel was detected by the Indian ship about 365 nautical miles north east of [...]
30 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Bunwaree ponders measures to curb rate of student absenteeism
The absenteeism rate in secondary schools has been a major concern for many years and the minister of Education and Human Resources, Dr Vasant Bunwaree is proposing some amendments to the education regulations to tackle this issue. Bunwaree is thinking of the possibility of making it mandatory for School Certificate (SC) and Higher School Certificate [...]
30 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Blues HK owner in money-laundering charges
HONG KONG (AFP)Birmingham City owner Carson Yeung, a one-time hairdresser turned football tycoon, appeared in court Thursday charged with money-laundering offences after his arrest by Hong Kong police.A sombre-looking Yeung, 51, was driven to the magistrates court in a police van and appeared before a judge, who was deciding on bail conditions for the millionaire supremo of the club relegated from the Premier League last month.Yeung was arrested on Wednesday. Hong Kong police said a 51-year-old man had been "charged with five counts of dealing with property known or believed to represent proceeds of an indictable offence".Narcotics Bureau officers had …
30 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Copyrights custodian arrested for violation
The director of Mauritius Society of Authors (MASA), Gérard Louise, who is supposed to protect copy rights, was arrested by the Crime Investigation Division (CID) south on Wednesday. He is accused under article 44 of the Copyrights Act.of making illegal copies of CDs and marketing them. These comprise hot tunes such as Waka Waka and [...]
30 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Bunwaree to sue MITD union leader
Minister of Education and Human Resources Dr Vasant Bunwaree intends to sue Union of Staff of Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD) president Sanjay Raggoo following comments Raggoo made against him on a private radio station. The minister, who was speaking at a press conference on Wednesday, intends to lodge a complaint in court [...]
30 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Les employés du Groupe Harel Frères incités à adopter ‘a healthy lifestyle’
Cyril Mayer et des employés de Harel Frères lors du don de sang La semaine du 13 au 17 juin 2011 a été placée sous le signe de la santé au Groupe Harel Frères. Durant 5 jours, de nombreuses activités sous le thème de ‘Adopting a healthy lifestyle’ ont été proposées aux employés par le Group HR Department pour sensibiliser le plus grand nombre à l’importance de prendre en charge sa santé et l’inviter à faire preuve de générosité en donnant un peu de son sang. Le « top départ » de cette semaine de sensibilisation a été donné lundi …
30 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Grèce: le Parlement va procèder à un dernier vote sur l'austérité
ATHENES (AFP) Le Parlement grec est de nouveau sous le feu des projecteurs, avec un deuxième vote crucial jeudi pour lavenir financier du pays et la zone euro, sur fond de vague daustérité dun bout à lautre de lEurope.Après ladoption dun plan de rigueur draconien mercredi, aussitôt salué par lUE qui craint une contagion de la crise grecque à dautres pays de la zone euro, les députés décident dans le détail jeudi après-midi des mesures déconomies et privatisations à engager en Grèce au cours des quatre ans à venir.La loi propose les moyens de parvenir à réaliser 28 milliards deuros …
30 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Aussie coach regrets missed opportunity
MOENCHENGLADBACH, Germany (AFP)Australian coach Tom Sermanni expressed his regret as his young side narrowly failed to topple footballing superstars Brazil in their women's World Cup opener here.A 57th-minute goal from Brazilian midfielder Rosana ensured all three points for the 2007 runners-up, who were pushed hard by the new-look Australian side in their Group D tie."Against Brazil, one of the best in the world, we were more than able to hold our own," said Sermanni."Brazil sat back in the first half and underestimated our ability."I'm disappointed we had a couple of chances to equalise in the final minutes," added the Scottish …
30 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?