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Grèce: le Parlement va procèder à un dernier vote sur l'austérité
ATHENES (AFP) Le Parlement grec est de nouveau sous le feu des projecteurs, avec un deuxième vote crucial jeudi pour lavenir financier du pays et la zone euro, sur fond de vague daustérité dun bout à lautre de lEurope.Après ladoption dun plan de rigueur draconien mercredi, aussitôt salué par lUE qui craint une contagion de la crise grecque à dautres pays de la zone euro, les députés décident dans le détail jeudi après-midi des mesures déconomies et privatisations à engager en Grèce au cours des quatre ans à venir.La loi propose les moyens de parvenir à réaliser 28 milliards deuros …
30 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Aussie coach regrets missed opportunity
MOENCHENGLADBACH, Germany (AFP)Australian coach Tom Sermanni expressed his regret as his young side narrowly failed to topple footballing superstars Brazil in their women's World Cup opener here.A 57th-minute goal from Brazilian midfielder Rosana ensured all three points for the 2007 runners-up, who were pushed hard by the new-look Australian side in their Group D tie."Against Brazil, one of the best in the world, we were more than able to hold our own," said Sermanni."Brazil sat back in the first half and underestimated our ability."I'm disappointed we had a couple of chances to equalise in the final minutes," added the Scottish …
30 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Ask your questions to Imran Khan
The great William Shakespeare once quoted, 'What's in a name?'. Well, if your name is Imran Khan, then, there is…a lot in a name. After having made an unforgettable debut with the smash hit Jaane Tu… Ya Jaane Na, Imran went onto reach dizzying heights with his stellar performances in film after film. One such stellar performance awaits one and all in Delhi Belly. Continuing the tradition of bridging you with your favourite star, Bollywood Hungama gives you a platform to ask your questions to Imran Khan himself! All you need to do is simply post in your questions in …
30 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Live Chat: Sonal Chauhan on July 1 at 1630 hrs IST
Sonal Chauhan is the superhot actress who made her debut opposite Emraan Hashmi in Jannat. And now, she is all set to take the BO by storm with her forthcoming film Bbuddah...Hoga Terra Baap in which she stars alongwith the legendary Amitabh Bachchan. Bollywood Hungama brings you an exclusive Video Celebrity Chat session with the hot damsel herself on Friday, July 1, at 1630 hrs IST.
30 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Bhairavi Goswami lashes out at Bachchans?
Download image as wallpaper While the whole industry had only good wishes for the Bachchan family, after news of Aishwarya's pregnancy broke out last week, starlet Bhairavi Goswami feels otherwise. The actress, who debuted in Bheja Fry, lashed out at the Bachchans indirectly on popular social networking site Twitter. Bhairavi tweeted, "Nauseating 2 read superstars givg interviews abt wanting a girl baby whn she has gone 2 Bangkok to an IVF clinic which specializes in boy babies. Height of hypocrisy. They knw damn well its a boy, aftr all she has to produce a male heir at any cost - …
30 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Akshay's boys win gold & bronze medals at Malaysian Karate Championship
The sporty side of Akshay Kumar is never too far away from the surface. Even as the Khiladi Kumar struggles to get land allotted for a martial-arts school in Mumbai, the participants of last year's 'Akshay Kumar Karate Tournament' have just returned from an international karate championship with bronze and gold medals. And Akshay, always the sporty star, can't stop grinning about his students' triumph. Said Akshay, "What an absolute pleasure and honour it is. Not only have the winners of my annual Karate Tournament participated in the 12th Milo Malaysian World Championship, they have come home to India proudly …
29 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Wimbledon: troisième demi-finale consécutive pour Andy Murray
LONDRES (AFP)Le Britannique Andy Murray s'est qualifié pour les demi-finales de Wimbledon pour la troisième fois consécutive en battant mercredi l'Espagnol Feliciano Lopez en trois sets 6-3, 6-4, 6-4.Il rencontrera l'autre Espagnol Rafael Nadal (N.1) ou l'Américain Mardy Fish (N.10).Murray n'a eu aucun mal à dominer Lopez, qui a attendu la fin du troisième set pour se créer ses premières balles de break, manquées.Le N.4 mondial a commis peu de fautes (11 contre 23 à son adversaire) et a souvent ajusté le Madrilène lors de ses montées au filet. Il a été efficace au service (13 aces) malgré un pourcentage …
29 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Buying on eBay/Amazon from Mauritius (June 2011)
Here's an updated article about measures being strictly taken into consideration when clearing items out of the Mauritian customs. This article should help you a lot for your online purchases.
29 Jun 2011, Yashvin, pages of my life
David Douillet, un novice en politique, des tatamis au gouvernement
PARIS (AFP)L'ex-judoka David Douillet, 42 ans, nommé mercredi secrétaire d'Etat chargé des Français de l'étranger, est un novice en politique qui caressait tout haut l'envie d'être ministre depuis son arrivée sur les bancs de l'Assemblée comme député UMP des Yvelines en octobre 2009.A peine un mois après avoir remporté la législative partielle de Poissy, il assure tout de go que si Nicolas Sarkozy lui propose le portefeuille des Sports, il accepte. Il se montre ensuite plus réservé, notamment quand son nom ressurgit avec insistance lors du remaniement de l'automne, et se borne alors à répéter qu'il n'a "rien demandé"."Il est …
29 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Syrie: sept civils tués par l'armée dans le nord-ouest
NICOSIE (AFP)Sept civils ont été tués mercredi par larmée syrienne qui a pénétré dans des villages du gouvernorat dIdleb (nord-ouest) pour étouffer toute contestation du régime, a indiqué un militant qui se trouve dans la région.Ils ont été tués "par les tirs de larmée dans les villages dAl-Rami et de Mar-Ayan. Les hommes fuient en masse les villages de crainte dêtre arrêtés", a indiqué ce militant joint au téléphone par lAFP à Nicosie.Larmée a investi mercredi de nouveaux villages de la province dIdleb, avait indiqué plus tôt le président de lObservatoire syrien des droits de lhomme (OSDH), Rami Abdel Rahmane, …
29 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Norway beat Equatorial Guinea in World Cup
AUGSBURG, Germany (AFP)The 1995 champions Norway survived a battle with debutantes Equatorial Guinea in Group D action at the Women's World Cup here on Wednesday, winning thanks to Emelie Haavi's late goal.The back-and-forth encounter saw Norway hit the woodwork on three occasions before Haavi's match winner in the 84th minute.The 2000 Olympic champions Norway have three points in Group D while Equatorial Guinea are empty handed despite a strong showing.Equatorial Guinea's next game is against Australia on July 3 in Bochum while Norway face Brazil in Wolfsburg. Brazil were playing Australia later Wednesday in Moenchengladbach.In front of 12,928 spectators at …
29 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Ajaccio close on Mexico keeper Ochoa: source
AJACCIO, France (AFP)Mexico goalkeeper Guillermo Ochoa will on Friday sign a three-year contract with newly promoted French Ligue 1 side Ajaccio, a source close to the Corsica club revealed on Wednesday.The 26-year-old, who currently represents Mexican outfit Club America, is scheduled to arrive in Ajaccio on Wednesday evening and undergo a medical examination on Thursday.Ochoa has 45 caps and represented his country at the World Cups in 2006 and 2010, but was suspended from playing at the recent CONCACAF Gold Cup -- which Mexico won -- after testing positive for the banned substance clenbuterol.He had been linked with Paris Saint-Germain …
29 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Afghanistan: libération des journalistes de France 3
PARIS (AFP)Les deux journalistes de France 3 Hervé Ghesquière et Stéphane Taponier, qui avaient été enlevés le 30 décembre 2009 en Afghanistan ont été libérés, ce dont le président Nicolas Sarkozy se réjouit, a annoncé mercredi lElysée dans un communiqué."Le président de la République annonce la libération de nos deux compatriotes Stéphane Taponier et Hervé Ghesquière, ainsi que de leur interprète Reza Din", indique le communiqué de la présidence de la République."Le chef de lÉtat sassocie à la joie des familles. Il remercie le président Karzaï pour la gestion de cette crise ainsi que tous ceux qui ont participé à …
29 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Turkey striker Bulut set for Toulouse switch
ISTANBUL (AFP)Turkey striker Umut Bulut is set to join French first division team Toulouse, his Turkish club side Trabzonspor announced on Wednesday.An article on the Trabzonspor website said the two clubs had agreed a transfer fee of 3.8 million euros ($5.47m) but gave no details about the length of Bulut's contract or his salary.Toulouse have reportedly been tracking Bulut since the start of the 2010-11 campaign.The striker, who has made two appearances for his national team, has scored 61 goals in five seasons with Trabzonspor.
29 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Foot: "Je dois gagner pour garder mon poste" déclare le nouveau manageur de Chelsea, Villas-Boas
LONDRES (AFP)Le Portugais Andre Villas-Boas, le plus jeune manageur du Championnat d'Angleterre de football engagé par Roman Abramovich pour remplacer l'Italien Carlo Ancelotti, a admis mercredi à Londres qu'il devra gagner "tout de suite" pour conserver son poste à Chelsea."On me demande de gagner tout de suite avec ce club. C'est la même chose dans n'importe quel grand club, on doit gagner toutes les semaines", a affirmé Andre Villas-Boas au cours de sa première conférence de presse."Il n'y a aucune échappatoire et je serai surpris de conserver mon poste sans victoire. Je dois gagner, c'est ce qu'on attend de moi. …
29 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Olisadebe poised for Poland return
WARSAW (AFP)Nigerian-born former Poland international Emmanuel Olisadebe is poised to return to action in his adopted homeland after a decade playing abroad, Polish media reported on Wednesday.The tabloid Super Express and broadsheet Gazeta Wyborcza said the 32-year-old striker was set to sign for first division Lechia Gdansk and could be in their squad in time for a pre-season friendly on Saturday.Olisadebe arrived in Poland in 1997 and gained fast-track citizenship in 2000 after three seasons with Polonia Warsaw.He made Polish footballing history the same year by becoming the first-ever black international in this nation of 38 million, which has a …
29 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Grèce: les députés en séance, tirs de gaz lacrymogènes devant le parlement
ATHENES (AFP)La police a tiré des gaz lacrymogènes devant le parlement grec mercredi en début daprès-midi pour dégager des manifestants pourtant peu nombreux, alors que les députés sapprêtent à voter un plan daustérité contesté dans la rue grecque et attendu dans toute lEurope.Depuis le matin, lEurope entière a les yeux braqués sur Athènes où les députés sont appelés à voter en faveur dun projet de budget pluri-annuel daustérité, crucial pour la poursuite du soutien financier au pays afin déviter la faillite et ne pas mettre en danger la zone euro.Lheure du vote, initialement prévue à 11H00 GMT, a été repoussée …
29 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Rumours cloud Monaco royal wedding build-up
MONACO (AFP)Lacoste told AFP he had dropped the case when L'Express agreed to withdraw the article, but it was nevertheless still available on the site, unchanged apart from a brief footnote to acknowledge the princely denial.Meanwhile, other media had joined in dropping hints about the supposed secret, and raking over the details of the prince's previous liaisons -- including his siring of illegitimate children with at least two women.The Monaco royal clan has an unlucky matrimonial history.Albert's mother, US film star Grace Kelly -- turned Princess Grace on her marriage to Rainier III -- died in a car crash in …
29 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Australia to play Wales in Cardiff
SYDNEY (AFP)Australia will play Wales in an international friendly match in Cardiff on August 10, Football Federation Australia said on Wednesday.It will be the first official match between Wales and Australia at senior men's international level."The match against Wales will be our final opportunity to prepare before we begin our FIFA World Cup qualification campaign," Socceroos head coach Holger Osieck said."The majority of players will be at the end of their pre-season or at the start of their respective league season, so it will be very important for me to see at what stage they are at when we play …
29 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
'Everything fine' ahead of Monaco wedding
JOHANNESBURG (AFP)South African Olympic swimmer Ryk Neethling told local media Wednesday that "everything is fine" ahead of Charlene Wittstock's marriage to Monaco's Prince Albert II, despite rumours of cold feet.Neethling, a gold medalist friend of Wittstock's who is attending the wedding Friday and Saturday, said he phoned to check on her after South Africa's Times newspaper called him to confirm rumours that she had tried to leave Monaco."I just spoke to her assistant and whatever the story is, it's not true. I'll be very surprised if it's true. I called her and asked if everything is okay, and they said …
29 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?