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Argentine: River Plate relégué en D2 pour la 1re fois de son histoire
BUENOS AIRES (AFP)Le géant du football argentin River Plate a été relégué en deuxième division, pour la première fois de son histoire, après son match nul (1-1) à domicile dimanche contre Belgrano de Cordoba (D2), en match retour des barrages.Cette rélégation inattendue du club mythique sud-américain a fait 68 blessés - dont 25 policiers - et s'est traduite par 50 arrestations et la destruction de 15 voitures de police lors d'échauffourées aux alentours du stade entre des centaines de supporteurs déçus et les forces de l'ordre peu après la fin de la rencontre, a indiqué la police.Quelque 2.200 policiers avaient …
27 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Enième succès pour le Marathon International Orange 2011
Les fortes pluies de samedi n’ont en rien gâché le Marathon International Orange qui s’est déroulé le dimanche 26 juin à Mon Choisy. En effet, nombreux sont ceux qui ont répondu présent à cette 4e édition. Une ambiance festive a prévalu pendant toute la matinée, au grand bonheur des organisateurs qui estiment la participation active à environ 10 000 personnes. Chez les hommes dans la catégorie internationale, la victoire est revenue à John Edon Eldone Kayange du Malawi en 2h23.20s. Paul Ramolefi Motsieola du Lesotho et A. Silvini Mathiya Labu de la Tanzanie occupent pour leur part la deuxième et …
27 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Franc succès pour le Marathon International Orange 2011
Les fortes pluies de samedi n’ont en rien gâché le Marathon International Orange qui s’est déroulé le dimanche 26 juin à Mon Choisy. En effet, nombreux sont ceux qui ont répondu présent à cette 4e édition. Une ambiance festive a prévalu pendant toute la matinée, au grand bonheur des organisateurs qui estiment la participation active à environ 10 000 personnes. Chez les hommes dans la catégorie internationale, la victoire est revenue à John Edon Eldone Kayange du Malawi en 2h23.20s. Paul Ramolefi Motsieola du Lesotho et A. Silvini Mathiya Labu de la Tanzanie occupent pour leur part la deuxième et …
27 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mandat d'arrêt contre Kadhafi: la CPI va annoncer sa décision
LA HAYE (AFP)La Cour pénale internationale (CPI) dit lundi si elle délivre ou non un mandat darrêt contre le colonel Mouammar Kadhafi pour des crimes contre lhumanité commis en Libye depuis la mi-février.La décision des juges sera rendue lors dune audience publique à La Haye, à 13H00 heure locale (11H00 GMT), qui devrait durer une heure environ.Dans une requête déposée le 16 mai, le procureur Luis Moreno-Ocampo avait demandé aux juges de lancer des mandats darrêt contre le colonel Kadhafi, son fils Seif Al-Islam et le chef des services de renseignements libyens Abdallah Al-Senoussi.Les trois hommes sont accusés par le …
27 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Argentine football giants relegated amid violence
BUENOS AIRES (AFP)Legendary Argentine football giants River Plate were relegated from the country's top division for the first time in their 110-year history, amid tears and scenes of violent mayhem.The Buenos Aires team are Argentina's most successful club with 33 championships to their name, and their rivalry with Boca Juniors, based in the same city, is one of the most intense in all sport.But there will be no Superclasicos next season unless the two sides draw each other in a cup competition, after River Plate were held 1-1 at home in the second leg of a promotion-relegation playoff with lowly …
27 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
STC to spend Rs 2 billion on oil storage
The State Trading Corporation (STC) is undertaking a strategic storage plan for petroleum products which will cost Rs 2 billion. Three additional tanks will be built and oil pipelines will be set up in the Port Louis harbour zone over a two-year period. The initial plan includes the construction of two new reservoirs with the [...]
27 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Sino-Mauritian forum focuses on moral values
A debate on the theme, ‘La communauté sino-mauricienne: Hier, aujourd‘hui et demain’ was held at the Heen Foh society hall in Port Louis on Saturday to sensitise the youth on the ancestral values of the Chinese community. Henry Ng Ha Kwong, president of Heen Foh Society said that there are multiples problems in Chinese society [...]
27 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Cardiologist to provide expertise in paediatric care
Around 200 children in Mauritius are born with congenital heart problems every year. This is what Dr Muthu Kumaran Sivaprakasam had to say during a Continual Medical Education programme, organised by Apollo Bramwell hospital, in collaboration with Sanofi Aventis at The Link Hotel, Ebène on Friday. Sivaprakasam is a paediatric cardiologist at Apollo Children’s Hospital [...]
27 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Luxmi Anousha Boodhoo
The fourth edition of the Wellness, Health and Sports Fair was held during the weekend at Swami Vivekananda International Convention Centre, Pailles. The event was organised by Heart Foundation and Edifiel. Minister of Health and Quality of Life Maya Hanoomanjee, who was present on the occasion, highlighted the importance of early disease detection and prevention. [...]
27 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Association promotes use of IT tools to teach Hindi
The Hindi Schools Federation officially launched the use of computers to teach Hindi in baitkas Hindu socio-religious associations during a ceremony held at the city council of Port Louis on June 25. Several teachers from different schools were present at the event. A workshop was also held which allowed teachers to share ideas on the [...]
27 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Small shops struggle for survival amid competition
Supermarkets and hypermarkets may offer many services but the downside is that they are leading to the closure of small shops. Due to competition and declining profit margins, small shops suffer and are eventually forced to shut down. “Our profit margins have declined significantly over the past decade. Since the beginning of the year, trade [...]
27 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Bérenger against review of DTAA
Mauritius should not agree to any renegotiation of the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA). This was stated by Mouvement Militant Mauricien (MMM) leader Paul Bérenger at his weekly press conference at the Link Hotel, Ebène, on Saturday. Bérenger believes that instead Mauritius should reinforce its control over the sector. “The financial secretary of India, Sunil [...]
27 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Situation critical despite downpour
Mare aux Vacoas, the country’s largest reservoir, is still in a critical situation despite the downpour that the island experienced during the weekend. The Central Water Authority (CWA) will maintain water cuts as the reservoir is filled at 33.5 per cent only. At its average rate, Mare aux Vacoas should be filled at 79.1 per [...]
27 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Employers seek ILO in labour ministry dispute
The Mauritius Employers’ Federation (MEF) filed a complaint against the Ministry of Labour at the International Labour Organisation (ILO). This is because the ministry referred the case opposing the Mauritius Sugar Producers Association to unions, which was still at a negotiation stage, to the National Remuneration Board. The MEF took advantage of the presence of [...]
27 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Police save suicidal man near bridge
A man residing in Moka tried to commit suicide at Colville Deverell bridge on Sunday afternoon. The man, who was trying to jump from the bridge, had already stepped over the rail when police officials arrived. The policemen were able to persuade him from committing suicide and rushed him to Brown Sequard Hospital, where he [...]
27 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Top-secret Weisz wedding for Bond star Craig
NEW YORK (AFP)James Bond actor Daniel Craig and Oscar-winning fellow-Brit Rachel Weisz have married after a whirlwind six-month romance, her spokesman said.Craig, 43, and Weisz, 41, tied the knot Wednesday in an ultra-secret New York ceremony. Reports said only four guests were in attendance, two family friends acting as witnesses, Craig's teenage daughter and Weisz's young son.Weisz's publicist Megan Moss confirmed to AFP that the couple had tied the knot.The pair team up in the forthcoming "Dream House", playing a married couple who relocate to a quaint New England town only to discover that their idyllic new home has been …
27 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Côte d'Ivoire: 15 pro-Gbagbo inculpés pour atteinte à l'autorité de l'Etat
ABIDJAN (AFP)Quinze proches de lex-président ivoirien Laurent Gbagbo ont été inculpés et écroués pour atteinte à lautorité de lEtat et crimes économiques, premières inculpations de figures du régime déchu depuis la fin de la meurtrière crise post-électorale.Ces inculpations interviennent alors que la justice internationale accélère aussi le pas, avec larrivée lundi dune mission de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI)."Quinze personnes ont été inculpées et placées sous mandat de dépôt" cette semaine, a déclaré dimanche à lAFP le procureur dAbidjan, Simplice Kouadio Koffi.Parmi elles figurent lancien Premier ministre Gilbert Aké NGbo, lex-ministre des Affaires étrangères Alcide Djédjé et Philippe-Henri Dacoury-Tabley, qui …
26 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Super skipper Sawa wants to lift Japan football
BOCHUM, Germany (AFP)Japan's veteran captain Homare Sawa insisted on Sunday that the time is finally right to bring Japanese football to the next level by winning the Women's World Cup title.The 32-year-old from Tokyo is set to compete in her fifth World Cup when Japan open their campaign against New Zealand in Bochum on Monday.But despite reaching the quarter-finals in 1995, the country's record 166-capped player says her side have often underachieved on the world stage."We didn't get good results in past World Cups (they have gone out in the first round in the past three editions)," said Sawa, after …
26 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Championnat de France - Le titre pour Sylvain Chavanel
BOULOGNE-SUR-MER (Pas-de-Calais) (AFP)Sylvain Chavanel est devenu à près de 32 ans champion de France de cyclisme sur route, dimanche sur le circuit de Boulogne-sur-mer.Le Poitevin de l'équipe Quick Step a devancé d'une quarantaine de secondes Anthony Roux (FDJ) et le tenant du titre, Thomas Voeckler (Europcar).Julien Bérard (AG2R La Mondiale) a pris la quatrième place, à plus de deux minutes, devant son coéquipier Maxime Bouet, au terme des 234,5 kilomètres de la course (15 tours) disputée sous un chaud soleil estival.Chavanel, l'un des tout meilleurs Français depuis plusieurs années, a dû attendre sa douzième saison chez les professionnels pour décrocher …
26 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
France beat Nigeria in women's World Cup football
SINSHEIM, Germany (AFP)France beat Nigeria 1-0 here on Sunday in the opening game of the women's World Cup.The only goal of the game in the Group A clash came from Marie-Laure Delie after 56 minutes
26 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?