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The commodity basket cost about Rs4500 in June
The PO compares the price of each commodity across 22 retail outlets in the country
28 Jun 2011,
News Bulletin – Tuesday 28/06/11
Title: News BulletinChannel: MBC 3Start Time: 18:30Date: 2011-06-28End Time: 18:50
28 Jun 2011, MBC
River Plate appoint Almeyda as new coach
BUENOS AIRES (AFP)Fallen Argentine football giants River Plate have appointed Matias Almeyda to be their new manager with a prime objective of getting the side back into the first division.The famous Buenos Aires outfit were relegated from the country's top division Sunday for the first time in their 110-year history, amid tears and scenes of violence from disgruntled dans."At this important stage, it is worth noting the attitude of Juan Jose Lopez who left his post in a dignified manner and the unanimity behind the appointment of Matias Almeyda," club president Daniel Passarella said in a press statement.The 37-year-old Almeyda …
28 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Samachar – Tuesday 28/06/11
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC 1Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-06-28End Time: 18:25
28 Jun 2011, MBC
A Regional International Labour Organisation Documentation and Research Centre is to be set up in Mauritius
The centre will provide education, training and documentation facilities
28 Jun 2011,
Ron Kaufman, célèbre consultant en service clientèle, séduit et lance la réflexion au sein de Naïade
Former les membres de l’équipe Naïade afin de mieux répondre aux besoins du client, tel est un des objectifs principaux de Naïade. C’est dans cette optique que Ron Kaufman, connu à travers le monde pour son style de coaching unique et une approche dynamique et moderne du service clientèle a été invité par Paul Jones, CEO de Naïade Resorts. Ron Kaufman a réussi le tour de force de dynamiser et fédérer de manière extraordinaire les plus de 2 000 collaborateurs au sein de Naïade à travers trois sessions de formation du dimanche 19 au mardi 21 juin. Ceux des hôtels …
28 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Juventus in talks to sign Honda: report
TOKYO (AFP)Juventus are in talks with CSKA Moscow to acquire Japan's World Cup hero Keisuke Honda as the Italian giants attempt to revamp their squad, a press report said Tuesday.The two clubs have been holding talks "including financial matters" over the 25-year-old midfielder, the Sports Nippon daily said, quoting inside sources.Juventus, who finished a disappointing seventh in the 2010-11 Serie A season, are hoping to use Honda as a "centrepiece player" in the new campaign, the daily said.Honda emerged as Japan's key player at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, where he scored two goals and set up another …
28 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Un piéton fauché par une motocyclette à Plaine Magnien
Deux accidents impliquant des motocyclistes enregistrés hier, dont l’un fatal. A Plaine Magnien, un piéton a été mortellement renversé par une motocyclette. L’accident s’est produit à la mi-journée sur la route principale qui traverse le village. La victime est un homme âgé de 59 ans. Dans la soirée par contre, un van a percuté une motocyclette [...]
28 Jun 2011, MBC
Lagarde assurée sauf surprise de l'emporter au FMI
WASHINGTON (AFP)La ministre française de lEconomie Christine Lagarde paraît assurée, sauf surprise, de prendre la tête du Fonds monétaire international, dont le conseil dadministration se réunit mardi pour examiner les deux candidatures en lice.Si tout se déroule comme prévu, les 24 membres de cette instance devraient faire dès ce mardi leur choix entre Mme Lagarde, 55 ans, et le Mexicain Agustin Carstens, 53 ans. Ils comptent parvenir à un accord au plus tard jeudi.Le FMI, qui avait promis de décider "de façon ouverte", na pas laissé filtrer grand-chose. Interrogée sur lheure de la réunion de mardi, une porte-parole du FMI …
28 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Israël satisfait des efforts limitant la 2eme flottille pour Gaza
JERUSALEM (AFP) Le ministre israélien des Affaires étrangères Avigdor Lieberman sest félicité mardi du succès des efforts diplomatiques et politiques dIsraël visant à limiter limportance de la seconde flottille humanitaire internationale en partance vers Gaza."Nos ambassadeurs et nos diplomates ont mené des centaines de discussions, et en fin de compte le nombre de navires et de passagers (de la flottille) est moindre que prévu", a-t-il déclaré à la radio publique israélienne qui linterrogeait par téléphone depuis Zaghreb en Croatie."Beaucoup de nos interlocuteurs ont été convaincus quil est possible dapporter de laide à Gaza via les ports dAshdod (Israël) et dEl-Arish …
28 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Pregnant Bollywood star Rai puts film on hold
MUMBAI (AFP)Bollywood star and former Miss World Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has put her latest film on hold due to her pregnancy, its producers said on Tuesday."At this point nothing is more important than Aishwarya's well-being and good health," UTV Motion Pictures, which is making the drama "Heroine", said in an emailed statement."In that context, we have all mutually agreed that the best step would be to avoid shooting further, rather than proceeding with an incredibly demanding schedule over the coming months."News of the 37-year-old's pregnancy was announced last week when the actress' father-in-law, Bollywood screen legend Amitabh Bachchan, expressed his …
28 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Argentine: Matias Almeyda devient le nouvel entraîneur de River Plate
BUENOS AIRES (AFP)Le milieu de terrain argentin Matias Almeyda a été nommé lundi nouvel entraîneur de River Plate, vingt-quatre heures après la relégation de son équipe en deuxième division, pour la première fois de son histoire, a annoncé le club."Dans cette étape importante, il faut noter l'attitude de Juan José Lopez qui a quitté dignement son poste qui a été confié à l'unanimité à Matias Almeyda", a indiqué le club dans un communiqué signé par le président Daniel Passarella.Juan José Lopez a démissionné dimanche soir. Il était arrivé au début de la saison 2010 après la démission d'Angel Cappa.Almeyda, 37 …
28 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Réduit Triangle will be inaugurated at Wednesday
Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam will inaugurate Triangle de Réduit at Wednesday with Minister of Public Infrastructure Anil Bachoo.
28 Jun 2011,
Island bats for cricket
Cricket lovers will have the opportunity to play at a state-of-the-art stadium in about four months’ time. The National Cricket Ground at Belle Vue Harel is gradually taking shape and around 60 per cent of the work on the pitches is complete. The final landscaping is also being done to set up the net practice [...]
28 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Defence finds flaws in police report
The Michaela Harte murder case has taken a new twist with the presentation four witnesses in the District Court of Mapou on Monday for the preliminary enquiry. These are assistant superintendent of police (ASP) Ahmad Reshad Dilawally, ASP Mardemootoo, police photographer Satish Sharma Jeewuth and police draftsman Rajen Hurgobin. Defence lawyers Sanjeev Teeluckdharry, Ravi Rutnah [...]
28 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Inquiry reaches crucial stage
After questioning the chief executive at the Ministry of Health Pramhans Jhugroo on Monday, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has reached a crucial stage. ICAC started its investigation some six months ago by questioning officers of the Ministry of Finance, members of the Public Procurement Board and the last to be summoned were Ministry [...]
28 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Carburants : prix inchangés
Contrairement à ce qu’ont prévu certains observateurs, le prix des produits pétroliers est resté inchangé sur le marché lundi soir. Une baisse de prix n’est pas envisagée dans l’immédiat.
28 Jun 2011,
MSPCA captures 700 stray dogs
Nearly two weeks after the launch of the national sensitisation campaign for the control of stray dogs, 700 dogs have been captured by the Mauritius Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA). This campaign is being organised by MSPCA in collaboration with the Division of Veterinary Services of the Ministry of Agro-Industry. “The [...]
28 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Savanne least expensive district
Savanne is the cheapest to shop in while Black River is the most expensive. These are according to the findings published by the price observatory set up under the Ministry of Business, Enterprise, Commerce and Consumer Protection. A survey conducted on June 23 revealed that the average price of 60 products in Savanne stood at [...]
28 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Mauritian to attend int’l peace fest
Krishna Athal, a young 23-year-old Mauritian, has been selected by Yuvsatta from India to represent Mauritius at the International Youth Peace Festival 2011. This will be held in Chandigarh, from September 27 to October 2. “I feel assured and relieved since this selection affirms that Mauritius has its respectful place at the international level, in [...]
28 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily