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Suzanne’s car to offset wages
On Thursday, around 80 former Infinity BPO employees received their salaries for November 2010. The transaction was made possible following the auction of equipment belonging to the former call centre. This sale raised around Rs 1.5 million. However, 205 workers are still waiting for their salaries for December 2010 and January 2011. They will be [...]
17 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Simply Yaadein gets new co-host
The show ‘Simply Yaadein’ has welcomed a new co-host, Yusuf Soobraty. The show is hosted by Chandini Ramjutun every Friday after 8 pm. Soobraty takes over from the former co-host Eshan Murtooza. ‘Simply Yaadein’ is a show that airs old songs and is like a “flashback souvenir”. Commenting on her new co-host and the show, [...]
17 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Accident au Morne – Une route glissante fait deux morts
« De l’eau lor chemin ine faire chauffeur perdu contrôle », lâche avec difficulté Baliram Ramma, 38 ans, un des rescapés du terrible accident qui s’est produit tôt mardi matin dans le village du Morne. Conséquences : deux morts et trois blessés après qu’une fourgonnette eut fait une sortie de route dans ce village du Sud-Ouest de l’île.
17 Jun 2011,
Where Is Rebecca Black Friday On Youtube?
Where Is Rebecca Black Friday On Youtube? This is the main question that a lot of fans are asking. It’s a black day for Friday fans, as Rebecca Black’s “Friday” has been taken down due to a “copyright claim by Rebecca Black.” We are still unsure if Rebecca Black Friday will be back on Youtube. [...]
17 Jun 2011, MauritiusHot
Private Notice Question - STC: difficult baptism of fire for Michael Sik Yuen
For its first Private Notice Question (PNQ), the new Minister of Commerce has been busy. The Opposition has shown aggressive, especially on the losses incurred by the State Trading Corporation (STC) on the "hedging" fuel for which the user must pay.
17 Jun 2011,
Mariage homosexuel: l'Assemblée de New York approuve le texte avant le Sénat
NEW YORK (AFP)LAssemblée de lEtat de New York a approuvé dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi un projet de loi autorisant le mariage homosexuel, un texte qui doit encore être voté par le Sénat, un scrutin moins évident qui pourrait avoir lieu vendredi.La chambre basse à majorité démocrate a approuvé par 80 voix pour et 63 contre le "Marriage Equality Act" (Loi dégalité du mariage) présenté mardi dernier aux législateurs par le gouverneur de lEtat Andrew Cuomo.Ce texte "permet à tous les couples de se marier dans lEtat de New York, en levant lactuel obstacle que rencontrent les couples …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Delhi Belly song 'DK Bose' lands censor board in trouble
Delhi Belly's song 'DK Bose' which has been picturised on Imran Khan, Vir Das and Kunal Roy Kapoor and has got an overwhelming response from some of the music lovers has now put the Censor Board in trouble. Lyricist Amitabh Bhattacharya has smartly played with words to get away with a commonly used Hindi cuss word in the song. Though the song is accepted by a certain section of the audiences, it seems like some people are really angry with the Censor Board for allowing the song to be screened in theatres along with 'U' certified films and to be …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Tennis: Marion Bartoli qualifiée pour les demi-finales à Eastbourne
EASTBOURNE (AFP)La N.1 française Marion Bartoli qui fait à Eastbourne son retour sur gazon, s'est qualifiée jeudi pour les demi-finales du tournoi WTA de Eastbourne où la 9e joueuse mondiale rencontrera l'Australienne Samantha Stosur, 10e.Bartoli, demi-finaliste à Roland-Garros, a atteint les demi-finales après l'abandon de la Bélarusse Victoria Azarenka, 5e mondiale, alors que la Française menait 6-2, 2-0.L'Australienne Samantha Stosur, finaliste à Roland-Garros en 2010, s'est imposée plus difficilement face à la Russe Vera Zvonavera 4-6, 7-6 (7/4), 6-4, après avoir mené 5-1 dans la troisième manche.Bartoli et Stosur se sont rencontrées trois fois sur le circuit WTA, avec un …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Shahrukh Khan to undergo knee surgery
In the recent past, it was his shoulder injury that kept SRK temporarily out of work, which lead to the delay of some of his films. And now, we hear that the actor who had injured his knee over a year back, has to undergo a knee surgery in July. The injury has been aggravated due to the rigorous shoots and action sequences done in his upcoming film Ra.One. The Mumbai based Dr. Ali Irani, recently paid the actor a visit in Hyderabad to check his knee. Apparently, SRK, who has been going through a lot of discomfort for sometime, …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Assange marks six months on 'dehumanising' bail
LONDON (AFP)WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange clocked up six months on bail Thursday, with the whistleblowing website slamming his "unfair" restrictions as he fights extradition from Britain.The 39-year-old is living at a friend's mansion in eastern England, must wear an electronic ankle tag and observe a curfew as he appeals against his extradition to Sweden to face rape and sexual assault allegations.In a statement released to some media including The Daily Telegraph newspaper, WikiLeaks bemoaned Assange's position."He has not been charged with a crime in any country. The conditions of his detention are excessive and dehumanising," the organisation said."Whilst fighting this …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Bordeaux's Fernando set for Saudi Arabia
BORDEAUX, France (AFP)Bordeauxs Brazilian defensive midfielder Fernando has agreed to join Saudi club Al Shabab on a three-year contract, the Ligue 1 side announced on Thursday.The 30-year-old, who can also play at centre-back, joined Bordeaux from Italian side Catania in 2005, having previously turned out for Juventude and Gremio in Brazil and Siena in Italy.The transfer fee is reported to be around six million euros ($8.5m).In six seasons with Bordeaux, Fernando played 190 league games and scored 19 goals, winning the league title under Laurent Blanc in 2009 and the French League Cup in 2007 and 2009.He becomes the third …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
L'OIT adopte une Convention "historique" sur les travailleurs domestiques
GENEVE (AFP)Les 183 Etats membres de lOrganisation mondiale du travail (OIT) ont adopté jeudi une Convention "historique" sur les travailleurs domestiques, destinée à améliorer le cadre de protection de millions de personnes dans le monde, sous-payées et soumises à des horaires extensibles.Le texte, discuté depuis le début de la 100ème Assemblée de lOIT, a été accepté sous un tonnerre dapplaudissements par plus des deux tiers des représentants des gouvernements, des employés et employeurs de lorganisation tripartite."Cest un moment historique pour le monde entier", sest félicité le secrétaire général du Bureau de lOIT, Juan Somavia lors dun point de presse."Cette convention …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Women's W. Cup football album has sticky start
BERLIN (AFP)Sport sticker album company Panini said Thursday it has been beset with a number of embarrassing teething problems with its first-ever edition for the womens World Cup, but insisted it was a success.The task of assembling photos and data on the 16 teams in the competition, hosted by Germany and held between June 26 and July 17, proved tougher than expected, Panini Germany spokeswoman Christine Froehler said.Mexicos football federation, for example, mistakenly sent Panini pictures of its mens team, while the album has the same photo for two North Korean players, Jon Myong Hwa and Kim Kyong Hwa, she …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Hockey sur glace: incidents à Vancouver
VANCOUVER (Canada) (AFP)Des incidents ont éclaté mercredi soir dans le centre ville de Vancouver après la défaite de l'équipe locale face à Boston (4-0) lors du 7e et dernier match de la Coupe Stanley, trophée qui récompense le champion de la Ligue nord-américaine de hockey sur glace (LNH).Environ 100.000 personnes, selon plusieurs sources, ont convergé, dès la fin de la rencontre, vers le centre ville de la capitale de la province canadienne de Colombie-Britannique.Une douzaine de voitures, dont deux de la police, ont été renversées et certaines ont été incendiées, des vitrines ont été brisées, des bagarres ont éclaté, et …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Barca warn Real Madrid not to cross the line
BARCELONA, Spain (AFP)Barcelona on Thursday warned their great rivals Real Madrid they would be forced to sever ties between the clubs if Real continue to "cross the line" of sportsmanship."Real Madrid and FC Barcelona are ancient institutions with many supporters and aficionados," said Barca president Sandro Rosell during a press conference."(But if) the line is crossed, we would be forced to break off our institutional relations, which we do not wish to do in any form."Rosell heralded "the best season in the history of the club," at the end of a campaign in which Barca won their third successive Spanish …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
La Turquie viendra en aide aux Syriens à la frontière (ministre)
ANKARA (AFP)La Turquie a décidé de fournir une assistance humanitaire aux milliers de Syriens massés du côté syrien de la frontière entre la Turquie et la Syrie, a déclaré jeudi le chef de la diplomatie turque Ahmet Davutoglu, appelant de nouveau le régime syrien à faire des réformes."Il y a actuellement plus de 10.000 personnes juste en face de notre frontière, derrière les barbelés (...) Nous avons décidé de venir en aide à nos frères syriens pour subvenir à leurs besoins urgent en alimentation", a-t-il dit à la presse à Ankara."Une assistance humanitaire leur sera fournie", a-t-il précisé, au lendemain …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Espagne: le torchon brûle entre le Barça et le Real
BARCELONE (AFP)Le FC Barcelone a exigé jeudi de son grand rival le Real Madrid de ne plus "dépasser les limites" de la sportivité et l'a averti que, dans le cas contraire, "il serait dans l'obligation de rompre leurs relations"."Le Real Madrid et le FC Barcelone sont des institutions centenaires, avec de nombreux supporteurs, passionnés" mais si "les limites sont dépassées, nous serons dans l'obligation de rompre nos relations institutionnelles, ce qui nous ne souhaitons en aucune manière", a déclaré le président Sandro Rosell lors d'une conférence de presse.Après avoir tiré le bilan "de la meilleure saison sportive de l'histoire du …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Tottenham boss furious at 'ridiculous' Modric bid
LONDON (AFP)Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp has branded Chelseas reported £22 million ($35m) bid to sign Luka Modric as "ridiculous" and insisted that his midfield star will not be leaving the club this summer.Redknapp is keen to hold on to the 25-year-old, who enjoyed a superb season at the heart of the Spurs midfield last year.The 64-year-old Redknapp recently described Modric as "irreplaceable" in the wake of reported interest from Chelsea, and the Londoners are understood to have had a £22million offer for the Croatian playmaker rejected on Wednesday night."Luka is not for sale," Redknapp told the BBC."If there has been …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Nigeria: attentat suicide au QG de la police à Abuja
ABUJA (AFP)Un kamikaze est mort jeudi dans un attentat suicide contre le quartier général de la police fédérale nigériane à Abuja, ont annoncé les services de secours."Le siège de la police a été la cible dune explosion, tout a été détruit", a déclaré à lAFP le porte-parole adjoint de la police nationale, Yemi Ajayi."Un kamikaze présumé est mort dans lexplosion. De nombreux véhicules ont été détruits, a indiqué de son côté le porte-parole des services de secours, Yushau Shuaib.La bombe a explosé dans un parking à lintérieur du siège de la police.Les routes ont été fermées à au moins un …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Footballer Ballack's Germany career over
BERLIN (AFP)Michael Ballack, a towering figure in German football for the past decade, is no longer part of the national squad after 98 appearances for his country, the national federation (DFB) said on Thursday."I have discussed things openly with Michael Ballack, most recently in our meeting at the end of March 2011 and in numerous phone calls since then," coach Joachim Loew said."With the Euro 2012 season about to start the time has come for me to make a clear statement."The former Chelsea and Bayern Munich midfielder, 34, has not played for Germany since the national side lost 1-0 to …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?