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Ceremony recognises excellence in public health
A ceremony to fete the winner of the All Africa Public Sector Innovation Awards (AAPSIA) was held at Sir Harilall Vaghjee Memorial Hall, Port Louis, on Wednesday. The first prize for the 2010 award went to the mobile clinic of the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life. AAPSIA is the first Africa wide ministerial [...]
16 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Ministry to acquire three mobile clinics
The Ministry of Health and Quality of Life will soon acquire three sophisticated mobile clinics in order to reach out to people in disadvantaged areas. This was announced by Maya Hanoomanjee in a statement on Wednesday. The minister said the aim is bring to more flexible and efficient health care services. “The government has the [...]
16 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Sex education already in school curriculum
In reply to a parliamentary question on Tuesday, the minister of Education and Human resources Dr Vasant Bunwaree said that sex education has already been integrated in the curricular materials at the primary and secondary school level. Bunwaree was replying to a question of MP Lysie Ribot The minister said that at the primary school [...]
16 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Indian sailor rescued at sea
The police helicopter squadron rescued Indian seaman Dharmendrabhai Lallubhai Tandel, 43, on Wednesday morning at 8 am. The victim serving on Qatar LPG tanker Almajedah had a fractured tibia and fibula. The Fennec helicopter, under the command of superintendent of police Sookun, participated in the rescue operation. The helicopter,after the distress call, immediately took off [...]
16 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
PM slams ‘lame duck’ units
There is no place for lame duck institutions. They have to be phased out, said the Prime Minister, Dr Navin Ramgoolam at the official opening ceremony of the Mauritius International Investment Forum (MIIF) held on Wednesday at Intercontinental Resort hotel, Balaclava. “There are no sacred cows. Those who do not perform must expect to be [...]
16 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Les chiens errants en ligne de mire
Une campagne de sensibilisation nationale pour le contrôle des chiens errants sera lancée le vendredi 17 juin à la Place d´Armes, Port-Louis et durera jusqu´à la fin du mois de juillet, a annoncé le ministre de l´Industrie Agro et la sécurité alimentaire, Satish Faugoo, lors d´une conférence de presse qui a eu lieu mardi le 14 juin. Le ministre Faugoo a fait remarquer que cette campagne sera organisée en collaboration avec la Mauritius Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA) et la division des services vétérinaires de son ministère. Le ministre a souligné que le contrôle des chiens …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Housefull 2 to release on first Friday post IPL 2012
The nation's most loved sport - cricket has always been a lucky charm for the Housefull franchise and so producer Sajid Nadiadwala has decided to release the sequel to the comic caper Housefull 2 right after the Indian Premier League -2012 As per box office reports one of the biggest hits of the year 2010 Sajid Nadiadwala's Housefull that opened to packed houses is back bigger better than ever with a sequel that promises to have you laughing off your seats. The film scheduled to release on the first Friday after the IPL finals next year has had a long …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Russian fans boycott games over 'Caucasus bias'
MOSCOW (AFP)Moscow and Saint Petersburg football fans have staged a series of unprecedented walkouts from games in protest at perceived bias by the Russian authorities towards Northern Caucasus sides.Fans of the Moscow giants Spartak and CSKA, usually united only by mutual hatred, have joined together to condemn what they consider to be preferential treatment of Caucasus sides by the Russian Football Union (RFU).Meanwhile, Lokomotiv Moscow supporters joined the protest movement of their city rivals, also staging a walkout just after the one-hour mark of Tuesdays home match against Spartak Nalchik.Teams from the Russian Northern Caucasus have seen an unprecedented influx …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Bugatti 16C Galibier : une berline très haut de gamme
Depuis le temps qu’on parle du retour de Bugatti sur le segment des berlines très, très, très haut de gamme, il semble que les choses se précisent. L’artisan de Molsheim aurait reçu le feu vert de la maison mère (Volkswagen), pour la production de la 16C Galibier. Peu de précisions, mais on sait déjà qu’elle reprendra la mécanique de la Veyron, à savoir le W16 de 8.0 litres. À voir les photos, la finition fera passer une Rolls Royce pour une berline grand public. Quant à sa ligne, elle est tout simplement sublime. Un véritable chef-d’œuvre dont le prix pourrait …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Sheen fails to win trial over sitcom dispute
LOS ANGELES (AFP)An arbitrator will decide if Charlie Sheen was unfairly sacked from TV series "Two and a Half Men," a judge ruled, rejecting the troubled actor's request for a trial by jury.The 45-year-old actor is suing Warner Brothers studios for $100 million for alleged breach of contract after the show was canceled for the rest of the season following Sheen's public tirades against producer Chuck Lorre.Lawyers for the actor had sought a trial by jury, but Santa Monica Superior Court Judge Allan Goodman on Wednesday agreed Warner Bros and Lorre that Sheen is bound by an arbitration clause in …
16 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Consumer to pay RS 4.7 bn hedging loss
The population will have to pay hedging losses amounting to Rs 4.7 billion in addition to the accrued interest of about Rs 250 million.
15 Jun 2011,
Aamir Khan shuns even the National Awards
It's a well-known fact that Aamir Khan doesn't believe in award functions but in the past the actor-filmmaker did make an exception as far as the National Awards were concerned. But now Aamir has revealed that as a company policy, Aamir Khan Productions, wouldn't be sending their films to compete at any award function, not even the coveted National Award. It may be recalled that earlier this year Anusha Rizvi (director of Peepli LIVE) was upset at her film not being sent to the National Awards but it being the producer's decision she couldn't do much about it. Aamir has …
15 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Eastbourne: Venus Williams passe, Serena, Li et Schiavone stoppées
EASTBOURNE (Angleterre) (AFP)L'Américaine Venus Williams, de retour sur le circuit WTA, s'est qualifiée mercredi pour les quarts de finale du tournoi de tennis sur gazon d'Eastbourne tandis que sa cadette Serena, la Chinoise Li Na et l'Italienne Schiavone ont été éliminées."J'ai un jeu solide, je joue bien les points importants, il faut juste que je continue", a déclaré Venus, qui aura 31 ans vendredi, après avoir sèchement battu la Serbe Ana Ivanovic (6-3, 6-2)."Je me concentre sur mes raisons de positiver, et je pense en avoir pas mal. Compte tenu de la durée de mon absence, c'est très important de …
15 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Attaque contre le bureau de l'AFP à Amman
AMMAN (AFP)Une dizaine dinconnus ont attaqué mercredi le bureau de lAgence France-Presse à Amman, détruisant les meubles, au lendemain dune manifestation dénonçant la publication par lAFP dinformations sur une agression du convoi du roi Abdallah II, démenties par les autorités.Un journaliste de lAFP présent au bureau a réussi à sortir sain et sauf dune porte latérale."Une dizaine dhommes armés de bâtons ont forcé lentrée du bureau" en soirée, a déclaré le journaliste Kamal Taha. "Ils ont cassé les meubles, téléphones et jeté par terre les dossiers", a-t-il ajouté.Peu avant cette attaque, la directrice du bureau de lAFP à Amman, Randa …
15 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Pakistan : 8 morts dans deux bombardements de drone américain
MIRANSHAH (Pakistan) (AFP)Huit personnes ont été tuées mercredi dans deux bombardements de drones américains visant deux véhicules dislamistes présumés dans les zones tribales du nord-ouest du Pakistan, repaire dAl-Qaïda et des talibans, selon des responsables de la sécurité.Les deux salves de missiles ont chacune fait quatre morts, la première dans le district tribal du Waziristan du Sud, la seconde dans celui, voisin, du Waziristan du Nord, tous deux frontaliers de lAfghanistan.Deux missiles de drones ont détruit un véhicule sur une route à Kari Kot, près de Wana, la principale ville du Waziristan du Sud, a précisé une de ces sources. …
15 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Veteran striker Nuno Gomes leaves Benfica
LISBON (AFP)Veteran Portuguese striker Nuno Gomes, 35, announced on Wednesday that he is leaving Benfica for the second time."Ive been informed that Benfica have definitively decided not to prolong my contract," announced Gomes, who won 77 caps for Portugal, on his website."I now feel free to analyse all the propositions that could be forthcoming and choose my future."Benfica said they had offered Gomes a back-room role at the club but Gomes said he hoped to continue playing "for at least an extra season".The former Benfica captain made just six league appearances last season but still managed to score four goals.Gomes …
15 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
William and Catherine reveal glitzy California trip details
LONDON (AFP)Prince William and his new bride Catherine will host a black-tie celebrity reception to promote young British filmmakers in the highlight of their trip to California next month, royal officials said Wednesday.The trip from July 8-10 -- which immediately follows their first official tour as husband and wife to Canada -- also features charity work including a meeting with inner-city children and a polo match."The visit will support the interests of the United Kingdom through the prism of the royal couple's interests," said Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, William's private secretary.William will give a speech at the red-carpet dinner on July hosted …
15 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Malaysia charges Singaporean with match-fixing
KUALA LUMPUR (AFP)Malaysia charged a Singaporean on Wednesday with match-fixing, the second such case in connection with a national football tournament.Malaysias anti-graft body said in a statement that bookie R.K. Rajendran was charged with bribery totalling more than 24,000 ringgit ($8,000) to fix two matches last year.Rajendran pleaded not guilty to the charges, which carry a maximum penalty of 20 years in jail and a fine.In the first case, the 51-year-old is accused of paying six players on the Terengganu state team 200 ringgit each in March last year to fix their game against Selangor state in the Presidents Cup.He …
15 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
What Time Is The Total Lunar Eclipse In Your Country?
The June 15 total lunar eclipse will be visible to observers in Europe, Africa, southern Asia, and Australia. This will be one of the darkest eclipses ever, second only to the total lunar eclipse on July 16, 2000. During the totality of the eclipse, the moon will pass through the center of the earth’s shadow. [...]
15 Jun 2011, MauritiusHot
Obama et l'ONU s'alarment de l'intensification des combats au Soudan
KHARTOUM (AFP)Les Nations Unies et les Etats-Unis se sont alarmés mercredi de lintensification des combats au Soudan qui menacent les accords de paix ayant mis fin à la guerre civile, à trois semaines de lindépendance du Sud semi-autonome."Lheure est venue pour les dirigeants soudanais, du Nord comme du Sud, de choisir la paix" car "il ny a pas de solution militaire" a déclaré le président américain Barack Obama dans un message enregistré pour la radio publique américaine à destination de létranger Voice of America (VOA)."Les leaders du Soudan et du Sud-Soudan doivent être à la hauteur de leurs responsabilités. Le …
15 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?