Latest news
The Singapore Business Federation (SBF) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Monday with the Board of Investment (BoI) and a second one with the Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
08 Jun 2011,
Mauritius - a natural gateway between Africa and Asia
“We would invite investors from Singapore to use our location ... to do business in Africa.”
08 Jun 2011,
The Draft Action Plan for Energy 2011/2025 will be discussed
The Action Plan for Energy is part of the Long Term Energy Strategy 2009-2025
08 Jun 2011,
Australian police slam Serb football fans
MELBOURNE (AFP)Police on Wednesday lashed out at Serbian football fans who lit flares, smashed bottles and unfurled banners backing accused war criminal Ratko Mladic during their 0-0 draw with Australia.Inspector Mick Beattie said four people were arrested at the game in Melbourne on Tuesday evening, while seven others were evicted from the stadium for bad behaviour and drunkenness."These idiots just thought they could activate flares in this crowd... that it was part of their viewing culture," Beattie told reporters, adding that he was disappointed they got past security."These are very, very hot marine flares, and its just a miracle that …
08 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
UK reviewed its visa submission application system for Mauritius
The changes have been made to improve the structure and management of visa application processing and to enhance security procedures
08 Jun 2011,
Indian Ocean airlines agree to help boost Vanilla Islands
The airlines also agreed to cut down on taxes to promote inter-island travel and special prices for travellers who opt for multi-destinations
08 Jun 2011,
British Union against Vivisection will be in Mauritius this week
"The BUAV has been extremely disappointed by the Mauritian government’s failure to respond to the genuine concerns"
08 Jun 2011,
Accessibilité Iles vanille et Océan Indien
(De Gauche a Droite) Dr Karl Mootoosamy-Dir MTPA, Didier Robert- Prés. du Conseil Régional de la Réunion, N. Bodha- Ministre du Tourisme et des Loisirs, Guy Hissane- L’Association Comorienne du Tourisme, Y. Coste- Vice présidente du Conseil Régional de la Réunion, Joel Randriamandranto- Président du conseil Administration Madagascar, Alain St Ange- CEO Seychelles Tourism Board 13 compagnies aériennes et les décideurs des offices du tourisme de la région Océan Indien se sont rencontrées sur l’accessibilité des Iles Vanille. Cette rencontre constitue une grande première dans le dynamisme du tourisme dans l’Océan Indien et une étape cruciale dans la construction de …
08 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
8 juin: La journée mondiale des océans a lieu
La journée mondiale des océans se tient, comme chaque année, le 8 juin. Cette journée spéciale dédiée aux océans est essentielle à la sécurité alimentaire, la santé ainsi qu’à la survie de toute vie. Cette journée mondiale désignée par les Nations Unies est l’occasion de sensibiliser l’opinion mondiale aux défis que peuvent rencontrer la communauté internationale en relation avec les océans. Cette fête de l’océan rassemble plus de 200 organisations dans 50 pays. Au programme, animations, jeux, ateliers artistiques, conférences, films, une journée festive aux couleurs de l’océan. Les défis et les principaux objectifs de cette journée sont d’informer le …
08 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Honda says Japan need to up the gears
TOKYO (AFP)Keisuke Honda says Japan need to raise their game ahead of World Cup qualifiers, contradicting coach Alberto Zaccheroni who said he was pleased with the scoreless friendly draw with the Czech Republic.The Asian champions attempted 11 shots, including four Honda free-kicks, against an under-strength Czech side, but towering Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cech stood in their way at Yokohamas Nissan Stadium on Tuesday.Zaccheroni praised his men for their efforts to adjust to a new 3-4-3 formation which they had already tested in another 0-0 draw with Peru in a friendly in Niigata last week.But CSKA Moscow and Blue Samurai star …
08 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
La Banque mondiale note les défis d'un monde émergent ayant passé la crise
WASHINGTON (AFP)La crise sefface dans le monde émergent, a estimé mardi la Banque mondiale, détaillant les défis qui se posent désormais aux pays en développement: poursuite dune croissance stable et maîtrise de linflation, en particulier pour les produits de première nécessité.La croissance du monde émergent devrait passer de 7,3% en 2010 "à environ 6,3% chaque année de la période 2011-2013", estime la Banque dans ses Prévisions économiques mondiales publiées à Washington.Malgré ce ralentissement, la crise sestompe pour les pays en développement, dont léconomie devrait rester bien plus dynamique que celle des pays développés de lOrganisation de coopération et de développement …
08 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
T’Mobile Banking : La MCB devient mobile
La MCB lance Mobile Banking et permet désormais à ses clients d’avoir accès à une gamme de services à tout moment, et ce à partir de leurs téléphones portables. Dans la foulée, la MCB introduit deux innovations dans le paysage bancaire mauricien : l’internet banking sur téléphone portable et l’application mobile. Self-service 24/7 Mobile Banking regroupe quatre solutions : Mobile Internet Banking (Mobile IB), SMS Banking, l’application mobile MCB et SMS Refill. Pratiques, elles permettent aux clients de gérer leurs comptes en toute liberté, sécurité et simplicité. Disponible 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7, Mobile Banking vient …
08 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Libye: bombardements violents à Tripoli, Kadhafi ne se soumettra pas
TRIPOLI (AFP) Mouammar Kadhafi a affirmé mardi quil ne se soumettrait pas, alors que lOtan a mené ses raids les plus violents sur Tripoli faisant 31 morts et que le président américain Barack Obama a prévenu que la pression allait sintensifier jusquau départ du dirigeant libyen.Dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi, de puissantes explosions ont secoué à nouveau le secteur de la résidence du dirigeant libyen au centre de la ville, selon un journaliste de lAFP.La veille, les rebelles avaient reçu pour la première fois à Benghazi, leur "capitale" dans lEst du pays, la visite dun émissaire de Moscou …
08 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Highlands to face more water cuts
In the face of the dire water crisis, the Central Water Authority (CWA) has already reduced the volume of water treated from the Mare aux Vacoas reservoir from 110,000 cubic metres daily to only 60,000 cubic metres per day. “If such drastic measures had not been implemented, Mare aux Vacoas was going to dry up [...]
08 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
35,000 pilgrims to visit Marie Reine de la Paix
On the occasion of Pentecost, a large gathering is expected at the Marie Reine de la Paix monument on June 12 at 2 pm. The theme this year is ‘Avek Marie… ouver nou leker ar lespri sin’ (Let’s open up our hearts with Virgin Mary). About 35,000 pilgrims will colour the signal mountain in red, [...]
08 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Mauritius Glass Gallery recycles to promote environment protection
The Mauritius Glass Gallery participated in the national exhibition on environment organised by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. The event at the conference centre of Grand Baie had ‘From waste to art’ as its theme. At the exhibition, the Mauritius Glass Gallery demonstrated that one of its main objectives is the promotion and [...]
08 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Island gateway to invest in Africa
At the banquet hosted on Sunday in honour of the Singapore President, PM Navin Ramgoolam said that the vision of Singapore and Mauritius converge on a number of fundamental values. The two nations have similar trajectories but different levels of developmental, social, political and geographical realities. The banquet was hosted at the Swami Vivekananda International [...]
08 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
BoI, MCCI lay business foundation with 2 pacts
The Singapore Business Federation (SBF) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Monday with the Board of Investment (BoI) and a second one with the Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The signing ceremony was part of the Mauritius Singapore Business Meet organised by BoI in collaboration with the Joint Economic Council (JEC) at Le [...]
08 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
APEC extols price watch catalogue benefits for consumer
The publication of prices of some 60 products for consumption by the Observatory of Prices last week is already showing a positive impact on consumers and businesses. This list is a guide to consumers to help them make better choices. Association for the Protection of the Environment and Consumers (APEC) believes that the objective of [...]
08 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Duval warns La Valette families
The Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Social Integration and Economic Empowerment, Xavier Luc Duval held a press meet at,Port Louis on Tuesday. In his speech, the minister warned the residents of La Valette, Bambous that they will be evicted if they fail to meet their social contracts. The village was constructed in line with [...]
08 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily