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Zournal Kreol – lundi 06/06/11
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC 2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-06-06End Time: 19:20
06 Jun 2011, MBC
News Bulletin – Monday 06/06/11
Title: News BulletinChannel: MBC 3Start Time: 18:30Date: 2011-06-06End Time: 18:50
06 Jun 2011, MBC
Samachar – Monday 06/06/11
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC 1Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-06-06End Time: 18:25
06 Jun 2011, MBC
Journée mondiale de l’environnement : AML fait don de sacs écologiques à 1300 enfants de la région sud
A l’occasion de la journée mondiale de l’environnement, célébrée le 5 juin chaque année, 1300 étudiants de la région sud ont reçu des sacs écologiques et des plantes. Une initiative conjointe d’Airports of Mauritius Co. Ltd (AML) et de la Mauritius Duty Free Paradise (MDFP). La distribution a été faite ce vendredi 03 juin 2011 dans les écoles primaires de Mon Desert Mon Tresor Govt. School, St Patrice RCA et Mohabeer Burrenchobay Govt. School. A travers ce partenariat avec les écoles, AML renforce son action sociale. En effet, l’an dernier, AML avait lancé une campagne de sensibilisation pour la promotion …
06 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Foot: match amical Ukraine-France
DONETSK (Ukraine) (AFP) C'est une équipe de France largement remaniée qui va défier l'Ukraine en amical, lundi (20h45) dans l'ultra-moderne Donbass Arena de Donetsk, l'occasion pour les remplaçants de venir titiller les cadres et de bousculer une hiérarchie qui semble figée.Malgré le nul insipide et triste ramené du Belarus (1-1), vendredi en éliminatoires de l'Euro-2012, Laurent Blanc ne va pas modifier sa feuille de route. Le sélectionneur avait prévenu bien avant le départ pour la tournée en Europe de l'Est que la seule rencontre importante du stage était celle de Minsk où il ferait jouer son équipe-type.Pour les deux autres …
06 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Bactérie Eceh: nouvelles analyses attendues, soupçons sur des graines en Allemagne
HANOVRE (Allemagne) (AFP)Après la fausse piste du concombre espagnol, les soupçons se portent désormais sur des graines germées vendues par une entreprise de jardinage du Nord de l'Allemagne comme vecteur de transmission de la bactérie Eceh qui a fait 22 morts en Europe.Des analyses de laboratoire sont encore attendues lundi.La preuve définitive n'en a pas encore été apportée, a déclaré Gert Lindemann, le ministre de l'Agriculture du Land de Basse-Saxe, où se trouve cette entreprise, dans l'arrondissement d'Uelzen.Mais "les présomptions sont toutefois si fortes que nous devons recommander aux consommateurs de renoncer pour l'instant à la consommation de graines germées", …
06 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mexico, Costa Rica win Gold Cup openers
ARLINGTON, Texas (AFP)Javier Hernandez scored three goals for Mexico in a 5-0 rout of El Salvador while Costa Rica blanked Cuba by the same score in the openers of the CONCACAF Gold Cup tournament.The Mexicans and Salvadorans on Sunday were scoreless in their Group A round-robin match until Efrain Juarez found the net in the 54th minute.Aldo De Nigri followed three minutes later and "Chircharito" Hernandez followed with goals in the 60th and 66th minutes plus two minutes into stoppage time to complete the Group A round-robin rout.Costa Rica had two goals each from Marcos Urena and Alvaro Saborio in …
06 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Water cuts to affect more regions: CWA
The situation at Mare aux Vacoas is becoming increasingly alarming. The country’s largest reservoir is currently filled to 34.8 per cent of its capacity, compared to 81.9 per cent at the same period last year. Several regions of the east, south and the central plateau are experiencing water cuts. Plaine Wilhems will soon be supplied [...]
06 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Audience cruciale à New York pour DSK qui s'apprête à plaider non coupable
NEW YORK (Etats-Unis) (AFP)Dominique Strauss-Kahn devait plaider lundi matin non coupable des crimes sexuels dont il est accusé, au cours d'une audience devant le tribunal pénal de New York à haute teneur dramatique et surmédiatisée.L'ancien patron du Fonds monétaire international (FMI), qui a été arrêté le 14 mai dernier alors qu'il s'apprêtait à partir pour la France, rejette "avec la plus grande fermeté" les accusations de tentative de viol et d'agression sexuelle à l'encontre d'une femme de chambre de l'hôtel Sofitel de Manhattan.Ses avocats, Benjamin Brafman et William Taylor, deux ténors du barreau de New York, ont assuré qu'il plaiderait …
06 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
AML donates eco-friendly bags to 1,300 children
To mark World Environment Day celebrated each year on June 5, Airports of Mauritius Co Ltd (AML) and Mauritius Duty Free Paradise (MDFP) distributed eco-friendly bags as well as plants to various schools in the south on Friday. The project was targeted at 1,300 students from primary schools, namely Mon Desert Mon Trésor government school, [...]
06 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
La municipalité de Port-Louis cède aux menaces de AKA Roti
A partir de ce lundi les marchands de ‘fast-food’ et d’autres produits alimentaires opérant dans l’aire de restauration de la rue Révérend Lebrun bordant le Jardin de la Compagnie, pourront vendre leurs produits dans de meilleures conditions d’hygiène. Après les protestations de Samynaden Sivajee, le propriétaire de AKA Roti, qui dénonçait un manque d’hygiène et la négligence des autorités en aménageant un food-court en face d’un gros chantier de construction, la municipalité a fait ériger, dimanche, une clôture visant à assainir cet environnement poussiéreux. Samynaden Sivajee avait déploré l’état dans lequel il travaille pour vendre ses rotis. Il a interrompu …
06 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
MCB moves to green office in Aug
The Mauritius Commercial Bank (MCB) building located at St Jean / Ebène, designed by Mauritian architect Jean François Koenig, is finally ready. A few hundred MCB employees will shift to the 10-story Green building by end of August. “The building is an architectural and ecological gem,” said Ryan Coopamah, head of Communication at MCB. He [...]
06 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
IMF advises to opt for GPS toll system
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recommends Mauritius to opt for a toll system controlled by the Global Positioning System (GPS). This tax reform would eventually lead to a reduction in traffic congestion while working for the preservation and protection of the environment by discouraging the use of vehicles. “But even here, a first step in [...]
06 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Local firm to exploit land in Mozambique
British American Investment (BAI) is contemplating the use of land in Mozambique for one of the largest food security and renewable energy exercises of its kind undertaken by a local firm. With soaring costs, dependency on fossil fuels and looming food security concerns, BAI believes that large-scale production of food crops and green energy initiatives [...]
06 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
PMSD calls for DPP to operate independently
The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) should operate as an independent body, said Jacques Panglose at a press meet on Saturday. The conference centered on the Preliminary Inquiry Bill which will be presented to the National Assembly. The object of the bill is to amend the relevant provisions of the Courts Act and the Criminal [...]
06 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Bérenger on mini-cabinet reshuffle
Mouvement Militant Mauricien (MMM) leader Paul Bérenger believes that the Labour Party has settled its score with the Mouvement Socialiste Militant (MSM). The MMM leader was referring to the fact that Showkutally Soodhun has been stripped of the ministry of Commerce portfolio. Bérenger also spoke about the economic situation of Mauritius at his weekly press [...]
06 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Nathan given red carpet welcome
Singapore President Sellapan Ramanathan Nathan, popularly known as S R Nathan was welcomed at the airport on Saturday afternoon with honours that included a 21-gun salute and red-carpet greeting. Nathan, his wife Urmila and several officials and businessmen were received by Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam, his wife Veena, cabinet members, Opposition leader Paul Bérenger [...]
06 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
CONCACAF official mum on bribery allegations
ARLINGTON, Texas (AFP)CONCACAF general secretary Chuck Blazer had nothing to say about his bribery allegations against FIFA vice president Jack Warner and executive committee member Mohamed bin Hammam. Blazer, an American, on Sunday appeared at the opening match of the CONCACAF Gold Cup, a 12-nation North American regional championship tournament being staged at US venues. The winner qualifies for the 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup.Blazer claimed bin Hammam, the only rival to re-elected president Sepp Blatter in last Wednesday's FIFA election, and CONCACAF president Warner offered $40,000 to Caribbean football chiefs for votes in the election.Blatter was unopposed and voted into …
06 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Delhi Belly to have its world premiere at London Indian Film Festival
Well, the 'baap' of all exclusive is here. I mean, the 'bad-boy' 'naughty' movie of the year Delhi Belly will be having its world premiere at this year's London Indian Film Festival (LIFF) at Cineworld, Haymarket on 30 June. Delhi Belly will open the LIFF this year. With a nod to Brit-gangster flicks such as Snatch, it tells the story of a group of hapless mates who end up being hunted by the local mafia after one of them accidently mixes up a smuggler's package with his stool sample (He ate some dodgy Tandoori chicken). The film reaches its climax …
06 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Fallen IMF chief to plead not guilty to sex crimes
NEW YORK (AFP)Strauss-Kahn's arrest and quick resignation from his post as head of the International Monetary Fund threw the global lender and economic policy powerhouse into disarray just as it grapples with debt crises in the European Union.Many in France believe that the Socialist party figure has been mistreated, but the case has also stirred unusually vigorous debate in the country over long-taboo subjects such as sexual harassment.Strauss-Kahn, who is married to an art heiress and famous former French television journalist, is spending vast sums on his defense. Just the bill for his home detention costs some $200,000 a month, …
06 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?