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Minister launches road safety training
The minister of Education and Human Resources, Vasant Bunwaree launched a two days training workshop based on the theme “Training in road risk management in enterprises” at the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD), Phoenix on Monday. The aim of the training programme is to train personnel responsible for fleet of vehicles in enterprises [...]
07 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Boolell, EU
An informal consultation meeting between non-resident ambassadors of the EU accredited to Mauritius and government officials was held here on Monday. The meeting was an initiative of Alessandro Mariani, ambassador of the EU delegation to Mauritius, and was chaired by the minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Regional Integration, Arvin Boolell. Boolell said that [...]
07 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Step towards enhancing regional hub capabilities
The Standard Chartered Bank (Mauritius) Ltd launched its transaction banking services on Sunday at the Grand Mauritian hotel, Balaclava. Present on the occasion were the visiting Singaporean President S R Nathan and vice prime minister Pravind Jugnauth among other luminaries. Meeting The Independent for a special interview on the new launch, chairman of Standard Chartered [...]
07 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Yémen: l'opposition veut une transition rapide, le président Saleh vite de retour
SANAA (AFP)Le régime yéménite a douché lundi les espoirs de lopposition dune transition rapide du pouvoir en annonçant que le président Ali Abdallah Saleh, hospitalisé en Arabie saoudite, reviendra à Sanaa "dans les prochains jours".Des responsables saoudiens avaient indiqué ce week-end que le président ne regagnerait son pays quaprès une convalescence de 14 jours, ce que "les jeunes de la révolution" ont vu comme un départ définitif du chef de lEtat.Pour prévenir tout retour de M. Saleh, ils ont appelé à la formation d"un conseil présidentiel intérimaire" pour diriger le pays.La Maison Blanche a affirmé de son côté quune "transition …
07 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Union needs fund to fight legal battle
The Privy Council will hear, on October 25 and 26 the appeal of Rezistans ek Alternativ for the platform Pu Nuvo Konstitisyon (platform for a new constitution) and Blok 104 against the rejection of 104 applications from candidates during the general elections in 2010. Rezistans ek Alternativ is making an appeal to the public to [...]
07 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
MOI counts on youth to protect oceans
Mauritius Oceanography Institute (MOI) is organising various activities to encourage young people to act on their own initiatives as well as collectively to improve marine resource management. The activities will be held on Wednesday at the Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre (RGSC), Bell Village, to mark World Oceans Day celebrated on June 8. The events on [...]
07 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
St Patrick’s Clinic plans to offer in-patient service
The conversion of the St Patrick’s Clinic at Flic en Flac into a new private clinic will cost between Rs 50 million to Rs 100 million. The clinic currently operates as an out-patient clinic. LP Health Care Ltd, the promoter of the project, is proposing to transform the clinic into a real private clinic aiming [...]
07 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Minister launches zero plastic concept
Mauritius is well on its way towards a green future and in a bid to promote a plastic-free country, minister of Environment and Sustainable Development Deva Virahsawmy launched the zero plastic concept at the Grand Baie Conference Centre on Monday. “Protecting the environment is one of the main concerns of the government and it is [...]
07 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
L’Ecole Oasis de Paix distribue des pamphlets et nettoie la rue St Georges
Les actions pour protéger l’environnement se multiplient dans le cadre de la journée mondiale de l’environnement qui a été célébrée mondialement le 5 juin. En effet, c’est dans ce contexte que la GML Fondation Joseph Lagesse (GML FJL), dans son projet global pour les écoles ANFEN (Adolescent Non Formal Education Network), a organisé le lundi 6 juin un ramassage de déchets le long de la rue St. Georges de 11h00 à 12h00. Les écoles ANFEN accueillent essentiellement des élèves qui n’ont pas été reçus aux examens de CPE à la fin du cycle primaire Actions écologiques 35 élèves de l’école …
07 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Singapore keen to tap
On the third day of his official visit, Monday, the President of Singapore, S R Nathan kept a busy schedule. Speaking at the banquet hosted in his honour by Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam and his wife Veena, he highlighted the similarities between the two nations. As hubs of their respective regions, Singapore and Mauritius [...]
07 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
JT de 19h30 – mardi 07/06/11
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC 1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-06-07End Time: 20:15
07 Jun 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – mardi 07/06/11
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC 2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-06-07End Time: 19:20
07 Jun 2011, MBC
News Bulletin – Tuesday 07/06/11
Title: News BulletinChannel: MBC 3Start Time: 18:30Date: 2011-06-07End Time: 18:50
07 Jun 2011, MBC
Samachar – Tuesday 07/06/11
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC 1Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-06-07End Time: 18:20
07 Jun 2011, MBC
Fallen IMF chief pleads not guilty to sex crimes
NEW YORK (AFP)After a humiliating week in police detention and in the city's Rikers Island jail, Strauss-Kahn was released on house arrest after securing a $6 million bond and bail deal.The bail allows him to leave the house only to visit his lawyers, pray once a week or go to court. He lives under armed guard and wears an ankle monitoring bracelet, although visits from family and a few friends are permitted. His arrest and quick resignation from his post as head of the International Monetary Fund threw the global lender and economic policy powerhouse into disarray as it grapples …
07 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Pressure on Poland, a year before Euro 2012
WARSAW (AFP)With just a year to go to Euro 2012, co-host nation Poland is under mounting pressure to get ready and is under the microscope on a daily basis, as organisers insist all is on track.The current focus is on botched stairs at the site of the new national stadium in the capital Warsaw, where the European Championships kick off on June 8, 2012.The construction firm has received an ultimatum, with top officials stepping in, including Sunday league player Prime Minister Donald Tusk.After stadium delays in the Baltic port of Gdansk forced Poland to switch Thursdays friendly with France to …
07 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
La France bat l'Ukraine 4 à 1
DONETSK (Ukraine) (AFP)L'équipe de France de football a battu l'Ukraine 4 à 1 en match amical, lundi soir à Donetsk, trois jours après son match nul 1 à 1 en qualifications à l'Euro-2012 au Belarus.C'est Tymoschchuk qui a ouvert le score pour l'Ukraine sur un tir tendu dans la surface de réparation (53e) et ce but a eu le mérite de sortir de leur torpeur les Français, alignés dans une formation complètement chamboulée au coup de sifflet initial.Gameiro (58e), Marvin Martin (87e, 90+2) et Kaboul (89e) ont concrétisé la nette domination française, en particulier après les entrées conjointes de Ribéry, …
06 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Ban Ki-moon candidat à un nouveau mandat à la tête de l'ONU
NEW YORK (Nations unies) (AFP)Ban Ki-moon, secrétaire général de lONU, a annoncé lundi lors dune conférence de presse quil briguerait un second mandat de cinq ans à la tête des Nations unies.
06 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
La mort d'un des chefs militaires d'Al-Qaïda pas confirmée, selon un responsable américain
KABOUL (AFP)Les Etats-Unis nont "pas de confirmation" quIlyas Kashmiri, un des principaux chefs militaires dAl-Qaïda, ait été tué vendredi par un drone américain dans le nord-ouest du Pakistan, a indiqué un responsable du ministère américain de la Défense lundi à Kaboul."Nous navons pas de confirmation quil est mort", a déclaré à lAFP ce responsable ayant requis lanonymat.Le secrétaire américain à la Défense, Robert Gates, qui doit quitter prochainement ses fonctions, effectue actuellement sa dernière visite en Afghanistan à son poste.Un haut responsable militaire pakistanais avait indiqué samedi, sous le couvert de lanonymat, à lAFP quil existait "de forte présomptions" que …
06 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Fergie won't let United lose appetite for success
LONDON (AFP)Alex Ferguson insists there is no chance he will lose his appetite for success despite leading Manchester United to a record-breaking 19th league title.Uniteds latest Premier League triumph lifted Fergusons men above Liverpool in the list of all-time English champions and the Scot took great pride in such an historic achievement.However, Ferguson is well aware United will face a stern threat to their supremacy from big-spending Manchester City next season as well as revitalised Liverpool and long-standing rivals Chelsea and Arsenal."Theres a responsibility as the manager of Manchester United. It doesn go away," he told Inside United."Im not going …
06 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?