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Pakistan: au moins 4 morts dans un attentat sur un marché dans le nord-ouest
KHAR, Pakistan (AFP)L'explosion d'une bombe samedi sur un marché dans les zones tribales du nord-ouest du Pakistan, bastion des talibans et d'Al-Qaïda, a tué au moins quatre personnes, ont indiqué des responsables pakistanais.L'explosion a eu lieu sur le marché de Pasht, dans la région de Salarzai, à environ 35 kilomètres de Khar, ville principale du district tribal de Bajaur, à la frontière avec l'Afghanistan."Au moins quatre personnes ont été tuées et quinze autres blessées", a indiqué à l'AFP Saad Mohammad, responsable du gouvernement local.Il a ajouté qu'il n'était pas clair pour l'instant quelle était la cible de l'attentat, mais des …
28 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
MITD assures students on courses
The Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD) has reassured students of Lycee Polytechnique Sir Guy Forget, Flacq, that all courses offered by the institution are duly accredited and recognised. This announcement follows a recent sit-in staged by students after the training school announced that the final year qualification certificate would now be given by [...]
28 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Government hosts march to promote zero plastic usage
The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development will hold a sensitisation march on non-usage of plastic bags, titled Zéro plastique. The march will be held on June 6 on the streets of Grand Baie and is in line with World Environment Day. The march will start in front of Grand Baie police station at 9 [...]
28 May 2011, The Independent Daily
On May 26, the Port Louis Harbour and Docks Workers Union (DWU) sent out a press communiqué addressing several issues. The president of the Federation of Civil Service and Other Unions (FCSOU) Toolsyraj Benydin, said that their union was at the forefront of the workers’ struggle at the port and that they have been defending [...]
28 May 2011, The Independent Daily
CWA to implement drastic water cut in southern region
Starting this weekend, regions in the south, including Chemin Grenier, Chamouny, Rivière des Rivières and neighbouring localities, will receive water twice a day from 3 am to 9 am and 4 pm to 9 pm. This decision was announced during a high-level committee meeting chaired by deputy prime minister and minister of Energy and Public [...]
28 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Research taps into seaweed potential
Mauritius Research Council (MRC) executive director Dr A Suddhoo announced the setting up of a sea farm in Rodrigues, in collaboration with the University of Mauritius (UoM) and the Agricultural Research and Extension Unit. This is with the view of using local seaweed as biofertiliser in a bid to alleviate the problems of increasing fertiliser [...]
28 May 2011, The Independent Daily
First results published
The Price Observatory, which was established by the Ministry of Business Enterprise in March, published its first results on Friday. According to minister Michael Sik Yuen, the observatory aims to create a competitive environment in Mauritius as it will let consumers know where they can get food products at a competitive price. Some 40 regularly [...]
28 May 2011, The Independent Daily
UoM to host meet on eco-tourism
A number of issues were on the table during the cabinet meeting on Friday, including a series of activities to be organised to mark the World Environment Day and Music Day. The cabinet has taken note that the University of Technology, Mauritius, in collaboration with the University of Bedforshire, will hold an International Tourism Sustainability [...]
28 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Maigrot kept in police custody
Bernard Maigrot, the suspect in the 2001 murder of fashion designer Vanessa Lagesse, is still waiting to be released on bail and will spend the weekend in a police cell. The case will be heard on Monday at 11.30 am. Maigrot appeared in the District Court of Mapou on Friday before senior magistrate Sheila Bonomally. [...]
28 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Man died in road accident
Pascal Lacrouche, a 29-year-old resident of Poudre d’Or, died after his motorcycle was hit by another motorcyclist at Goodlands on Friday. The second motorcyclist and the passenger who was accompanying him were taken to the hospital where they have been admitted to the intensive care unit. The accident occurred near Winners supermarket at around 6 [...]
28 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Do not mix religion, culture: PM
On Friday, Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam unveiled the plaque of the first national art gallery, which was formerly a military hospital, built in Port Louis under the governance of Mahé de Labourdonnais. The national art gallery will be ready by 2012. In his address on the occasion, the Prime Minister emphasised the importance of [...]
28 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Culture: Lancement des travaux pour la création de la galerie d’art nationale à Port-Louis
La culture fait évoluer la conception de la vie et les relations entre humains. La culture doit être au cœur de tout projet de société, popos du Premier ministre. Le Dr.Navin Ramgoolam intervenait hier, en début de soirée dans le cadre du lancement des travaux pour la création de la galerie d’art nationale à Port-Louis qu’abritera [...]
28 May 2011, MBC
Economie – Premier relevé de l’observatoire des prix rendu public
Premier relevé de l’observatoire des prix rendu public hier après-midi. Un relevé effectué auprès de 22 points de vente à travers le pays et qui concernent une soixantaine de produits. La méthodologie utilisée a également été présentée à la presse par le ministere du business et de la protection des consommateurs. L’observatoire des prix, on vous [...]
28 May 2011, MBC
La SMEDA organise le salon Innovex
Pleins feux sur les petites et moyennes entreprises ce week-end. La SMEDA organise le salon Innovex qui regroupe des PMES à Mont Choisy aujourd’hui et demain. L’accent est mis sur les produits locaux tels que l’agro-alimentaire, la bijouterie, le textile, l’artisanat, les produits alimentaires entre autres. Cette foire prévoit un service de renseignement sur les diverses [...]
28 May 2011, MBC
Conseil des ministres
Les derniers développements concernant la construction du barrage de Bagatelle passés en revue aujourd’hui, au Conseil des ministres. Ce barrage aura une capacité de stockage de 13,2 millions de mètres cubes d’eau et pourra répondre à la demande en eau pour le projet de Highlands. Le conseil a aussi pris note des développements dans la zone [...]
28 May 2011, MBC
Le ‘créole mauricien’ comme 3eme langue au primaire
3 mille 186 élèves ont choisi le ‘créole mauricien’ comme 3eme langue lors du dernier exercice de demande d’admission en Standard One pour l’année académique 2012. Ce chiffre concerne les écoles primaires du gouvernement et celles subventionnées par l’état. Justement ,dans le cadre de l’introduction du Kreol mauricien comme langue optionnelle au primaire, le conseil des [...]
28 May 2011, MBC
‘Nomination Day’ à Rodrigues aujourd’hui
‘Nomination Day’ à Rodrigues aujourd’hui, soit le jour du dépôt de candidature. Deux régions sont concernées, notamment Baie-aux-Huîtres et Grande Montagne. Les actes de candidature seront reçus de 9 heures à 15 heures, au collège Le Chou pour la Région 4 et à la Grande Montagne Secondary School pour la Région 6. Le Commissaire électorale, Irfan [...]
28 May 2011, MBC
Vivez le match entre Manchester United et le FC Barcelone sur la MBC Radio
Vivez la grande finale sur la MBC Radio! Toute l’équipe du Multiplex vous donne rendez-vous ce samedi, 28 mai, 2011 sur Kool Fm à partir de 21 heures pour le match de l’année entre Manchester United et le FC Barcelone. Dans l’antre de Wembley et après la désillusion de 2009, les Diables Rouges tenteront de prendre [...]
28 May 2011, MBC
Musician Gil Scott-Heron Dies
US musician and poet Gil Scott-Heron has died aged 62, media reports, publicists and publishers have said. The cause of Scott-Heron’s death, in a New York hospital, is not clear. Scott-Heron’s material spanned soul, jazz, blues and the spoken word and his 1970s work heavily influenced the US hip-hop and rap scenes. There was a [...]
28 May 2011, MauritiusHot
Rajinikanth Off To National Kidney Foundation Singapore
Tamil superstar Rajinikanth was on Friday discharged from the Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre and taken to Singapore for further treatment. The actor is expected to meet specialists at the National Kidney Foundation in Singapore. The actor’s ambulance was taken to the 11.15pm flight in which he was booked in the business class as a wheel-chair [...]
28 May 2011, MauritiusHot