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Live Chat: Bejoy Nambiar on May 30 at 1430 hrs IST
Bejoy Nambiar is the man who assisted Mani Ratnam during the making of Guru. And today, he is the same man who has written and directed his first film which is a thriller based on real life incidents, titled Shaitan. For starters, Bejoy, who began it all with theatre, has made several short films one of which is 'Reflections' with the southern superstar Mohanlal. Even as Bejoy gears to rock and shock the nation with Shaitan, Bollywood Hungama brings to you the man in an exclusive live chat on Monday, May 30 at 1430 hrs IST. Don't miss!
28 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
National Kidney Foundation Singapore
The National Kidney Foundation Singapore is a charitable organisation that provides dialysis treatment and rehabilitative care to kidney failure patients at affordable, subsidised rates. Our philosophy is to care for our patients holistically, aiming to help patients maintain a reasonable quality of life. The National Kidney Foundation also provides health-screening and public education services to [...]
28 May 2011, MauritiusHot
Million Pound Drop Online Game
The Million Pound Drop is an extraordinary game show event, where contestants can win – or lose – life changing amounts of money LIVE on TV. They are given their prize at the top of the show – a million pounds in CASH. All they have to do is keep hold of it! Just eight [...]
28 May 2011, MauritiusHot
News Bulletin – Saturday 28/05/11
Title: News BulletinChannel: MBC 3Start Time: 18:30Date: 2011-05-28End Time: 18:50
28 May 2011, MBC
JT de 19h30 – samedi 28/05/11
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC 1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-05-28End Time: 20:15
28 May 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – samedi 28/05/11
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC 2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-05-28End Time: 19:20
28 May 2011, MBC
Classic on cards as Man Utd face Barcelona
LONDON (AFP)Barcelona take on Manchester United in the European Champions League final on Saturday with Sir Alex Ferguson predicting a classic finale to the most prestigious tournament in club football.A worldwide television audience in the hundreds of millions is expected to tune in to Saturday's encounter at Wembley, where a capacity crowd of 90,000 will watch the English and Spanish giants collide.Barcelona are bidding to seal their status as the finest team of their generation by claiming their second European crown in three years.Standing in their way however are United, the newly crowned Premier League champions who are desperate to …
28 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Côte d'Ivoire: les crimes continuent dans l'ouest, selon une ommission d'enquête
ABIDJAN (AFP)Des crimes continuent d'être commis dans l'ouest de la Côte d'Ivoire, poussant des habitants à fuir cette région meurtrie par la crise post-électorale, a alerté vendredi la commission d'enquête internationale sur les violations des droits de l'Homme dans le pays."Des crimes réels ont été commis par les parties en présence et ça continue à être le cas. La preuve de cela: il y a encore des réfugiés qui fuient cette région", a déclaré lors d'une conférence de presse le Soudanais Suliman Baldo, l'un des trois experts de la commission."Les populations dans cette zone-là vivent dans une insécurité totale et …
27 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Ajaccio et Dijon emboîtent le pas d'Evian et vont en Ligue 1 de foot
PARIS (AFP)Dijon, pourtant battu 1-0 à Angers, et Ajaccio, vainqueur 2-1 à Nîmes, ont rejoint Evian-Thonon (champion de Ligue 2) pour former un inattendu trio de promus en L1, vendredi à l'issue de la 38e et dernière journée de L2.Evian-Thonon, Ajaccio, Dijon. Qui en début de saison aurait parié sur ce tiercé gagnant ? Le club haut-savoyard découvrait la L2, il l'a immédiatement domptée, son succès 4-3 contre Metz lui valant même le titre de champion.Les Corses et les Bourguignons figuraient de leur côté parmi les plus modestes budgets du championnat. Qu'importe, ils ont laissé à leur triste sort des …
27 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Jeff Conaway, of 'Taxi' and 'Grease' fame, dead at 60
LOS ANGELES (AFP)US actor Jeff Conaway, known for his roles in the television series "Taxi" and the movie "Grease," died Friday after being in a coma for several days due to a suspected overdose, local media reported.Conaway died in the Encino Medical Center northwest of Los Angeles as a result of complications from pneumonia, his sister Carla Shreve told the Los Angeles Times.After several days in an induced coma, the actor's family decided to disconnect him from an artificial respirator."Jeff Conaway was a wonderful and decent man, and we will miss him. My heartfelt thoughts are with his family and …
27 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Grèce: Papandreou échoue à réunir les partis autour de l'austérité
ATHENES (AFP)Le premier ministre grec a échoué vendredi à obtenir un soutien de l'opposition, de droite et de gauche, sur les mesures prévues pour sortir de la crise de la dette et garantir la poursuite du soutien de l'UE et du FMI à la Grèce, de nouveau placée sous le spectre d'une faillite.Les dirigeants des cinq partis représentés au Parlement grec n'ont pas trouvé de terrain d'entente, ont indiqué le leader populiste Georges Karatzaféris et la communiste Alekas Papariga. Ils s'exprimaient à la sortie d'une réunion d'urgence convoquée par le chef de l'Etat pour tenter de dégager un consensus minimum …
27 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Indian superstar Rajinikanth to leave hospital
CHENNAI, India (AFP)Indian film megastar Rajinikanth is to be discharged from a hospital and flown to Singapore, doctors said Friday, just over a week after he was taken into intensive care.Doctors at the private Sri Ramachandra hospital in the southern city of Chennai declined to say whether his treatment would continue in Singapore, which has some of the best medical facilities in Asia.Rajinikanth has had fluid drained from his lungs to ease a breathing complaint and some dialysis for a kidney ailment."Singapore is a place to relax and enjoy and if someone is visiting Singapore it is for rest and …
27 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Cyclisme: Tiralongo remporte la 19e étape du Tour d'Italie
MACUGNAGA (Italie) (AFP)L'Italien Paolo Tiralongo (Astana) a remporté la 19e étape du Tour d'Italie cycliste, vendredi, à Macugnaga, devant le leader, l'Espagnol Alberto Contador (Saxo Bank), qui lui a offert la victoire.Contador a rejoint dans le dernier kilomètre Tiralongo, qui était sorti dans le final de cette étape de montagne, arrivant au pied du Mont Rose (nord).Le porteur du maillot rose a contrôlé alors le retour des poursuivants et a laissé passer avant la ligne Tiralongo, qui était son équipier l'année passée."Je le remercie", a déclaré le Sicilien très ému après l'arrivée. "C'est lui qui m'a incité à attaquer. Alberto …
27 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
A Athènes, les "Indignés" grecs montent leur campement place Syntagma
ATHENES (AFP)Après Madrid, les "Indignés" grecs, qui réunissent des milliers de personnes depuis deux jours à Athènes via les réseaux sociaux, montent un campement place Syntagma, devant le Parlement, pour exiger une "vraie démocratie" ou un "référendum" contre l'austérité.Vendredi, la place centrale d'Athènes, lieu de convergence de toutes les manifestations qui rythment le quotidien du pays depuis un an, est devenue une sorte de ruche, où se côtoient touristes flâneurs, députés pressés, et petits groupes de militants de tous bords qui disent vouloir "réveiller" la démocratie grecque.Sous un arbre, une grande table sur des tréteaux porte l'inscription "une vraie démocratie …
27 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Lotus boss Fernandes eyes Norwich, West Ham
NORWICH, England (AFP)Malaysian aviation tycoon Tony Fernandes revealed Friday he could be interested in investing in promoted English Premier League side Norwich after considering doing so last year.Team Lotus principal Fernandes decided against putting money into the Canaries while they were in League One, preferring to focus on his Norfolk-based Formula One outfit.The 47-year-old Air Asia founder told the Norwich Advertiser: "We talked, we talked definitely and there was a whole emotional appeal of everything Norfolk and green and yellow, and it made sense."And there's no reason why we can't work together in the future and do things together."Norwich, who …
27 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Clinton assure le Pakistan du soutien américain, mais demande des efforts
ISLAMABAD (AFP)Le chef de la diplomatie américaine Hillary Clinton a assuré à nouveau vendredi le Pakistan du soutien de Washington après la crise provoquée par le raid américain qui a tué Oussama Ben Laden, tout en appelant Islamabad à faire des efforts "décisifs" dans la lutte contre le terrorisme.Cette visite éclair est intervenue au moment où les talibans alliés à Al-Qaïda, qui ont juré de venger Ben Laden, ont multiplié ces derniers jours les attentats très meurtiers, Mme Clinton évoquant à ce propos un véritable "sacrifice" humain.La secrétaire d'Etat, accompagnée par l'amiral Mike Mullen, chef d'état-major américain, a rencontré le …
27 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Lech Walesa snubs Obama, fellow Nobel winner
WARSAW (AFP)Lech Walesa, Poland's Solidarity-era legend, ex-president and 1983 Nobel Peace Prize winner said Friday he would not accept an invitation to meet with fellow Nobel winner US President Barack Obama."It's difficult to tell journalists what you'd like to say to the president of a superpower. This time I won't tell him, I won't meet him, it doesn't suit me," Walesa told Poland's public broadcaster TVP.Obama is due to arrive in Poland later Friday after the G8 summit in France.Walesa was originally scheduled to meet Obama Saturday along with other key figures in Poland's post-1989 transition from communism to democracy.According …
27 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Ferguson pens five-year Newcastle deal
NEWCASTLE, England (AFP)Northern Ireland defender Shane Ferguson has signed a five-year deal with Newcastle, the Premier League side confirmed on Friday.Just days after it was revealed that key midfielder Joey Barton will not be offered an extension, the 19-year-old left-back follows Cheick Tiote, Steven Taylor, Mike Williamson and Nile Ranger in putting pen to paper on a long-term deal."I'm really happy. I've enjoyed this season so much and the new contract has just been the icing on the cake for me," said Ferguson, who impressed in his nine senior appearances during the second half of last season."It's a great thrill …
27 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Japan name teen star for World Cup warmup
TOKYO (AFP)Japan coach Alberto Zaccheroni called up teen sensation Takashi Usami on Friday for the Kirin Cup tournament in a squad featuring three newcomers ahead of autumn's crucial World Cup campaign.The 19-year-old forward, widely regarded as Japan's brightest prospect, made his professional debut for Gamba Osaka aged just 17 and scored in the match to become the youngest player to achieve both feats for the club.Kashima Antlers midfielder Daigo Nishi and Kawasaki Frontale midfielder Kosei Shibasaki are the other debutants in the squad for next month's triangular contest, which pits the Blue Samurai against the Czech Republic and Peru."Usami has …
27 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Naïade reçoit deux distinctions au concours de la Fête du Pain 2011
Deux hôtels de Naïade ont brillé au concours "Pain Déco" pour les hôteliers lors de la Fête du Pain 2011, organisée par Les Moulins de la Concorde Ltée (LMLC) du 20 au 21 mai. Ce concours, qui vise à récompenser le travail d’équipe des boulangers exerçant dans les hôtels de renom, a vu l’exposition des pains décoratifs réalisés par dix hôtels. L’hôtel Legends s’est ainsi vu décerner le premier prix du meilleur pain décoratif alors que le second prix a été attribué à l’hôtel Merville. Brice Lunot, le General Manager de Legends, , a tenu à préciser: "Lorsque l’équipe de …
27 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?