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Affaire Infinity- BPO
Les biens mobiliers de la compagnie seront vendus à l’encan. L’exercice est prévu aujourd’hui et demain à l’Infinity Tower à Ébène. Il s’agit des chaises, des tables et d’ordinateurs de cet ancien centre d’appels. Après cette vente, une assemblée générale des créanciers sera appelée pour décider de la marche à suivre et [...]
25 May 2011, MBC
NBA de Basket: Miami à un pas de la finale de Conférence Est
MIAMI (AFP)Miami n'est plus qu'à une victoire de la qualification en finale NBA après un succès mardi à domicile (101-93 a.p.) face à Chicago qui lui permet de mener 3 à 1 en finale de Conférence Est.Le Heat et son "Big Three" peuvent empocher leur billet pour la finale dès jeudi à Chicago. En cas de défaite chez les Bulls, ils retourneront en Floride pour le match N.6 avec de grandes chances de qualification.Miami n'a plus joué en finale NBA depuis 2006 et pourrait bientôt y retrouver sa victime cette année-là, Dallas, qui mène 3 à 1 en Conférence Ouest …
25 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Yémen: les partisans d'un chef de tribu contrôlent l'agence de presse officielle SABA
SANAA (AFP)Des partisans du puissant chef de la tribu des Hached, cheikh Sadek al-Ahmar, rallié à l'opposition, ont pris dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi le contrôle de l'agence officielle de presse yéménite SABA, selon un haut responsable et des témoins.Les hommes de cheikh al-Ahmar ont également pris le contrôle de la compagnie nationale aérienne Yemenia alors qu'ils ont tenté d'occuper le siège du ministère de l'Intérieur, ont indiqué un haut responsable qui a requis l'anonymat et des témoins.De violents heurts opposaient mercredi matin des membres d'une tribu et les forces gouvernementales dans un quartier de Sanaa après une …
25 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Ex-Fulham player on gun and drug charges
SYDNEY (AFP)Former Fulham player and Australian international Ahmad Elrich faced a Sydney court Wednesday over multiple gun and drugs charges.The 29-year-old, who played for the English Premier League side in the 2005-06 season, was refused bail after appearing at Parramatta Local Court.Elrich, who made 17 appearances for the Socceroos and also played for Australian A-League clubs Wellington Phoenix and Central Coast Mariners, was stopped by police on his motorbike last Thursday for a faulty light.Police allege they found two loaded pistols and some Cialis, a drug used for erectile dysfunction, for which they said Elrich did not have a prescription, …
25 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Wishing Karan Johar a very happy Birthday
To say that he is one of the most powerful people in the film industry would be an understatement. Every actor/actresses dreams of working with him, while every aspiring director wishes to direct a film for his banner Dharma Productions. He is none other than Karan Johar. As Karan celebrates his birthday today, we at Bollywood Hungama wish him loads of luck and good wishes on this special day. You too can post your birthday wishes for Karan Johar in the comments section below:
25 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
JT de 19h30 – mercredi 25/05/11
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC 1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-05-25End Time: 20:15
25 May 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – mercredi 25/05/11
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC 2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-05-25End Time: 19:20
25 May 2011, MBC
News Bulletin – Wednesday 25/05/11
Title: News BulletinChannel: MBC 3Start Time: 18:30Date: 2011-05-25End Time: 18:50
25 May 2011, MBC
Samachar – Wednesday 25/05/11
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC 1Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-05-25End Time: 18:25
25 May 2011, MBC
L’île Maurice intensifie sa visibilité sur le Moyen Orient
L’île Maurice accueille en ce moment neuf agents de voyages du Moyen Orient. Leur présence sur les terres mauriciennes s’insère dans le cadre d’un voyage de familiarisation. Ils ont, pendant leur séjour, rencontré le directeur de la MTPA. Les sujets évoqués ; la vision de la destination mauricienne et ses enjeux. Cette visite est l’initiative de la MTPA et d’Emirates Airlines. La MTPA a accueilli, dans ses locaux, neuf agents de voyages du Moyen Orient. Cette rencontre qui s’est tenue hier, a permis aux deux parties concernées de parler de leurs expectatives et de leurs visions de la destination mauricienne. …
25 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
STC:-Pour assurer un meilleur approvisionnement en carburants
La STC fera bientôt construire des cuves afin de pouvoir stocker quelque 15,000 tonnes de carburant. D’ici à la fin de l’année la construction devra démarrer. Les autorités veulent concrétiser ce projet car entrent deux arrivées le pays dispose d’un stock de 10 jours seulement le problème de piraterie pose aussi problème. La STC veut aussi créer [...]
25 May 2011, MBC
Singapore football teams suspended over brawl
SINGAPORE (AFP)Singapore football officials have suspended indefinitely two teams who were involved in a mass brawl this week, a report said on Wednesday.Hougang United and Etoile FC will face a disciplinary hearing on June 3 after a melee involving 30-40 players during a pre-kick off warm-up on Monday, the Straits Times said."We have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to violent conduct both on and off the pitch," FAS president Zainudin Nordin said in a statement."FAS has started investigations and will pursue the matter thoroughly. Any players and officials found guilty of misconduct will be severely dealt with."The brawl forced …
25 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Pakistan: un kamikaze taliban détruit un commissariat pour venger Ben Laden
PESHAWAR (Pakistan) (AFP)Un kamikaze au volant d'une camionnette piégée a entièrement détruit un commissariat, tuant trois policiers et un soldat mercredi à Peshawar, au Pakistan, les talibans alliés à Al-Qaïda revendiquant là leur quatrième attaque pour venger Oussama Ben Laden.Au moins 23 personnes ont également été blessées et les secouristes tentaient de localiser quatre à cinq autres victimes sous les décombres.Les talibans avaient juré, le jour même de la mort du chef d'Al-Qaïda il y a plus de trois semaines, d'intensifier leur campagne d'attentats qui a déjà fait près de 4.400 morts en moins de quatre ans dans ce pays …
25 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Bodha focuses on emerging markets
The Ministry of Tourism and Leisure is focusing on emerging markets such as India, China and Russia. The objective is to minimise the adverse effects of the euro crisis and external shocks like the disruption to air travel caused by the ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano. This was stated by minister of Tourism Nando [...]
25 May 2011, The Independent Daily
SikYuen to unveil co-op strategies
The minister of Business, Enterprise, Cooperatives and Consumer Protection Michael Sik Yuen will launch a booklet and pamphlet on Thursday at Gold Crest hotel, Quatre Bornes. The publications contain information for cooperative societies and also have plans that can make them more accessible to the public. The documents offer information on fiscal exemptions, technical support, [...]
25 May 2011, The Independent Daily
May dedicated to Tai Chi Style martial art
The month of May has been declared as the month of Tai Chi – the Chinese martial art – by the International Wushu Federation. To mark the event, some 200 students of the Chinese culture centre under the guidance of their teacher, Zhang, will perform at the esplanade of the Port Louis waterfront on Thursday [...]
25 May 2011, The Independent Daily
25k tonnes of sugar to be imported
The Syndicat des Sucres will have the opportunity to import a shipment of about 15 per cent of the local production. This will be mixed with the local sugar for the manufacture of other types of sugars. The first shipment of 20,000-25, 000 tonnes of raw sugar is expected in the country in the first [...]
25 May 2011, The Independent Daily
No formal complaint against Burrenchobay
Member of Parliament (MP) Deva Nagalingum asked the acting Prime Minister, Dr Rashid Beebeejaunif he has received representations from the trade union for an inquiry into the death of a staff member of the Ministry of Cooperatives. He confirmed that he has received a letter from the trade union but it did contain any specific [...]
25 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Import of Japanese cars under scrutiny
According to a communiqué issued by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce on Tuesday, the Consumer Protection (Control of Imports) Regulations 1999 were amended on May 23. From now on, for any imports from Japan, an original Certificate of Conformity issued by Bureau Veritas (Japan) has to be submitted on the arrival of the second-hand [...]
25 May 2011, The Independent Daily
MRA compensates 20 electronic tax returns
Bhavna Haulooman scooped Rs50,000 for filing her 2011 tax returns electronically. She is one of the twenty to have won the lottery organised by the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA). The lots were drawn on Monday in the presence of the the minister of Information and Communication Technology, Tassarajen Pillay Chedumbrum.”The government vision is to make [...]
25 May 2011, The Independent Daily