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Ben Laden: Washington n'avait prévenu les Pakistanais de l'opération
WASHINGTON (AFP)Les Etats-Unis n'avaient pas prévenu les autorités pakistanaises de l'opération contre Oussama ben Laden et justifient la violation de la souveraineté pakistanaise par "l'obligation légale et morale d'agir", a affirmé lundi un haut responsable de l'administration Obama."Nous n'avons partagé les renseignements sur la résidence (où se trouvait le chef d'Al Qaïda) avec aucun autre pays, y compris le Pakistan", a déclaré ce haut responsable lors d'une conférence téléphonique, mettant en avant des "raisons opérationnelles".Les Etats-Unis ont mené dimanche matin un raid avec deux hélicoptères transportant des commandos qui ont pris d'assaut la résidence dans laquelle se trouvait Oussama ben …
02 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Opposition Leader Paul Berenger delivers message in front of Port Louis municipality.
Speaking at a rally to mark Labour Day on Sunday in front of the Municipality of Port Louis, Mouvement Militant Mauricien (MMM) leader Paul Bérenger said, “We want a different Mauritius where it will be nice to live and where competency is recognised.” “Navin Ramgoolam is the most incompetent Prime Minister that the country has [...]
02 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Benydin asks ministers to stop blaming civil servants
Federation of Civil Service and Other Unions (FCSOU) president Toolsyraj Benydin said that a minister should assume all responsibility. He was speaking at a press conference in Port Louis on Friday. “A minister should not blame the officers when things go wrong. It is very easy to say we will suspend somebody. But before that, [...]
02 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Labour Party pay homage to leaders
Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam and other Labour Party members laid wreaths at several monuments on the eve of May Day. They paid tribute to eminent personalities who have marked the history of Mauritius on Labour Day. This symbolic gesture, which is a tradition of the party, began at Guy Rozement Square in Port Louis. [...]
02 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Diocese holds mass on Labour Day
‘The Diocesan Commission of the working clasgathered its followers and social workers, as well as religious heads, including Bishop Maurice Piat, Father Michel Moura Father Eddy Coosnapen and Father Robert Jaufret, in the courtyard of Notre Dame de la Confiance at Barkly, Beau Bassin on Sunday. The mass was held to commemorate Labour Day and [...]
02 May 2011, The Independent Daily
SBM registers profits of Rs 1,603 million
In its financial report released on Thursday, the State Bank of Mauritius Ltd (SBM) indicated that the group’s profit amounted to Rs 1,603 million for the first nine months of the financial year ending March 31. Compared to the same period last year, this represents a 4.6 per cent increase. The net interest income increased [...]
02 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Les Canadiens votent pour choisir entre stabilité et changement
MONTREAL (AFP)Près de 24 millions de Canadiens sont appelés aux urnes lundi pour des législatives qui devraient reconduire le conservateur Stephen Harper à la tête du gouvernement, tout en révélant l'appui d'un nombre croissant d'électeurs à la gauche et au "changement" qu'elle propose.Alors que l'on s'attendait à une campagne terne, une percée inattendue de la formation social-démocrate, le Nouveau Parti Démocratique (NPD), qui a ravi la deuxième place aux libéraux dans les sondages, a créé la surprise.Le NPD a été entraîné par un leader charismatique, Jack Layton, qui a séduit en premier lieu les Québécois, traditionnellement plus favorables à la …
02 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Shobhit University to set up campus
In a press meet at the headquarters of Mauritius Sanatan Dharma Temple Federation (MSDTF) on Saturday, Somduth Dulthumun announced the construction of Shobhit University on the island. He said that this was an investment worth Rs 120 million and that the campus will be constructed in two phases. Each phase will cost Rs 60 million. [...]
02 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Give compensation to slave descendants, says Michel
A May Day meeting was held at Mon Choisy on Sunday. peaking at the meet, the leader of Les Verts Fraternels, Sylvio Michel said that compensation will be provided to the descendants of slaves. There were seven speakers at the meet, namely Sylvio Cyril Legallant, Jean Noël André, Emrith Mohunchandra, Jean Claude Armance, Narain Subron, [...]
02 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Meeah wants ally for municipal elections
Front Solidarité Mauricienne (FSM) leader Cehl Meeah has appealed to Labour Party leader Dr Navin Ramgoolam and Mouvement Militant Mauricien (MMM) leader Paul Bérenger for an alliance with his party during the upcoming municipal elections. Meeah was speaking at an FSM rally at Plaine Verte on Sunday. He said that he will make an alliance [...]
02 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Unions give 30-day ultimatum to amend labour laws
After several years, the main unions of the country decided to come together for a rally on Sunday. All speakers criticised Mauritius’ labour laws. They gave the government an ultimatum of 30 days to amend the laws or they threatened that they would organise a general strike. The May 1 rally began with the traditional [...]
02 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Water cuts on high lands from today
On Monday, several regions of upper Plaines Wilhems will receive water only once a day, from 4 am to 10 am. The Central Water Authority (CWA) has decided to implement water cuts to avoid being in a catastrophic situation like in 2010 and early this year. A high level meeting is scheduled this week at [...]
02 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Libye: un fils Kadhafi tué, nouvelles frappes de l'Otan sur Tripoli
TRIPOLI (AFP)L'Otan a maintenu ses frappes sur Tripoli dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi, en dépit des accusations du régime libyen d'avoir tenté d'assassiner Mouammar Kadhafi la veille, lors d'un bombardement aérien qui a tué un de ses fils et trois de ses petits-enfants.Trois explosions ont retenti dimanche soir à Tripoli alors que des avions survolaient la capitale libyenne, ont indiqué des témoins. Selon eux, les explosions étaient localisées dans l'est de la ville.Dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, Moussa Ibrahim, porte-parole du gouvernement, a annoncé que la maison de Seïf al-Arab Mouammar Kadhafi, 29 ans, un des …
02 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
JT de 19h30 – lundi 02/05/11
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-05-02End Time: 20:15
02 May 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – lundi 02/05/11
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-05-02End Time: 19:20
02 May 2011, MBC
News – Monday 02/05/11
Title: NewsChannel: MBC3Start Time: 18:30Date: 2011-05-02End Time: 18:50
02 May 2011, MBC
Samachar – Monday 02/05/11
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC1Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-05-02End Time: 18:25
02 May 2011, MBC
Usama Bin Laden Killed In Pakistan
Usama Bin Laden is officially dead and was killed in Pakistan according to a recent report from CNN some hours ago. Accordingly, Barack Obama, the US President is expected to make a late-night statement (US time) today to announce this news to the world. Since some days now there were reports that Ousama Bin Laden [...]Usama Bin Laden Killed In Pakistan is a post from: Island Crisis
02 May 2011, Island Crisis
Big B sings and performs to medley of his hit songs in Bbuddah
In his illustrious career, Amitabh Bachchan has had several chartbuster songs to which he has danced. And now in his forthcoming film Bbuddah - Hoga Terra Baap, Big B will be seen performing a song sequence featuring a medley of some of his most popular songs. What's more, the medley has been sung by Bachchan himself making it all the more exciting for his millions of fans. Big B has been shooting for the song for most of last week along with choreographer Remo. Describing this song sequence on his blog, Big B wrote, "Song picturisation is fearful and so …
02 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mukul Deora to produce film adaptation of The White Tiger
According to sources, Mukul Deora has bagged one of the most prestigious international film projects, The White Tiger. Mukul is producing the film based on the Booker prize-winning novel and his partner on the project is ace Hollywood producer John Hart who produced the Academy Award nominated The Revolutionary Road that starred Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet. On collaborating with his Hollywood counterparts, Mukul stated the importance of requiring something that transcends geographical and cultural boundaries with emotional content. Along side Mukul and John, New York based Patrick Millings Smith of Smuggler Films is the co-producer of the film. …
02 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?