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Maroc: visite du roi à Marrakech deux jours après l'attentat meurtrier
MARRAKECH (Maroc) (AFP)Le roi Mohammed VI du Maroc s'est rendu samedi à Marrakech visée jeudi par un attentat qui a fait 16 morts, dont sept Français, contre un café du coeur touristique de la ville. Au milieu d'un strict dispositif de sécurité et sous les saluts de centaines d'habitants, il a fait une halte de quelques minutes sur la place Jamâa El-Fna, où s'est produit cette attaque.Le roi a serré la main de quelques Marocains parmi la foule compacte à proximité du café Argana, qui a été soufflé par l'explosion d'une bombe commandée à distance. Les murs ont été éventrés, …
30 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Lotto Mauritius Result For 30th April 2011
Loto Mauritius Results for 30th April 2011 and the 78th draw of the Mauritian lotto are available. Winning numbers are listed below. There is no jackpot winner this week. Winning Numbers: 4, 13, 17, 18, 29 and 38 Winning ticket sold at: No winner Statistic of Winning Numbers {"chartType":"AreaChart","chartName":"Chart 1","dataSourceUrl":"//","options":{"reverseCategories":false,"fontColor":"#fff","midColor":"#36c","pointSize":"0","headerColor":"#3d85c6","headerHeight":40,"is3D":false,"logScale":false,"hAxis":{"maxAlternation":1},"wmode":"opaque","title":"Move mouse over chart [...]Lotto Mauritius Result For 30th April 2011 is a post from: Island Crisis
30 Apr 2011, Island Crisis
Marseillle: une attaque à géométrie variable
MARSEILLE (AFP)Pour la seconde fois seulement de la saison, Marseille a atteint mercredi lors du match contre Nice la barre des 4 buts en championnat (4-2). La première remontait au 27 novembre (4-0 contre Montpellier). Ce soudain réveil offensif intervient alors que les cartes sont en partie rebattues dans ce secteur à géométrie variable.. Gignac, éternel débat. La recrue la plus onéreuse de l'intersaison (18 M EUR) continue d'alimenter la chronique. Après avoir répété qu'il se sentait nettement plus à l'aise côté gauche que dans l'axe, il a obtenu gain de cause. Le problème est qu'il ne passe pas forcément …
30 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Royal wedding photographer recalls 'magical' day
LONDON (AFP)Prince William and Kate were "buzzing with happiness" on their wedding day, and their evening reception was a "magical" affair with "hysterical" speeches, their photographer revealed on Saturday.Millie Pilkington, a friend of the bride's family, took informal pictures of the new Duke and Duchess of Cornwall after the ceremony at Westminster Abbey, which will be kept private for the couple to remember the event."They were drawn to each other magnetically throughout the day. Their love for each other was so evident. Everyone could see it. They just looked like they had been made for each other," she said Saturday."They …
30 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Dortmund win German football league title
BERLIN (AFP)Borussia Dortmund were crowned Bundesliga champions on Saturday with a 2-0 win at home against Nuremberg to land their first German league title since 2002.
30 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Bayern fans set boo Schalke's Neuer
BERLIN (AFP)Schalke 04's Manuel Neuer can expect plenty of boos at Bayern Munich on Saturday despite pleas from the club board to show the German national 'keeper and a transfer target of theirs respect.The 25-year-old has already told Champions League semi-finalists Schalke he will leave when his contract expires in 2012 and Bayern have made no secret of their desire to sign him for next season.While Schalke were soundly beaten 2-0 by Manchester United in Gelsenkirchen on Tuesday in their Champions League semi-final, first-leg, Neuer's outstanding performance kept the scoreline respectable.His performance drew gushing praise from United manager Sir Alex …
30 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Kate's wedding dress recreated in just five hours
LONDON (AFP)Barely five hours after Kate began her drive to Westminster Abbey to marry Prince William, a family tailoring firm in London had put the final touches to a replica of her wedding dress.The Alexander McQueen gown worn by the new Duchess of Cambridge was one of the highlights of the royal wedding and copies are expected to be made across the world.But the bride may have been surprised at how fast the work began."As soon as she was in the car, we started to identify what the lace was like and try to find as close a copy as …
30 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Rapt d'étrangers à Abidjan: militaires et miliciens pro-Gbagbo soupçonnés
ABIDJAN (AFP)La piste principale dans l'enlèvement le 4 avril à Abidjan de quatre étrangers, dont deux Français, est celle de l'implication de "miliciens et d'éléments de la Garde républicaine" du président déchu Laurent Gbagbo, a déclaré samedi à l'AFP le ministre ivoirien de la Justice.
30 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
ProA de basket: Le Mans défend son rang
PARIS (AFP)Accroché à la huitième et dernière place qualificative pour les play-offs, Le Mans défend son rang à Poitiers samedi lors de la deuxième partie de la 28e journée de ProA de basket.Poitiers - Le Mans. Le Mans continuera à avoir son destin en main à condition de gagner à Poitiers. "C'est une équipe qui reste toujours dans les matches, qui peut prendre feu à domicile et qu'il faudra absolument ralentir", indique l'entraîneur JD Jackson qui ne sait pas encore s'il pourra compter sur Kakiouzis, touché au mollet. "Il y aura deux maîtres mots: concentration et engagement physique. Le premier …
30 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mondiaux de patinage: la Japonaise Miki Ando championne du monde
MOSCOU (AFP)La Japonaise Miki Ando a été sacrée championne du monde de patinage artistique avec un total de 195,79 points, devant la championne olympique sud-coréenne Yu-Na Kim (194,50) et l'Italienne Carolina Kostner (184,68), samedi à Moscou.
30 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Top French football official suspended in race row
PARIS (AFP)Francois Blaquart, Gerard Houllier's successor as head of French football's youth coaching policy, was on Saturday suspended from his job as fallout from the race row that has hit the game in France continued.Blacquart's suspension was announced by the French Sports Minister Chantal Jouanno and his employers, the French Football Federation (FFF), which has found itself at the centre of a storm over discrimination.Blaquart was relieved of his post 48 hours after a controversial report emerged linking him and other leading officials including France coach Laurent Blanc to the introduction of a cap on black and Arab players.The FFF …
30 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Newlyweds William and Kate spring honeymoon surprise
LONDON (AFP)Amid estimations that the wedding was watched by roughly a third of the world's population, the BBC said almost 25 million people saw it live in Britain alone, with nearly 35 million catching some of their coverage throughout the day.More details of the wedding service in Westminster Abbey emerged in Saturday's newspapers.With the help of lipreaders, they reported that as Kate walked up the aisle William's best man and brother, Prince Harry, turned to him at the altar and said: "Wait till you see the dress".The ivory satin and lace wedding gown by Sarah Burton of Alexander McQueen, featuring …
30 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Egypte: les Frères musulmans créent leur propre parti
LE CAIRE (AFP)Les Frères musulmans, le puissant mouvement islamiste de l'oppositon en Egypte, ont annoncé samedi la création de leur propre parti pour participer aux législatives de septembre prochain.
30 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Lotto Results For 30th April 2011
The Lotto winning number for 30th April 2011 will be announced at 20:30 tonight ( Mauritius Time ) The jackpot is at Rs 11 Million which has is a rollover from 23rd April 2011 Draw which was at Rs 5 Million. Good Luck Related Mauritius Linksloto 30th April (1)Lotto results 30/04/11 (1)
30 Apr 2011, MauritiusHot
Newlyweds William and Kate leave for honeymoon
LONDON (AFP)More details of the wedding service in Westminster Abbey emerged in Saturday's newspapers.With the help of lipreaders, they reported that as Kate walked up the aisle William's best man and brother, Prince Harry, turned to him at the altar and said: "Wait till you see the dress".The new duchess told a photographer that the couple had a "great day".The ivory satin and lace wedding gown by Sarah Burton of Alexander McQueen, featuring a hand-embroidered veil and lace sleeves, received unanimous praise in Saturday's media."The House of McQueen and the future Queen surpassed all expectations," said The Times' fashion correspondent.Harry …
30 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Fergie rules out 'difficult' Ronaldo return
LONDON (AFP)Sir Alex Ferguson has ruled out any prospect of Cristiano Ronaldo making a dramatic return to Manchester United following hints of a rift between the player and Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho.Ronaldo, who left United for Real in 2009 for a world record £80 million, expressed his dismay at Mourinho's negative tactics after the club's stormy Champions League semi-final defeat to Barcelona this week.The striker was subsequently dropped by Mourinho from the squad for Madrid's La Liga match against Real Zaragoza.However Ferguson played down any suggestions that Ronaldo was unhappy at the Bernabeu and could one day return to …
30 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
William et Kate: une lune de miel loin des paparazzi
LONDRES (AFP)Au lendemain de leur mariage célébré sous les yeux du monde entier, le prince William et Kate se préparent à une lune de miel dont ils entendent qu'elle reste secret d'Etat, à l'écart des paparazzi un temps accusés d'avoir provoqué la mort de Diana, la mère de William.Selon une estimation gouvernementale, deux milliards de téléspectateurs dans 180 pays ont regardé les noces fastueuses tenues vendredi à Londres, scrutant les moindres faits et gestes du duc et de la duchesse de Cambridge, nouveaux titres du couple.Mais, après la soirée dansante au palais de Buckingham qui s'est prolongée jusqu'aux petites heures …
30 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
World press hails 'modern' royal wedding
LONDON (AFP)In Poland, the Gazeta Wyborcza focused on the renewal of the dusty image of the British monarchy thanks to the addition of the middle-class girl who had snared her prince."It is said that two billion people watched this wedding of pomp and splendour which should renew the British monarchy," it said.But in Australia, warnings were sounded that despite the public relations success of the spectacle played out in London on Friday, "the monarchy remains capable of stumbling into scandal at any moment", The Australian said."But the wedding... shows it has taken cues from corporate and celebrity image makers in …
30 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Nouveaux affrontements à la frontière entre le Cambodge et la Thaïlande
PHNOM PENH (AFP)De nouveaux affrontements ont eu lieu samedi, pour le neuvième jour consécutif, entre soldats thaïlandais et cambodgiens à la frontière disputée entre les deux pays, écartant les espoirs d'un règlement rapide du conflit, ont indiqué des responsables des deux côtés.Les combats ont éclaté à peine quelques heures après l'annonce par Phnom Penh d'un deuxième accord de cessez-le-feu en deux jours, accord démenti par Bangkok.Le Cambodge et la Thaïlande se sont mutuellement accusés d'être à l'origine des hostilités et d'être indignes de confiance pour résoudre la crise la plus violente de l'histoire récente entre les deux pays, qui a …
30 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Sunita, 16-Year-Old Traded For Sex By Her “Friend” Anushka
Sunita was not aware in her wildest dream that the people who sheltered her will soon trade her for sex. Her friend, Anushka and her man who hosted her said the teenager was unemployed. The condition to be able to live with them was that she has to extract money from the various men that [...]
30 Apr 2011, MauritiusHot