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Chocolate boss Ferrero 'may have had heart attack'
CAPE TOWN (AFP)Italian chocolate tycoon Pietro Ferrero is suspected to have died of a heart attack while cycling in South Africa but a post-mortem will establish the cause of death, police said on Tuesday.The 47-year-old joint chief executive of the group that owns Nutella and Ferrero Rocher was cycling along a scenic Atlantic Ocean coastal road in Cape Town on Monday when he fell off his bike and died."It is suspected that he could have suffered a heart attack but a post mortem will still have to be done on him to determine the cause of death," said police spokesman …
19 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Torres will break duck 'by end-season': Ancelotti
LONDON (AFP)Fernando Torres will open his goalscoring account for Chelsea before the end of the season, Blues manager Carlo Ancelotti predicted on Tuesday.Speaking ahead of Chelsea's match with Birmingham City on Wednesday, Ancelotti was adamant that £50 million ($81.5m) striker Torres would find the net during Chelsea's remaining six games of the season.Torres has not scored in more than 11 hours of game time since joining Chelsea from Liverpool in the January transfer window.British bookmakers have even begun taking bets on whether the Spanish international will finally get off the mark for his new club.However Ancelotti predicted on Tuesday that …
19 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Woman in Ferdinand stalker case detained
LONDON (AFP)A woman found guilty of stalking Manchester United star Rio Ferdinand was detained on Tuesday after she fled a court hearing before her conviction, authorities.Susanne Ibru, 38, was convicted by Macclesfield magistrates on Monday after a one-day trial where she was accused of harassing Ferdinand outside his home on three occasions between February and June last year.Ibru, who conducted her own defence and cross-examined Ferdinand in the witness box, left the court before District Judge Nicholas Sanders gave his guilty verdict.Sanders later issued a warrant for Ibru to be brought back to court for sentencing, saying it was "quite …
19 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Cardiac treatment: Fortis Clinique Darné adopts Fractional Flow Reserve diagnostic system
Fortis Clinique Darné in collaboration with Chem Tech/Volcano Corporation successfully recently introduced the newest Prime Wire Prestige FFR system at the hospital. FFR is a guide wire based technology that measures blood pressure differences across lesions. FFR provides valuable information to physicians about lesion significance, allowing them to make important treatment decisions. Additionally, FFR guided therapy improves patient outcomes reducing the risk of death and heart attack by 34 percent. The first FFR case in Mauritius was performed at Fortis Clinique Darné on a 54 year- old male, where the visual impression of his angiography showed one lesion. The FFR …
19 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Fukushima: Areva chargé de la décontamination de l'eau radioactive
TOKYO (AFP)Le groupe nucléaire français Areva va fournir un système pour décontaminer l'eau radioactive de la centrale japonaise de Fukushima, a annoncé mardi sa présidente, Anne Lauvergeon.L'opérateur de la centrale nucléaire accidentée, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), "a accepté notre proposition", a expliqué Mme Lauvergeon lors d'une conférence de presse à Tokyo."C'est un procédé pour traiter la contamination : nous allons injecter des produits chimiques dans l'eau contaminée et cette technologie doit permettre aux substances radioactives de se déposer au fond", séparant ces matériaux contaminés de l'eau, a détaillé la présidente du groupe.Plus de 60.000 tonnes d'eau radioactive ont inondé le …
19 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Affaire Medpoint : Débats aujourd’hui sur la motion de radiation des charges
Yodhun Bissessur, le Chief Government Officer, et Aneerood Jeebodhun, le Lead Government Officer, sont attendus au tribunal de Rose-Hill aujourd’hui. Ils demandent que les accusations provisoires qui pèsent sur eux soient rayées soit ‘Public officer using his position for gratification’. L’avocat de Yodhun Bissessur a présenté une motion à cet effet, mais l’ICAC s’y oppose, [...]
19 Apr 2011, MBC
The bill for jams in 2011: Rs3bn
"Traffic congestion is our biggest challenge, and this has increased as a result of national economic growth. Our standard of living also has increased significantly and, in parallel, car ownership has also risen in proportion". Anil Bachoo
19 Apr 2011,
Barcelone: la Sagrada Familia évacuée à cause d'un incendie, pas de blessés
BARCELONE (AFP)La basilique de la Sagrada Familia à Barcelone (nord-est de l'Espagne) a été évacuée mardi matin à cause d'un incendie, qui n'a pas fait de blessé et qui a été rapidement contrôlé, a indiqué un porte-parole de la mairie.
19 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Tennis: Kim Clijsters pourrait être rétablie pour Roland-Garros
BRUXELLES (AFP)Kim Clijsters, actuellement à l'arrêt en raison d'une entorse à la cheville droite, pourrait être rétablie dans cinq semaines et ainsi prendre part aux Internationaux de France à Roland-Garros, a assuré le kinésithérapeute de la joueuse belge au journal Het Nieuwsblad mardi."Kim se déplace désormais sans béquilles. La rééducation devrait durer de quatre à six semaines. Nous sommes parfaitement dans les temps", explique Sam Verslegers."Si Kim peut reprendre après quatre semaines, deux semaines d'entraînement de tennis sont prévus et son retour à Roland-Garros est possible. Mais, nous n'en sommes pas encore là", précise-t-il, ajoutant que l'épaule et le poignet …
19 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
William et Kate, dix ans de love story
LONDRES (AFP)Le mariage du prince William et de Kate Middleton le 29 avril prochain vient couronner dix ans d'histoire d'amour née à l'université de St Andrews en Ecosse, comme les Britanniques en rafolent.Le récit par les intéressés du coup de foudre, survenu en septembre 2001 à l'université écossaise, a fait les délices des gazettes du Royaume. Kate est devenue "toute rouge", selon ses propres mots. "Quand je l'ai rencontrée, j'ai tout de suite su qu'il y avait quelque chose de spécial chez elle", a témoigné William, lors d'une interview donnée en novembre, après l'annonce des fiançailles.L'image donnée par le jeune …
19 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
China is interested in Vanilla Islands
A Chinese film crew will organise a shoot in Reunion Island
19 Apr 2011,
The Cabinet approved the Maurice Ile Durable (MID) project
The white paper represents a preliminary step towards the publication that includes strategy as well as the setting up of various projects of the MID
19 Apr 2011,
Mauritius trade deficit keeps widening in February
Mauritius' year-on-year import costs rose 18.7 percent to 11 billion rupees
19 Apr 2011,
India for review of tax treaty with Mauritius
India is set to step up pressure on Mauritius to review its tax treaty with the country
19 Apr 2011,
Mauritius is proposing Black River Gorges to UNESCO
The inscription of Black River Gorges would add another historical site to the existing rich heritage of the country
19 Apr 2011,
Hawkers: Let there be light!
Hawkers from Desforges Street in the capital are now complaining their new “home” is not up to their expectations
19 Apr 2011,
$1bn Neotown new steps
According to sources at ministries no opposition has yet been expressed on record against the project from any quarter
19 Apr 2011,
Barcelona appeal proposed Iniesta ban
MADRID (AFP)Barcelona have appealed a UEFA proposal to suspend Andres Iniesta from the first leg of their Champions League semi-final clash with Real Madrid.UEFA will decide Wednesday whether to ban the Barcelona midfielder for an extra match for allegedly incurring a yellow card on purpose, Barcelona said in a statement on their website.Iniesta picked up the yellow card during Barcelona's commanding 5-1 win over Shakhtar Donetsk at Camp Nou on April 6 meaning he missed the return leg but would have a clean sheet for the following match.But UEFA match officials at the Barcelona-Shakhtar game issued a report alleging Iniesta …
19 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
"I lost confidence after 'Raavan' flopped" - Abhishek Bachchan
He's going through a rough patch professionally, what with RAAVAN, KHELEIN HUM JEE JAAN SEY and GAME sinking faster than Titanic at the box-office. Dum Maaro Dum, his new release, is expected to pull Abhishek Bachchan out of the crisis. A tantalizing song, pulsating action sequences, a generous dose of skin show, an ensemble star cast... DUM MAARO DUM seems like the perfect package to woo the viewers in hordes. At least initially. Thereafter, the content will do the talking. Abhishek doesn't deny he's nervous. "I haven't watched the film in entirety. Sure, I have watched the rough cut, but …
19 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mission du vice-Premier ministre et ministres des finances au FMI à Washington
Pravind Jugnauth a rencontré le ministre des finances du Botswana, Kenneth Matambo. Parmi les sujets abordés: l’intégration régionale, la coopération bilatérale notamment au niveau du renforcement des capacités et du Programme Based Budgeting. Il a aussi été question de la ré-programmation des ressources de l’union européenne lors de la révision à mi-chemin. Le vice-Premier ministre et [...]
19 Apr 2011, MBC