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Mauritius Job Offers 19/04/11
Have you ever wanted to be on billboards, magazines or TV commercials? Do you have the attitude that can make a camera blush? Want to try something different in life? We have regular casting requests from our media partners for Printed and TV adverts. We provide photo models for the rebranding of well reputed organizations [...]
19 Apr 2011, MauritiusHot
Nigeria/présidentielle: Goodluck Jonathan proclamé vainqueur
KANO (Nigeria) (AFP) Le chef de l'Etat sortant du Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan, a été proclamé lundi vainqueur de l'élection présidentielle secouée par des émeutes dans le nord à dominante musulmane, où des violences ont fait des morts.M. Jonathan a déclaré après l'annonce des résultats que les Nigérians avaient "montré au monde qu'ils étaient capables d'organiser des élections libres, honnêtes et crédibles".Le vainqueur du scrutin a tendu la main à ses rivaux dont il a dit qu'il les considérait comme "non pas des opposants, mais des partenaires".Les résultats des 36 Etats de la fédération nigériane, plus la capitale fédérale Abuja, donnent …
19 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Admission en Std 1 : bhojpuri et kreol morisien comme 3e langue
C’est aujourd’hui que les admissions en standard I débutent et elles devront prendre fin d’ici le 29 avril. La nouveauté cette année, les parents ont la possibilité de choisir entre le bhojpuri et le kreol morisien comme troisième langue en sus des langues déjà proposées à l’école : hindi, urdu, tamoul, télougou, marathi, chinois et arabe. Le président du Government Teachers’ Union (GTU), Vinod Seegum, a salué cette introduction dans le cursus scolaire. Toutefois, il a ajouté que le ministre de l’Education, Vasant Bunwaree avait annoncé le début d’une campagne nationale sur adhésion de ces nouvelles langues dans les écoles, …
19 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Alliance PTR and MSM – Upcoming Break Up?
Is a break up of the political alliance between the PTR and the MSM an upcoming possibility? Share your view in the opinion poll below and leave a comment for further clarification why you think so. De mo cote, mo trouve Nita pe bien met sa are missie cone-tou (zot cone li non?) Mai coment [...]Alliance PTR and MSM – Upcoming Break Up? is a post from: Island Crisis
19 Apr 2011, Island Crisis
English News Bulletin – Tuesday 19/04/11
Title: English News BulletinChannel: MBC 3Start Time: 18:30Date: 2011-04-19End Time: 18:50
19 Apr 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – mardi 19/04/11
Title: Zournl KreolChannel: MBC 2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-04-19End Time: 19:20
19 Apr 2011, MBC
JT de 19h30 – mardi 19/04/11
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC 1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-04-19End Time: 20:15
19 Apr 2011, MBC
Samachar – Tuesday 19/04/11
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC 1Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-04-19End Time: 18:25
19 Apr 2011, MBC
Choonee pushes for Black River Gorges as UNESCO WHS
Mauritius has received UNESCO’s nod to nominate the Black River Gorges on World Heritage Site list. If it meets all the criteria, it will become the third World Heritage Site (WHS) in the country. The announcement was made by the minister of Arts and Culture, Mookhesswur Choonee. The minister was speaking at the first official [...]
19 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
France Telecom’s Mauritian Unit to List Shares in Port Louis
Mauritius Telecom, in which France Telecom SA (FTE) holds 40 percent, plans to start trading its shares on the Indian Ocean island nation’s bourse, pending approval from the government, Chairman Appalsamy Thomas said. “We are waiting for the decision from the Ministry of Finance,” Thomas told reporters today in the capital, Port Louis. “Once it’s [...]
19 Apr 2011, MauritiusHot
White paper on MID gets govt approval
On April 15, the Cabinet approved the Maurice Ile Durable (MID) project, which was prepared by Professor François Odendhaal, who was appointed by the United Nations Development Programme. The white paper represents a preliminary step towards the publication that includes strategy as well as the setting up of various projects of the MID. According to [...]
19 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Chinese interest
In line with the promotion of Vanilla Islands, a Chinese film crew will organise a shoot in Reunion Island in collaboration with Ile de la Réunion Tourisme (IRT). Pascal Viroleau, the director of IRT, who was present during a meeting, confirmed the crew’s interest in collaborating with Mauritius on the project. The Shanghai Haixiang Culture [...]
19 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
SSR Medical College to offer PG courses
To make education more accessible in the field of medicine to Mauritians, foreign students, the SSR Medical College is working towards offering postgraduate courses. This will allow the students to specialise in their field in the island itself instead of opting to travel abroad to study. This was announced by the Minister of Tertiary Education, [...]
19 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Three days’ workshop for co-operative
Some 50 leaders of primary and secondary co-operative societies are participating in a three-day training programme on Good Governance in Co-operatives. The programme is organised by the National Institute for Co-operative Entrepreneurship (NICE) in collaboration with the Office of Public Sector Governance (OPSG). The launching ceremony was held on Monday at the National Productivity and [...]
19 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Coppa could be Cup of salvation for fading Inter
ROME (AFP)After following up their Champions League demise with a humbling loss at Parma which all but extinguished their lingering Serie A title hopes Inter Milan hope to rescue something from the rubble by at least retaining the Italian Cup.Inter head for Roma, who are set to miss out on the Champions League places altogether after a weekend home loss to Palermo, for Tuesday's semi-final first leg knowing they must pull their socks up amid media reports Sunday that maybe, just maybe, last season's treble-winning coach Jose Mourinho might be plotting a return.Job done last season after bringing home a …
19 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Le propriétaire de CDelight retrouvé mort au restaurant
Les limiers de la CID de Quatre-Bornes, en collaboration avec leurs collègues de la Major Crime Investigation Team (MCIT), enquêtent depuis ce matin sur un cas de “dead body” retrouvé... Read more »
18 Apr 2011, KotZot
Une hôtesse de l’air fauchée en pleine ascension
Les jours se suivent et se ressemblent. Du moins sur nos routes, qui continuent à faire des victimes. Cette semaine, deux personnes sont mortes tragiquement, dont une employée d’«Air Mauritius».... Read more »
18 Apr 2011, KotZot
Les paroles de Navin Ramgoolam sur l’île sœur ont provoqué un tollé parmi les Réunionnais
Les paroles de Navin Ramgoolam sur l’île sœur ont provoqué un tollé parmi les Réunionnais. Réactions de nos compatriotes qui vivent dans ce département français. Une terre d’adoption. Un endroit... Read more »
18 Apr 2011, KotZot
Lies claim lands 'Three Cups of Tea' in hot water
NEW YORK (AFP)America's bestselling author of "Three Cups of Tea," an inspiring account of building schools in Afghanistan, fought for his reputation Monday after a report said he'd made up much of the story.Greg Mortenson's book has sold more than four million copies and become required reading at the Pentagon, which sees the attempt to bring education to remote communities, especially for girls, as part of the counter-insurgency strategy in Afghanistan.But an investigative report on CBS News' program "60 Minutes" late Sunday said that many of the schools supposedly run by Mortenson's charity had never opened and suggested that the …
18 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Londres va se doter d'un téléphérique pour les jeux Olympiques
LONDRES (AFP)Londres va lancer cet été la construction d'un téléphérique sur la Tamise, en vue des jeux Olympiques de 2012, a annoncé Transport for London (TfL) qui gère les transports de la capitale.Le téléphérique doit relier en cinq minutes la salle de spectacle O2 Arena et le centre d'exposition ExCel, qui abriteront de part et d'autre de la Tamise des compétitions pendant les jeux Olympiques.L'O2 Arena abritera des compétitions de gymnastique, trampoline et les épreuves finales de basket, tandis que la boxe, l'escrime, le judo, le tennis de table, l'haltérophilie et la lutte auront lieu au centre ExCel.Les 34 cabines …
18 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?