Latest news
Le système de permis à point pourrait être en vigueur d’ici juillet prochain
Ce projet de loi est actuellement finalisé au niveau du State Law Office. C’est une mesure qui selon les autorités aidera à réduire le nombre d’accidents de la route. En effet, les chiffres officiels démontrent que le nombre d’accidents à Maurice a augmenté: en 2009 il était de 140 et l’an dernier 160 personnes ont péri [...]
02 Apr 2011, MBC
Lancement du site internet sur la sécurité routière hier après midi
C’est l’adresse du site internet sur la sécurité routière. Son lancement a eu lieu hier après midi. C’est une initiative de la cellule chargée de la sécurité routière au bureau du premier ministre en partenariat avec la police, le ministère du transport et des ONGs. Ce site se veut être un outil de communication, d’information et de formation [...]
02 Apr 2011, MBC
Conseil des ministres
Maurice accueillera la présidente de l’Inde le 24 avril. Pratibha Devising Patil sera en visite d’état chez nous jusqu’au 28 avril. Ce dossier a été passé en revue hier par le conseil des ministres, présidé par le Premier ministre, le Dr Navin Ramgoolam. Le conseil a aussi pris note des activités qui seront organisées dans le cadre de la [...]
02 Apr 2011, MBC
Events For Saturday 02/04/11
Le Suffren Hotel & Marina innovates.. Albums of the 70s are now the latest trends, the hotel offers several styles, from rock to dance music through the salsa. This Saturday, April 2, the Suffren launches the event from 8:00. Organizers promise a very special launch party and invites the public to come and unwind after [...]
02 Apr 2011, MauritiusHot
FDI interest grows in medical tourism sector
The target of 100,000 medical tourists by 2010 was unrealistic and instead an annual growth of 25 per cent to reach 15,000 by the end of 2011 is a more realistic figure. Nitin Pandea who spearheads the medical tourism sector at the Board of Investment shared this on Friday. Pandea added that the nation was [...]
02 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
CCM chief wants fair competition
Sean Ennis was nominated as the Competition Commission of Mauritius (CCM) chief during this week. He said that he is ready to meet this new challenge in the interest of the public. The 44-year-old British economist has succeeded his compatriot Jon Davies as head of the CCM. The CCM chief is planning to further consolidate [...]
02 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Chinese group visits ancestral hometown
The members of the association ‘Culture on The Move’ which comprises a group of students learning Mandarin will visit Meixan on April 10. Meixan is the ancestralhome town of their parents and grandparents in China. This was announced at a press meet held on Thursday at the Chinese Cultural Centre in Bel Village. The main [...]
02 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Ministry fights cervical cancer
The Ministry of Health and Quality of Life recently launched the prevention and awareness campaign against cervical cancer. The month of March was dedicated to the prevention of the disease. It has also been observed that many women visited hospitals for the detection of this form of the disease. A doctor working at Victoria hospital [...]
02 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Business school confers top honours on Jeetah
The minister of Tertiary Education, Science, Research and Technology, Dr Rajesh Jeetah was conferred the Mauritian Institute of Management (MIM) honorary fellowship at the institute’s 37th annual general meeting at MEF Management School, Ebene on Thursday. The other personalities who also received the MIM honorary fellowship were the Consultancy Company Ltd managing director Patricia Day-Hookoomsing [...]
02 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Govt controls Japan imports
The cabinet met on Friday evening and took several decisions, namely the hosting of activities to mark the World Health Day and schemes and incentives to be offered to onion and garlic planters. Imported Japanese cars to be tested The cabinet has agreed to the recommendations of the ministerial committee, set up under the chairmanship [...]
02 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
WIN honours 18 women leaders at graduation
Women in Networking (WIN) held a graduation ceremony for 18 women on Friday. They received their certificates for the WIN Leadership Programme batch 5 (WLP). The event was held at the British American Insurance (BAI) centre Hall of Fame in Curepipe. Jane Valls, the national coordinator of WIN said that the aim behind WLP is [...]
02 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
NCB’s IT expo on April 20
The first edition of ProIT 2011 Exhibition and Conference, which is being jointly organised by the National Computer Board (NCB) and the Mauritius Information Technology Industry Association (MITIA), will be held from April 20 to 22 at the Freeport of Mauritius exhibition centre. The organisers met the press on Friday at the NCB office, Port [...]
02 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Prices of 148 products cut down within 2 weeks
It has been noted that from March 15 to 31, prices of 148 food items were decreased. Two more local companies have joined this surge of national solidarity. Cernol Marketing Ltd and Margarine Industries Ltd have responded to the appeal by the minister of Industry and Commerce Showkutally Soodhun. Hence, on Monday, the prices of [...]
02 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
‘SAJ shaped Mauritius’
Mauritius would not have been what it is today without Sir Anerood Jugnauth (SAJ). This was stated by the minister of Tourism and Leisure Nando Bodha on Thursday at a symposium on the theme, ‘Le parcours de Sir Anerood Jugnauth’ (The journey of Sir Anerood Jugnauth) at the Book Café in Belle Rose. Bodha, a [...]
02 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Le Nigeria aux urnes dans l'espoir d'élections libres et sans violences
LAGOS (AFP)La période électorale qui s'ouvre au Nigeria samedi est un test pour la démocratie dans cette nation pétrolière de 150 millions d'habitants abonnée aux votes frauduleux et violents.Les Nigérians, répartis équitablement entre musulmans, majoritaires dans le nord et chrétiens, plus nombreux dans le sud, sont appelés à élire leur Parlement le 2 avril, leur président le 9 et les gouverneurs des 36 Etats de la fédération ainsi que les assemblées législatives régionales le 16.50 ans après son indépendance, l'ex-colonie britannique doit montrer avec ces élections si elle est enfin à la hauteur de son énorme potentiel."Si ces élections ne …
02 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Derby is title decider, says AC Milan's Seedorf
ROME (AFP)While many others have been trying to play down the significance of Saturday night's Milan dery between Serie A leaders AC Milan and champions Inter Milan, Clarence Seedorf is not among them.The veteran Dutch midfielder has won almost every club award in European football with Milan and he knows more than most about what a game such as this means.Milan lead Inter by two points with just eight games to go and Seedorf knows that whoever emerges from the San Siro triumphant will have a tangible advantage in the scudetto race."I say that this derby is decisive. It will …
02 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
JT de 19h30 – samedi 02/04/11
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC 1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-04-02End Time: 20:10
02 Apr 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – samedi 02/04/11
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC 2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-04-02End Time: 19:20
02 Apr 2011, MBC
English News Bulletin – Saturday 02/04/11
Title: English News BulletinChannel: MBC 2Start Time: 18:30Date: 2011-04-02End Time: 18:50
02 Apr 2011, MBC
Samachar – Saturday 02/04/11
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC 1Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-04-02End Time: 18:20
02 Apr 2011, MBC