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Rooney outburst could spark FA probe
LONDON (AFP)Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney could face a Football Association (FA) probe after unleashing a foul-mouthed outburst into a television camera during Saturday's 4-2 win over West Ham at Upton Park.As Rooney celebrated with United team-mates after completing his hat-trick from the penalty spot, the England star was caught uttering a series of audible expletives towards the camera.Rooney's swearing was beamed around the world by Sky Sports and prompted an on-air apology from the broadcaster.While the England player said the emotion of giving his side the lead after they trailed 2-0 at half-time had prompted his outburst, England's FA …
03 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
US media ramps up royal wedding coverage
WASHINGTON (AFP)While the British are already overwhelmed by the media frenzy surrounding Prince William's wedding, coverage in the United States is just now heating up and will reach fever pitch in the week before the April 29 ceremony at Westminster Abbey."It's catching on pretty quickly in the US. There is a fascination and the degree of media coverage is really starting to pick up now on the networks," said Diane Hall, president of 2 For Life Media, a Canadian company that launched an iPad application for the royal wedding."The amount of investment by the networks is significant."The marriage of Prince …
03 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
JT de 19h30 – dimanche 03/04/2011
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-04-03End Time: 20:10
03 Apr 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – dimanche 03/04/2011
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-04-03End Time: 19:20
03 Apr 2011, MBC
News – sunday 03/04/2011
Title: NewsChannel: MBC3Start Time: 18:30Date: 2011-04-03End Time: 18:50
03 Apr 2011, MBC
Samachar – sunday 03/04/2011
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC1Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-04-03End Time: 18:25
03 Apr 2011, MBC
La skieuse Ingrid Jacquemod met un terme à sa carrière
PARIS (AFP)Ingrid Jacquemod, membre de l'équipe de France de ski depuis plus de 15 ans, a mis un terme à sa carrière sportive, a annoncé dimanche la fédération française de ski (FFS).Originaire de Val-d'Isère (Savoie), Ingrid Jacquemod, 32 ans a figuré six fois sur un podium dans les épreuves de la Coupe du monde, s'imposant une fois en descente, à Santa Caterina (Italie) en janvier 2005.Capable de s'exprimer dans les 4 disciplines du ski alpin, elle était particulièrement performante dans les épreuves de vitesse (descente, super-G)."Après 15 années passées en Coupe du monde, ma passion pour le ski est restée …
03 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Israël veut l'annulation du rapport Goldstone après les regrets de l'auteur
JERUSALEM (AFP)Israël réclamait dimanche l'annulation du rapport de Richard Goldstone l'accusant de "crimes de guerre" durant son offensive contre la bande de Gaza à l'hiver 2008/2009, après les regrets exprimés par ce juge sud-africain."J'appelle l'ONU à annuler immédiatement le rapport Goldstone. Il faut jeter ce rapport dans les poubelles de l'Histoire", a affirmé le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu. Selon son bureau, il a demandé à des juristes et des experts du ministère des Affaires étrangères d'étudier le dossier."Il faut à présent multiplier les efforts pour que ce rapport soit annulé, et je vais m'y employer", a renchéri dimanche à la …
03 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Egypt apologises to Tunisia for football 'thuggery'
CAIRO (AFP)Egypt's prime minister has apologised to Tunisia after angry fans of Egyptian side Zamalek stormed the pitch during a home game against Tunisian side Africain, attacking players and the referee, local press reported on Sunday.Mobs of angry Zamalek supporters invaded the pitch three minutes from the end of a Champions League game in Cairo, attacking the referee, Tunisian players and dismantling goal posts in chaotic scenes aired live on television."Prime Minister Essam Sharaf has apologised to the government and people of Tunisia, to the players of Tunisia's Africain and to the Algerian referee for what happened in Cairo Stadium," …
03 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Andorre: Impôts, investissements étrangers au coeur des législatives anticipées
ANDORRE-LA-VIEILLE (AFP)Après la levée du secret bancaire, la principauté d'Andorre va créer une TVA, un impôt sur les sociétés et s'ouvrir aux investissements étrangers, des thèmes au centre de la campagne électorale des élections législatives anticipées de dimanche.Les deux principaux candidats veulent rompre avec le protectionnisme d'antan et attirer des sociétés à capitaux étrangers, notamment dans les hautes technologies, afin de diversifier une économie fondée sur le commerce (33%), le tourisme (33%) et les banques (17%) et créer des emplois.Ce royaume de la détaxe (cigarettes, alcool, parfums), au coeur des Pyrénées, connaît la plus sévère crise des cinquante dernières années, …
03 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Driver's license: he did not know the address of a hotel - it is reset
Flunked for not knowing where a new hotel is located, a resident of Bel-Air-Rivière-Sèche is forced to repeat the oral exam for his driver's license for a taxi. What this also means he has to pay back all expenses. This prospect is angering the young 20-old man.
03 Apr 2011,
Japon: deux employés de Tepco retrouvés morts à la centrale de Fukushima
TOKYO (AFP)La compagnie d'électricité Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), gestionnaire de la centrale nucléaire accidentée de Fukushima, a annoncé dimanche le décès de deux de ses employés, qui étaient portés disparus depuis le séisme et le tsnuami qui a mis hors service les installations.Juste après le tremblement de terre survenu le 11 mars, les deux hommes âgés de 21 et 24 ans étaient partis inspecter le bâtiment de la turbine du réacteur numéro 4. Ils sont morts de multiples blessures, a précisé Tepco.Leurs corps ont été découverts mercredi dans un environnement radioactif et ont dû faire l'objet de longues opérations de …
03 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mancini feels Balotelli will settle down in Premiership
MANCHESTER, United Kingdom (AFP)Manchester City manager Roberto Mancini insists that Mario Balotelli has a big future at Eastlands despite his recent poor behaviour.Since joining City from Inter Milan last year, Balotelli has been the subject of several unsavoury headlines relating to his personal life and his conduct both on and off the pitch at City.His latest misdemeanour involved him being caught throwing darts at members of City's junior sides at the club's Carrington training base.But ahead of Sunday's encounter with Sunderland at Eastlands, Mancini is confident that the striker - who is undoubtedly a huge talent when he applies himself …
03 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Charlie Sheen booed off stage in live debut
DETROIT, Michigan (AFP)Troubled US actor Charlie Sheen was booed off stage in a chaotic start to a live show mini-tour, a month after being sacked from his megahit TV show.The audience started walking out within 20 minutes of the start of the "Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is not an Option" debut show in Detroit, which ended after barely an hour when Sheen failed to return following a musical break."It was the worst thing I've ever seen in my entire life," said Jennifer Pyryt, 26, as people streamed out of the Fox theater, many of them booing and doing thumbs-down signs. …
03 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Arsenal's title bid in tatters after Rovers draw
LONDON (AFP)Arsenal's title challenge is in tatters as the Gunners lost more ground on leaders Manchester United after being held to a 0-0 draw against Blackburn on Saturday.Arsene Wenger's side went into the Emirates Stadium clash knowing that anything less than a victory would not be good enough to maintain their push for the title.The north Londoners would have been delighted to hear that West Ham were beating United 2-0 at half-time earlier on Saturday.However, United's ability to respond to a crisis is in stark contrast to Arsenal's mental lapses and the Premier League leaders came back to win 4-2, …
03 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mexique: une revue people titre sur l'innocence de Florence Cassez
MEXICO (AFP)"Gente", l'une des principales revues people du Mexique fait cette semaine sa couverture sur Florence Cassez, la Française condamnée à 60 ans de prison pour enlèvement, et dont le portrait en grand format est titré "Présumée innocente".Ce titre fait référence au documentaire "Présumé coupable" qui connaît actuellement un succès sans précédent dans les salles de cinéma mexicaines. Le film est consacré aux dysfonctionnements de la justice mexicaine, fabrique de "coupables" souvent innocents, comme le héros du film, alors que plus de 95% des crimes restent impunis.La revue hebdomadaire à grand tirage Gente appartient au groupe de presse Editorial Televisa, …
02 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
ProA de basket: Cholet poursuit sa série, Nancy suit, Gravelines se place
PARIS (AFP)Cholet a poursuivi son cavalier seul en tête de la ProA face à Hyères-Toulon (78-68) mais Nancy reste dans sa roue après sa victoire contre Strasbourg (88-61), à l'inverse de Chalon, battu chez un Gravelines (73-65) qui se replace dans le peloton de tête, samedi lors de la 24e journée.Cholet, le champion de France, s'est appuyé sur son trident Meijia (19 pts) - Robinson (16 pts, 12 rbds) - Nelson (17 pts) pour écarter des Varois néanmoins toujours en course pour les play-offs.Le Mans reste aussi un postulant pour la phase finale après sa victoire vendredi à Villeurbanne (81-70), …
02 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
India wins 2011 ICC World Cup
Cricket World Cup: India win back the Cup after 27 years; Dhoni hits a huge 6 Fever pitch atmosphere in India and Sri Lanka; black markets tickets sold for up... Read more »
02 Apr 2011, KotZot
Lotto Mauritius Result For 2nd April 2011
Loto Mauritius Results for 2nd April 2011 and the 74th draw of the Mauritian lotto are available. The jackpot for this week was at Rs 12 million. There is no winner for the jackpot this week. Winning numbers are listed below. Winning Numbers: 7, 11, 16, 17, 24 and 40 Winning ticket sold at: [...]Lotto Mauritius Result For 2nd April 2011 is a post from: Island Crisis
02 Apr 2011, Island Crisis
Agalega – India hidden agenda
Did India have any “ulterior motive” in seeking to help Mauritius? The answer, according to a cable sent from the U.S. Embassy in Port Louis on December 15, 2006, citing... Read more »
02 Apr 2011, KotZot