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Divorce by mutual consent bill voted without hitch
The Divorce and Judicial Separation Bill was presented by the attorney general Yatin Varma in the National Assembly on March 22 and has been voted without amendment. To recall, divorce by mutual consent existed from 1808 to 1884 in the Civil Code and was removed. It was reintroduced by the Law Reform Commission in December [...]
24 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
US professor to hold conference for HR managers
A conference led by professor Dave Ulrich will be held on Friday at Link Hotel, Ebène. “The conference aims to bring the latest expertise, knowledge and tools in the field of human resources for the professionals of this field in Mauritius,” said Kiran Dinaran, CEO of Multievents. He said that Dave Ulrich, an American, is [...]
24 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Japanese tech pick-ups at low prices
Chinese automobile firm Changfeng Motors is promoting its pick-ups equipped with Japanese technology and the proven Japanese engines. With its traditional appearance, the vehicle inspires a sense of elegance and great flexibility with a classic interior. The diesel version of the model is being sold at a promotional price of Rs 490,000. The Turbo model [...]
24 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
AHC proposes strategy to offset low tourist arrivals
The Association des Hôtels de Charme (AHC) members say they are not concerned about the low tourism season as they have a strategy to attract more visitors to the island. Speaking at a press conference held at its head office in Port Louis on Wednesday, the AHC announced its plan to target specific tourist clientele, [...]
24 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
MEF for national employment policy
The Mauritius Employers’ Federation (MEF) held its 49th general meeting on Wednesday at its premises in Ebène. This was an opportunity for MEF president François de Grivel to focus on the need to promote collective bargaining for the proper functioning of enterprises. De Grivel spoke in favour of a National Employment Policy to allow private [...]
24 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
20 children to undergo heart surgery
Renowned Polish surgeon, professor Michael Woltajick is on a week-long visit to Mauritius to perform surgery on some 20 children who suffer from heart-related diseases. The specialist will operate at the Pamplemouses Cardiac Centre. The operations are complex as the children, aged between one and four years, only weigh about six to 15 kg. These [...]
24 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Fortis Clinic Darné opens new Renal Sciences dept
Fortis Clinic Darné at Floreal officially launched its new Renal Sciences department on Wednesday. “The clinic’s goal is to take medical excellence to the next level,” said Dr Simmardeep Singh Gill, who was recently appointed as the new chief operating officer at Fortis Clinic Darné. The new department will be headed by urologist Dr Balbir [...]
24 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Bruxelles: un sommet européen entre crise portugaise et conflit en Libye
BRUXELLES (AFP)Les dirigeants européens entament jeudi un sommet sous tension, où ils doivent tenter de mettre en sourdine leurs divisions sur la Libye et gérer une crise politique au Portugal qui menace de déstabiliser à nouveau la zone euro.La réunion de deux jours à Bruxelles s'ouvre vers 17H00 (16H00 GMT) et s'achèvera vendredi en milieu de journée.Après les plans de sauvetage financiers internationaux décidés l'an dernier pour la Grèce puis l'Irlande, c'est à présent le Portugal qui risque de devoir demander de l'aide à ses partenaires européens et de replonger l'euro dans une zone de turbulences.Cette situation est le résultat …
24 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Four Cases of Tuburcolosis At The University Of Mauritius
Very strange coincidence as World Tuberculosis Day is observed today, it appears that Tubercolosis has resurfaced in Mauritius. Four suspected cases of tuberculosis were identified at the University of Mauritius. Four students were admitted at Pourdre d’Or Hospital, an institution specializing in the treatment of patients with tuberculosis. For now, these cases are treated as
24 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
Ramgoolam : “Un hôpital gériatrique nécessaire”
Le Premier ministre Navin Ramgoolam a justifié la nécessité d’avoir un hôpital gériatrique pour les personnes âgées. C’était, mercredi, à Moka, à l’occasion de l’inauguration du Charles Telfair Institute. Il s’est dit conscient qu’il existe actuellement un débat à ce sujet, mais gouverner, a-t-il dit, c’est avant tout prévoir. Il a ajouté que gouverner c’est avoir “une vision à long terme, comme c’était le cas pour l’éducation gratuite dont certains étaient quasiment contre à l’époque. Certains experts croient même que le projet n’est pas nécessaire. “Le leadership est avant tout une question de vision. Un leader doit diriger malgré une …
24 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Gaza: trois raids aériens israéliens, pas de blessés
GAZA (Territoires palestiniens) (AFP)L'aviation israélienne a mené dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi trois raids contre la bande de Gaza qui n'ont pas fait de blessés, a-t-on appris par des témoins palestiniens.Le mouvement islamiste Hamas est responsable de la dégradation de la situation à la frontière entre la bande de Gaza et Israël, a affirmé jeudi le ministre israélien de la Défense passive, Matan Vilnaï."Le Hamas assume toute la responsabilité de la situation, et nous ne tolérerons pas que nos villes soient bombardées", a-t-il déclaré à la radio publique israélienne. "Nous allons continuer de frapper comme il se doit. …
24 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Bale's great but he's not the best yet, says Crouch
WATFORD, United Kingdom (AFP)Peter Crouch insists England coach Fabio Capello was wrong when he claimed that Wales winger Gareth Bale is the best player in the world.Bale, who will come up against England striker Crouch in Saturday's Euro 2012 qualifier in Cardiff, has drawn covetous glances from some of Europe's biggest clubs since destroying Inter Milan twice in the Champions League.The Tottenham star's stunning hat-trick in the San Siro was followed up by a virtuoso display in the return meeting with the European champions and he looks a good bet to be voted English football's Young Player of the Year.Capello …
24 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mauritius Horse Racing Tips 2011 – Week 1
Hey buddies! Ready for the new season’s challenge? This week marks the start of the Horse Racing Season 2011 in Mauritius like for the last 2 years, we will be having the Island Crisis Horse Racing Challenge this year too. So let us first start with the mention of last year’s challenge winners and top [...]Mauritius Horse Racing Tips 2011 – Week 1 is a post from: Island Crisis
24 Mar 2011, Island Crisis
Japon: eau à nouveau potable à Tokyo, électricité en partie rétablie Fukushima
OSAKA (Japon) (AFP)Le niveau d'iode radioactif dans l'eau du robinet de Tokyo est repassé jeudi sous la limite légale admise pour les bébés, après avoir dépassé ce seuil la veille, ont annoncé les autorités de la capitale.L'électricité a été partiellement rétablie jeudi dans la salle de contrôle du réacteur 1, dans la centrale accidentée de Fukushima (nord-est du Japon), a annoncé l'Agence de sûreté nucléaire.La municipalité de Tokyo a annoncé que le taux d'iode radioactif était tombé à 79 becquerels par kilogramme jeudi à 06H00 (mercredi 21H00 GMT) à la station d'épuration de Kanamachi (arrondissement de Katsushika), alors que la …
24 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
David Villa eyes wins to see Spanish through
MADRID (AFP)Spain striker David Villa is confident that victories in their upcoming games against the Czech Republic and Lithuania will practically guarantee the reigning champions a place in Euro 2012.Having won the previous competition as well as the World Cup last summer in South Africa, Spain are the team to beat in international football with talent in abundance.First under coach Luis Aragones and now Vicente Del Bosque, Spain have adopted the quick passing movement which has brought so much success to Barcelona and with so many of the Catalan club's players being home grown they have stepped up effortlessly into …
24 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
PM announces four new campuses
Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam, who was speaking at the inauguration of the Charles Telfair Institute (CTI) in Moka on Wednesday, recalled that many experts in Mauritius were against Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam’s project of setting up a university in Mauritius. “Experts look at the profitability of a venture and not at the long term vision. [...]
24 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
United Kingdom: New Criteria For Admission To Universities
Big Blow for those aspiring to study in UK. The British government decided to be more strict concerning the intake system for foreign students. The new measures, announced Tuesday by the Interior Minister Theresa May, were adopted after a series of consultations among stakeholders in the governing coalition. Under the new criteria announced by the
24 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
Hollywood icon Elizabeth Taylor dies at 79
LOS ANGELES (AFP)Devastated, Taylor was accompanied at Todd's funeral by his best friend, singer Eddie Fisher -- with whom she launched an affair, stealing him from fellow star Debbie Reynolds to marry him in 1959.She won her first Oscar for best actress in 1960 for her portrayal of a high-class call girl in "Butterfield 8."Then came "Cleopatra" (1962) which she called "surely the most bizarre piece of entertainment ever perpetrated." On the set, she met the also-married Burton.The two married in March 1964 in Montreal. But by time they were filming "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf," the harrowing portrayal of …
24 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Nigeria await FIFA clearance for Moses
LAGOS (AFP)Nigeria officials have dispelled fears that Wigan Athletic winger Victor Moses will play against Ethiopia in a Nations Cup qualifier without clearance from FIFA. Nigeria risk forfeiting points if they play Moses without clearance from FIFA in respect of his switch to Nigeria as he has featured for England at Under-17 and U21 levels. Nigeria would also be fined over 6,000 dollars for fielding an ineligible player.A FIFA official was reported as saying Wednesday that they are yet to receive such an application from Nigeria. However, a top official of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Emmanuel Ikpeme, disclosed that …
23 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Tennis: Davydenko et Ljubicic éliminés, Del Potro passe
MIAMI (Etats-Unis) (AFP)Le premier tour du tournoi Masters 1000 de Miami a été fatal mercredi à deux anciens N.3 mondiaux, le Russe Nikolay Davydenko et le Croate Ivan Ljubicic, alors que l'Argentin Juan Martin Del Potro, récent demi-finaliste à Indian Wells, a passé le cap.Le Russe de 29 ans a été éliminé en deux sets (6-4, 6-3) par le Sud-Africain Kevin Anderson, 40e mondial, alors que le Croate de 32 ans est tombé face à un qualifié, l'Italien Paolo Lorenzi (154e ATP), sur le score de 7-6 (9/7), 6-1.Depuis sa finale à Doha en tout début de saison, Davydenko, actuellement …
23 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?