Latest news
The president of Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève was conferred with the degree of Doctor of Civil Law at the University of Mauritius
23 Mar 2011,
Une équipe davantage consolidée pour Fortis Clinique Darné
De gauche à droite: les docteurs Simmardeep Singh Gill, Balbir Singh Verma, Hussien Nanhuck et Jatinder Arora. Le nouveau Chief Operating Officer (COO) de Fortis Clinique Darné (FCD), le Dr. Simmardeep Singh Gill, ainsi que la nouvelle équipe spécialisée dans les maladies des reins ont été présentés lors d’une conférence de presse qui a eu lieu le mercredi 23 mars au sein de l’établissement de Floréal. Si jusqu´à tout récemment, ce département se limitait à des diagnostiques et traitements conventionnels, celui-ci se dote désormais d’un éminent urologue en la personne du Dr. Balbir Singh Verma. Les Mauriciens n’auront plus besoin …
23 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
The "Mauritius FTV Tour 2011" will take place in August
It seeks to showcase Mauritius as a fashionable destination
23 Mar 2011,
Water consumption per person has increased last years
An increase in domestic and commercial water tariffs is imminent
23 Mar 2011,
New mini brewery within the Mall of Mauritius
The mini brewery offers a new concept to visitors as the latter will have the opportunity to watch the whole process of brewing before enjoying their drink
23 Mar 2011,
New measures to beat oil, gas shortages
The State Trading Corporation has taken a series of measures to increase its storage capacity for petroleum products
23 Mar 2011,
Ban on Portugal's ex football coach overturned
GENEVA (AFP)The Court of Arbitration of Sport on Wednesday overturned a six month ban imposed on Portugal's former football coach Carlos Queiroz after he insulted Portuguese anti-doping officials.The former Manchester United assistant manager was suspended by the Portuguese Football Federation (FPF) for insulting officials who had turned up to test his players at a pre-World Cup training camp last May.He was accused of hindering anti-doping tests on players and sacked as national team coach after being sanctioned by the Portuguese anti-doping authority. Queiroz then appealed to the Lausanne-based CAS.However, the CAS arbitrators ruled that Queiroz's outburst had not disturbed the …
23 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Infinity BPO HQ sale
The building was purchased by the State Investment Corporation (SIC) for Rs374.9 million
23 Mar 2011,
Pharmaceutical revenues are expected to grow
23 Mar 2011,
Voile: Dick et Peyron attendus vers le 3 avril à Barcelone
PARIS (AFP)Les Français Jean-Pierre Dick et Loïck Peyron, en tête de la Barcelona World Race, profitaient mercredi matin de timides alizés dans l'ouest du Cap Vert pour remonter l'Atlantique en direction du détroit de Gibraltar, suivis des Espagnols Iker Martinez et Xabi Fernandez.Dick et Peyron (Virbac-Paprec 3) sont attendus vers le 3 avril à Barcelone, terme de cette course autour du monde en monocoque en double et sans escale, partie du port catalan le 31 décembre.Selon la direction de course, Martinez et Fernandez (Mapfre) se trouvaient mercredi matin à environ 230 milles derrière les Français et marchaient à la même …
23 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Heavy weight of fuel taxes
The price structure of gasoline in force since the beginning of the week, or Rs 51.30, confirms the weight of taxes and fees "general". A first watching is that without the Excise Duty imposed in the 2011 budget, per litre of gasoline would cost substantially the same price as the one in force since January of last year, is Rs 40,50, against Rs 40,40 fixed at the meeting of the Automatic Pricing Mechanism of January 5, 2010. This is emphasized Suttyhudeo Tengur, president of the Association for the Protection of the Environment and Consumers (APEC), in a letter to the …
23 Mar 2011,
Côte d'Ivoire: mise en garde du camp Gbagbo aux médias internationaux
ABIDJAN (AFP)Le gouvernement du président ivoirien sortant Laurent Gbagbo a adressé mardi une sérieuse mise en garde aux "médias internationaux", les appelant à ne pas "se rendre complices des terroristes", alors que le pays est déchiré par une grave crise post-électorale. Les "journalistes des médias internationaux" sont "prompts à faire diffuser volontairement des informations erronées", a affirmé le gouvernement Gbagbo dans un communiqué lu par son porte-parole Ahoua Don Mello sur la radio-télévision d'Etat RTI.Il a démenti tout tir d'"obus" par les forces armées fidèles à Laurent Gbagbo le jeudi 17 mars à Abidjan sur le quartier d'Abobo (nord), fief …
23 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Cancer-hit Robson in Asia football tour
HONG KONG (AFP)Manchester United and England legend Bryan Robson will take part in a three-city Asian charity tour despite recent surgery for throat cancer, organisers said Wednesday.United's longest serving captain said he was "extremely lucky" after his successful operation on March 3, and would attend fund-raising dinners in Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong next month."The prognosis is good, so I count myself extremely lucky and am even more committed to raising funds to help improve the lives of vulnerable youngsters," Robson said."I have been overwhelmed by the support of United fans and well-wishers, and I hope everyone in Asia …
23 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Peeved boxing hero Pacquiao deletes Twitter account
MANILA (AFP)Philippine boxing hero Manny Pacquiao has thrown in the towel on Twitter after coming off worse for wear in a bruising scrap with online critics.Pacquiao, currently in training to defend his World Boxing Organisation welterweight title against Shane Mosley in Las Vegas in May, deleted his month-old account on the microblogging site on Tuesday.It came after followers criticised the absence of Pacquiao, who is also a member of the country's House of Representatives, from parliament as MPs debated whether to impeach the country's top anti-graft prosecutor.The last straw apparently came after Pacquiao, using a Blackberry, commented on the debate …
23 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Rs 457 million more for the renovation of Plaza, Rose Hill
It was with surprise that the Opposition was informed that Rs 457 million more will be needed to complete the renovation of Plaza, Rose Hill. This sum was announced yesterday at the National Assembly during parliamentary proceedings. The first phase of work at the Plaza has been completed and It cost Rs 87 million.
23 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
FICCI Frames Day 1: Sessions you shouldn't miss today
Session: (2:15 pm to 3:30 pm) - Making Cinema with Global Appeal and (3:30 pm - 4:45 pm) Film Marketing Making Cinema with Global Appeal: Why to attend: To get the secret recipe of making cinema which would appeal to worldwide audiences Who should attend: Filmmakers, storytellers and aspirants Added Attraction: Keynote by Taylor Hackford, Film-maker & President, Directors' Guild of America Film Marketing: Why to attend: To get detailed insights on how to market your film and distribute it internationally. Know about the new ways to sell your film across nations. Who should attend: Everyone in the entertainment business …
23 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
MIoD : promouvoir la notion de transparence dans les rapports annuels
La Mauritius Institute of Directors (MIoD), dans le cadre de son Directors’ Development Programme (DPP), a organisé, avec la collaboration de la Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountants (MIPA), un atelier de travail sur le thème du “Financial Ove
23 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Le divorce à l’amiable adopté sans amendement
Le divorce par consentement mutuel existait déjà il y a 127 ans dans le Code civil de 1808 à 1884. Par la suite, il a été enlevé pour n’être réintroduit qu’en décembre 2008 par la Law Reform Commission de Maurice.
23 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Un jeune de 20 ans meurt électrocuté
Un jeune ouvrier est mort électrocuté et un autre a été grièvement brûlé après avoir reçu accidentellement une décharge électrique sur un chantier de construction, à Arsenal, mardi après-midi.
23 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Trois raisons pour déclarer ses impôts en ligne…
La Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA)facilite la vie des contribuables. En effet, les salariés qui ont obtenu leur Employee Declaration Form (EDF) sont invités à remplir leur fiche d’impôts en ligne.
23 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?