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MIoD –Director Development Programme, Corporate Regulatory & Compliance Framework
Dans le cadre de son ‘Director Development Programme’ (DPP), la Mauritius Institute of Directors (MIoD) a organisé une session de travail, le mardi 8 mars 2011, au Clos St Louis, Domaine Les Pailles, sur le thème ‘Corporate Regulatory & Compliance Framewo
11 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Tuning day at University of Mauritius
Group of University of Mauritius (UOM) students organized a demonstration of auto tuning last Saturday, March 5 in Reduit.
11 Mar 2011,
Fête nationale : Arrivée ce matin du Président des Maldives
Le président des Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed qui est l’invité d’honneur aux célébrations de la fête nationale est arrive au pays ce matin. Il a été accueilli à l’aéroport par le Premier ministre le Dr Navin Ramgoolam. Age de 43 ans, il est le 4e président des Maldives. C’est le 11 nov 2008 que Mohamed Nasheed est [...]
11 Mar 2011, MBC
Un nouveau régime pour les architectes
Les architectes n’ont qu’à bien se tenir à l’avenir. Leur profession sera en effet plus réglementée pour qu’ils opèrent dans un cadre qui sera défini par la Professional Architects Council Act.
11 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Rose-Hill accueille la Youth Dance Fiesta aujourd’hui
Aujourd’hui 11 mars, on procédera a la cérémonie de lever du drapeau dans toutes les institutions scolaires pour marquer le 43 ème anniversaire de l’indépendance et les 19 ans de République. Dans le cadre de ces célébrations, plus de 500 jeunes participeront a un défile dans les rues de Rose-Hill aujourd’hui. La marche débutera vers 11h30 [...]
11 Mar 2011, MBC
MTC-MBC : Accord sur la retransmission
Un accord est sur le point d’être signé entre le Mauritius Turf Club (MTC) et la Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) sur la retransmission des courses en direct sur une des chaînes de la télévision nationale.
11 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Nouvel essort à la cooperation regionale
Une plateforme des secteurs privés de la SADC, du COMESA et des pays de l’Afrique de l”Est a été mise en place en Afrique du Sud. Elle regroupe des hommes et des femmes d’affaires de 50 pays. Maurice était représenté par une forte délégation comprenant des membres de la Chambre de commerce de Maurice et [...]
11 Mar 2011, MBC
Hu is more powerful than Barack Obama
Chinese President Hu Jintao, who rules over one-fifth of world’s population, has topped the list of world’s most powerful person by the US Forbes magazine. The Chinese president has been described by the magazine as a person who “unlike Western counterparts, can divert rivers, build cities, jail dissidents and censor internet without meddling from pesky [...]
11 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Richarno Colin et Phoenix Beverages Limited continuent leur partenariat
La célébration de la fête nationale est le parfait moment pour revenir sur les succès passés de notre pays.
11 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Latest Benz E 250 on Mauritian roads
The new and internationally acclaimed Mercedes Benz E-Cabriolet 250 CGI was inaugurated by one of the leading automotive dealerships on Wednesday in Iframac Ltd at Le Suffren Hotel & Marina, Port Louis. The event was launched in the presence of the several eminent personalities including deputy prime minister Dr Rashid Beebeejaun, minister of Business, Michael [...]
11 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Confédération Syndicale de Gauche to hold protest against labour laws
The Confédération Syndicale de Gauche (CSG) is planning to stage a demonstration on April 2 to protest against new labour laws implemented in 2008. According to Serge Jauffery, member of CSG their aim is to voice out their opinion against the Employment Right Act and Employment Relations Act as well as the rise of many [...]
11 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Women honoured by Bank One
Bank One organised a press conference on Thursday to pay tribute to the hard work put in by women as part of the International Women Day, at the seat of the bank on Thursday in Port Louis. The chief executive of the bank, Raj Dussoye said, “The Emma account was launched two years ago and [...]
11 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Delhi selects 10 for senior artist camp
Ten Mauritians have been selected to participate in the annual Senior Artists Camp at All India Fine Arts and Crafts Society (IFACS) in New Delhi from March 15-17. Conferences, debates, sight seeing amongst others feature on the list of events that will take place. The minister of Arts and Culture, Mookhesswur Choonee said that the [...]
11 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Inspector concerned over safety of Michaela Harte case suspect
During the trial for the conditional release of Sandeep Mooneea in Mapou court on Thursday afternoon, questions about his safety were raised by his lawyer Navin Bhoyrul. Chief Inspector Gérard of Major Crime Investigation Team (MCIT) gave his statement during the trial. Mooneea would not be safe if he went to live with his family, [...]
11 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
MFPWA attempts to bridge gender gap
The Mauritius Family Planning and Welfare Association (MFPWA) and its consultative group organised a workshop on Thursday at Quatre Bornes. The main aim of the workshop was to honour women, to remind the constant vigilance and to ensure gender equality in all aspects of life at the national level. This workshop was in line with [...]
11 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Minister pledges for equality in nursing profession
In order to eliminate discrimination in the nursing profession, minister of Health Maya Hanoomanjee spoke at the opening of a seminar on Thursday organised by the Nursing Association at the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD) at Phoenix. The seminar was in context of the 100th International Women’s Day 2011 and it was themed [...]
11 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Phoenix Beverages rewards boxing ace Colin
Phoenix Beverages Limited honoured Richarno Colin, the 24-year-old talented boxer who made Mauritius famous during the international competition of Eastern Europe in February 2011. Phoenix Beverages rewarded him with a sum of Rs 50,000 for his performance. This event was held in perfect timing with the celebration of independence, a great time to take a [...]
11 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Infinity BPO employees on hunger strike again
Two employees of Infinity BPO and a supporter have begun a hunger strike on Thursday to attract the authorities’ attention towards their plight. They said that the authorities have completely forgotten them regarding the charges made by CEO Jean Suzanne against his former chief financial officer Jerome Appavoo and vice versa. This is the second [...]
11 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Mauritius Independence Day 2011 – Let us all come together !
Dear readers and countrymen This month we are going to celebrate the 43rd anniversary of our Independence. My greetings to you all on this occasion of national celebration. We take... Read more »
11 Mar 2011, KotZot
US $1M pour un tournoi international de poker
Le Million Paradise Poker Tour (MPPT), le plus prestigieux tournoi de poker international jamais organisé dans l’océan Indien, se tiendra à Maurice du 26 mars au 3 avril prochains. Plusieurs... Read more »
11 Mar 2011, KotZot