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PM calls for hard work from laureates
Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam believes nothing comes easy in life.Success does not come to the unprepared mind. Education remains the key to success. He added there was no substitute for hard work, determination and an unflinching belief that one can surmount any obstacle to achieve his goal. The PM was speaking to the 32 HSC [...]
11 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
JT de 19h30 – vendredi 11/03/2011
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-03-11End Time: 20:20
11 Mar 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – vendredi 11/03/2011
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-03-11End Time: 19:20
11 Mar 2011, MBC
Six Miss France au Prince Maurice
Six anciennes Miss France séjournent à partir de demain à l’hôtel Le Prince Maurice, un établissement du groupe Constance, dans l’est du pays. Elles sont Laury Thilleman, la Miss France... Read more »
11 Mar 2011, KotZot
Un nouveau régime pour les architectes
Les architectes n’ont qu’à bien se tenir à l’avenir. Leur profession sera en effet plus réglementée pour qu’ils opèrent dans un cadre qui sera défini par la Professional Architects Council... Read more »
11 Mar 2011, KotZot
MTC-MBC : Accord sur la retransmission
Un accord est sur le point d’être signé entre le Mauritius Turf Club (MTC) et la Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) sur la retransmission des courses en direct sur une des... Read more »
11 Mar 2011, KotZot
UOM tuning automobile
Organiser une manifestation de tuning automobile, c’est le pari et le devoir d’évaluation qu’ont réalisé avec brio un groupe d’élèves de l’Université de Maurice (UOM), samedi dernier à Réduit. Ce... Read more »
11 Mar 2011, KotZot
Les prix des légumes vont prendre l’ascenseur +20 %
Même s’il y a une certaine abondance de légumes sur le marché, cela risque de n’être plus le cas d’ici quelques semaines. Avec les pluies torrentielles de lundi, les légumes... Read more »
10 Mar 2011, KotZot
Apollo Bramwell Hospital offers free screening
To mark World Kidney Day today, Apollo Bramwell Hospital in Moka is offering free screening by its team of nephrologists. “The theme for this year’s campaign, ‘Protect Your Kidneys Save... Read more »
10 Mar 2011, KotZot
Operational checklist for chikungunya and dengue preparedness plan
The Ministry of Health and Quality of Life has appealed to the public to take all necessary precautions to prevent illness, especially after the recent heavy rains. The advice from... Read more »
10 Mar 2011, KotZot
The Mauritius Revenue Authority expects about 60% of taxpayers to file their returns this year through the Internet
Last year the figure was 40%, but the MRA wants more e-filing and is introducing incentives. For instance, if the taxpayer misses the March 31 deadline but is an e-filer... Read more »
10 Mar 2011, KotZot
Caudan Security officers saved a driver from a fire
Three officers of Caudan Security have saved a woman driving his car Thursday, March 3.
10 Mar 2011,
Geda Music présente 50 ans Séga
Geda Music présente 50 ans Séga. Prévu au J&J Phoenix, le samedi 7 mai à 20h, le concert accueillera Jean-Claude Gaspard, Roger et Marie-Josée Clency, Mary-Jane Gaspard, Renel Trapu, Denis-Claude... Read more »
10 Mar 2011, KotZot
The price of petrol will exceed the Rs 50 by April
For the first time in Mauritius, the price of petrol will exceed the Rs 50 per litre threshold to reach Rs 51.65 per litre, compared to Rs 48.50 per litre previously. This represents a 6.5 per cent rise.
10 Mar 2011,
Mauritius on grey list
Tuesday, Transparency Mauritius affiliated to Transparency International, released a communiqué to criticise the lack of government action to fight corruption in the country
10 Mar 2011,
The National Housing Development Corporation (NHDC) is proposing to put up quality units for the middle class
These will be the main features of the NHDC flats which will be sold between Rs 3.4 to Rs 3.9 million. The construction works will start in April at Pavillon, Cap Malheureux.
10 Mar 2011,
Taxman is aiming for more e-filers
The Mauritius Revenue Authority expects about 60% of taxpayers to file their returns this year through the Internet.
10 Mar 2011,
Harel Frères Group has strengthened investments in the Swan Group
Harel Freres, which also has interests in alcohol and electricity production, increased its stake in Intendance Holding Ltd. to 43.8 percent, making it the biggest shareholder in Swan Insurance Co.
10 Mar 2011,
Deuxième édition de la conférence sur l'EcoBuilding
L’environnement, plus précisément, le développement durable est l’affaire de tous. Si jusqu’à tout récemment la majorité des Mauriciens faisaient passer leurs intérêts personnels avant de se soucier de l’environnement, il y a un changement de mentalité d
10 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
2 Irish fast-ferries were bought by Mauritius operator
The ferries Clann Eagle I (2005/169grt) and Clann na nOileáin (2006/172grt) were bought for a seven figure sum
10 Mar 2011,