Latest news
2013 FIFA Congress will be hosted by Mauritius
It should take place at the end of May 2013, but the dates are not yet fixed.
07 Mar 2011,
Rs52 Litre – Motorists in Mauritius should brace themselves for a major petrol and diesel price increase
According to NEWSNOW sources, the Petroleum Pricing Committee (PPC) will meet within the next 10 days and increase the price of petrol to Rs52 a litre. That’s a 7% hike.... Read more »
07 Mar 2011, KotZot
Long Beach Hotel opens on April 2
Sun Resorts Mauritius will open another hotel but not the last
07 Mar 2011,
Kate Madoo – Passion, foi et beauté
Sa formule magique pour une vie stable et équilibrée : prendre du plaisir à tout ce qu’elle fait. Cette jeune étudiante a brillé lors d’un concours de beauté à Dublin.... Read more »
07 Mar 2011, KotZot
Plots of land are being given to individuals and coops
About 1,000 arpents of land is being made available under the Food Security Project. Authorities have appealed to entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector to be innovative
07 Mar 2011,
Beach hawkers ready to strike
Most of the beach hawkers, around 60 of them, will meet tonight to decide on their next step after the Beach Authority implemented new regulations preventing vehicles driving on the beaches.
07 Mar 2011,
The first step of police crime tracking system is near termination
Developed and implemented by the State Informatics Limited (SIL), will automate/computerise many processes in the Mauritius Police Force. This system will eventually connect all police stations to a huge network across the island.
07 Mar 2011,
Mauritius see demand improvement
The island destination of Mauritius have seen an upswing in demand, according to data from STR Global, one of the leading providers of market data to the world’s hotel industry
07 Mar 2011,
Torrential rainfall warning, schools ended at 11am
After the torrential rainfall warning issued at 10am, authorities have decided to close the educational institutions of the island.
07 Mar 2011, Yashvin, pages of my life
Another internet election took place in Estonia
A record number of Estonians cast Internet ballots in the Baltic state's general election, still the only parliamentary poll in the world with an online option
07 Mar 2011,
Kick-boxing : Un sans-faute pour les Mauriciens
L’entraîneur national et ses boxeurs rentrent à Maurice, mercredi soir. La petite délégation termine à la 4e place au classement des médailles. Le trio de tête est composé du Maroc,... Read more »
07 Mar 2011, KotZot
Les activités dans le cadre de la fête de l'indépendance
Plusieurs activités sont organisées pour marquer la fête nationale...
07 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
12 mars : Célébration de la Fête Nationale
Maurice fête cette année le 43e anniversaire de son indépendance et ses 19 ans de son accession au statut de la République.
07 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Grays Inc. et la Fondation Harel Frères viennent en aide à l’Ile Rodrigues
Une trentaine d’employés du département commercial de la compagnie Grays Inc. Ltd, membre du Groupe Harel Frères, a mis à profit son team building à l’Ile Rodrigues pour mener 3 actions CSR en faveur, notamment, d’écoliers démunis.
07 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
La distribution d’eau potable dans la capitale perturbée
Si les grosses pluies enregistrées depuis ce matin sont bénéfiques à nos réservoirs, les abonnés de la Central Water Authority (CWA) de la capitale et des régions avoisinantes doivent prendre... Read more »
07 Mar 2011, KotZot
A tragedy accident at the Rivière-Noire
A family trip ended catastrophe. On the way back, the engineer Arnaud Paul lost control of his Peugeot 307. He died immediately with his 10 month baby and his cousin, Hans Nicolas.
07 Mar 2011,
Tragedy at Riviere Noire – 2 adults and a baby dead in an accident
An adventure turned into tragedy for two families on Sunday night. Paul Arnaud’s car, a Peugeot 307, had left the road and ended his race against a tree before ending up in a ravine in Rivière-Noire. Two passengers who were on the front seat and a baby did not survive this terrible accident. While the
07 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
Torrential rain – All schools and tertiary institutions close at 11:00
It’s confirmed: students from pre-primary, primary and secondary schools as well as students from tertiary institutions and vocations can go home at 11am today. The Minister of Education, Vasant Bunwaree himself who confirmed the news to the press before 10am. “The weather station will issue a press release from one moment to another. According to
07 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
La Deutsche Bank (Mauritius) Limited célèbre les femmes
La journée internationale de la femme, célébrée chaque année le 8 mars, marque son centenaire cette année.
07 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mauritians in the streets against the cost of living
A peaceful march to the call of the Confederation of Private Sector Workers (CTSP) had place in Rose-Hill on March 5
07 Mar 2011,