Latest news
Bank of Mauritius rejects 91-day T-bills bids for 3rd week
Offers for the 91-day paper totalled 265 million rupees. The bids ranged between 3.20 percent and 1.40 percent.
04 Mar 2011,
Mauritius makes headway to be education hub
Over the past few months, several higher education institutions have been set up in Mauritius including JSS Academy of Technical Education, Middlesex University and JR School. According to the BOI, there are a number of new knowledge projects in the pipeline and should materialise in the next three years.
04 Mar 2011,
Scandal at MBC continues
Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) Director-General Dan Callikan has been asked by the Commission of Conciliation and Mediation (CCM) to attend a session on Monday to discuss the sacking of trade union leader Mrs Rehana Ameer.
04 Mar 2011,
At least 900 employees of the Casinos of Mauritius are going to strike
The protest can start on March 15, because employees have not been paid their attendance bonuses.
04 Mar 2011,
Fuel reserves will raise in Mauritius
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry will immediately submit a proposal to Cabinet for the setting up of a strategic reserve of petroleum products following increasing risks of piracy in the Indian Ocean
04 Mar 2011,
The first Business and Research Incubation Centre (BRIC) has launched in Ebène
The setting up of the BRIC follows the Business Angels Forum which was held last year in a bid to bridge the gap between academia and the business world.
04 Mar 2011,
The authorities have no instrument to control prices of commodities and services on the Mauritian market
The ICP believes that when there is a fall in prices on the world market, traders in Mauritius do not adjust the prices accordingly
04 Mar 2011,
Book: What Every Man Thinks About Apart From Sex
The book with 200 empty pages was published in UK
04 Mar 2011,
Zournal Kreol – Vendredi 04/03/2011
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-03-04End Time: 19:20
04 Mar 2011, MBC
JT de 19h30 – Vendredi 04/03/2011
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-03-04End Time: 20:20
04 Mar 2011, MBC
US Report confirms Mauritius is not a major producer or exporter of illegal drugs
Marijuana is the only illicit drug that is locally cultivated in large quantities, primarily by small groups or individuals.
04 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mauritius Post participe à l’exposition mondiale de philatélie de New Delhi
Maurice a participé pour la première fois en tant que compagnie à l’exposition mondiale de la philatélie qui s’est tenue en Inde.
04 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Carte d’identité : casse-tête chinois pour les autorités
Casse-tête chinois pour le gouvernement en ce moment. Il hésite entre la signature ou l´empreinte digitale sur la nouvelle carte d´identité nationale.
04 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Evasion fiscale : Rs 810 M de moins pour la MRA
La Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) a décidé de prendre le taureau par les cornes et met les bouchées doubles afin de récupérer une somme de Rs 810 millions.
04 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Dernier hommage émouvant à Christian Rivalland
Homme intègre, doté d’une capacité intellectuelle supérieure, Christian Rivalland s’est éteint vendredi dernier, à 68 ans, en Afrique du Sud.
04 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
36 new buses replaced old in NTC
The National Transport Company (NTC) is renewing its fleet of buses to reduce expenses related to the repair of buses that have outlived their utility. NTC has just acquired 36 new buses of the Nissan brand. Eleven are already in use and 25 more are expected in the coming weeks. By May, the NTC will purchase 10 minibuses.
04 Mar 2011,
Reza Nauyeck remporte un séjour à Rodrigues grâce à Duraco
Kaylor Rotomoulders Ltd fait des heureux parmi ses clients. La compagnie a offert un séjour pour deux personnes à l’île Rodrigues ainsi que Rs 5 000 d’argent de poche à M. et Mme Reza Nauyeck, suite à un jeu concours lancé en novembre 2010.
04 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Biggest corruption scandal of India Liked with Mauritius
After the scandal around the Commonwealth Games, Port-Louis has served to conceal the bribes paid to Indian Minister for mobile phone licenses. The investigation of the Indian authorities to Mauritius on bribes paid bribes to a Minister for the granting of licenses to firms 2G mobile telephony seems to be working. It turns out that
04 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
Sheila Bappoo Vs Leela Devi Dookun-Lutchmun
Here is another statement that could cast a chill in relations between the PTR and the MSM. The Minister of Gender Equality, Development and Child Welfare of the family, Sheila Bappoo, says she has no lessons from his colleague, Leela Devi Dookun-Lutchmun. She made this statement this afternoon on Radio Plus during the second part
04 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
Nation bids goodbye to Christian Rivalland
Christian Rivalland, an intellectual and a man of integrity, died last Friday at the age of 68 in South Africa. The former campaign manager of Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam died following a heart attack. Many of his friends came to pay their last respects at the Church of St Jean on Thursday afternoon. Emotions [...]
04 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily