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In preparation for night of Shiva, pilgrims converge on Ganga Talao
PM Ramgoolam attended religious ceremony, indian devotional singers performed During the past weekend, thousands of devotees have been making their way Grand Bassin, along with their families and friends. This is for the festival of Maha Shivratree, which means the great night of Lord Shiva. Several volunteers have been busy installing tents on the roadside [...]
28 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
New Testament published in Creole
The New Testament, translated in Creole by the Bible Society, is now available. A spiritual celebration presided by the Bishop of Port Louis, Maurice Piat, was held on February 26 at the Catholic church of Roche Bois. The launch is in line with International Day of Mother Language. Marc Etive, president of the Bible Society, [...]
28 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Prison officers receive promotion
The Mauritius Prisons Service, which falls under the aegis of the local police force, has undergone several changes over the recent weeks to instill new vigour and encourage officers to work on a higher level. In that vein, key officers such as assistant superintendent of prisons Mohammad Raffick Islam Sahabun, were appointed as superintendent of [...]
28 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Lightning strikes church
Lightning struck Notre Dame du Rosaire church at Quatre Bornes during the heavy downpour on Saturday afternoon. Lightning struck the cross on the steeple of the church directly. Fortunately, no one was injured. Alerted by the deafening sound of thunder, people in the vicinity rushed to see what had happened. Witnesses said it was the [...]
28 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Man crushed to death by roller
Dominique Agathe, a 26-year-old resident of Palma, died on Saturday at Plaspak factory in the locality. He was trapped between a wall and a roller that weighed over a tonne. His father Carl, who also works in the same factory, was present at the scene when this horrific incident took place. He helplessly witnessed the [...]
28 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
French officials to question Lejeune
Vincent Lejeune, suspected of having assisted Christophe Caterino in fleeing to Reunion Island in June 2008, will be interrogated by the French Office Centrale des Stupéfiants at the beginning of the week. Lejeune returned to Paris from Thailand on Saturday and the Brigade des Stups intends to make him hear the version of the former [...]
28 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
PMSD condemns rise in violence
Lindsay Morvan, communication manager of Parti Mauricien Social Démocrate (PMSD), said that acts of violence were destroying the image of Mauritius. “It is not possible to be violent and at the same time expect the country to move forward,” said Morvan at a press conference on February 26. He underlined that all acts of violence [...]
28 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Bérenger presses for select committee on MedPoint deal
MMM to hold meetings in home constituencies of Jugnauth, Hanoomanjee MMM’s weekly press conference on February 26 once again centred on the procedures for the purchase of MedPoint Clinic by the state. “The government should take the example of the Indian government which has set up a Joint Parliamentary Committee to investigate the scam over [...]
28 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Minister plans to make Rs 1 billion from waste
The minister of Local Government and Outer islands, Hervé Aimée, has come up with a plan to save Rs 1 billion per year. He hopes to achieve this through an ambitious project of turning domestic compost waste that will be delivered to five transfer stations across the island. “If we are able to carry out [...]
28 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Mauritians want to leave Libya
Violence in Libya is sending foreigners rushing to flee country. Thousands are dashing to the borders. Mauritians in Libya are worried. The reason is the prevailing insurgency in the country, where citizens are demanding the ouster of Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi. One Mauritian has already returned home since the unrest started. Five other Mauritians, a [...]
28 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
PM extols force of faith, prayer
Minister announces construction of 108 metre-tall Durga statue at Ganga Talao. The official inauguration of the Maharshivratree festival was held on Sunday by the Mauritius Sanatan Dharma Temples Federation (MSDTF). On this occasion, the chief guest at Grand Bassin (Ganga Talao) was the Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam. The Prime Minister first of all thanked Lord [...]
28 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
JT de 19h30 – lundi 28/02/11
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC 1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-02-28End Time: 20:10
28 Feb 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – lundi 28/02/11
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC 2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-02-28End Time: 19:20
28 Feb 2011, MBC
“J’ai vu mon fils mourir devant mes yeux”
C’est un véritable drame humain que vit la famille Agathe de Palma depuis samedi après que l’aîné, Dominique, 26 ans, a perdu la vie quand il s’est retrouvé coincé entre un mur et un ‘roller’ d’une tonne à l’usine Plaspak de la localité.
28 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Libye : 5 Mauriciens veulent retourner au pays
Des Mauriciens qui se trouvent actuellement en Libye s’inquiètent de leur situation. La raison : l’insurrection qui prévaut dans ce pays pour réclamer le départ du chef d’Etat libyen, Mouamar el-Khadafi. Un Mauricien est déjà rentré au pays depuis le débu
28 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Le Premier ministre à Ganga Talao : “Nous avons mené cette barque à bon port.
“Ham layé hai toofan. kashti nikalké, Iss desh Ko rakhna meré desh vasiyon sambhal ké” (Nous avons mené cette barque à bon port, Préservez-la précieusement. Oh ! Mes compatriotes).
28 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Weather forecast for 28/02/2011 . Important for Pilgrims
The Vacoas meteorological station has announced a cloudy day with showers and thunderstorms across the country. However, a forecaster says that these showers and thunderstorms are not very consistent. This unsettled weather is due to a current `hot air, humid and unstable circulating in our region . Caution is recommended in the lagoons at the
28 Feb 2011, MauritiusHot
Mauriwood – Le cinema made in Mauritius
Une association regroupant les passionnés du cinéma voit le jour. Le métier se professionnalise. Un long métrage sera bientôt sur les écrans. Un film, une chanson et d’autres projets en... Read more »
28 Feb 2011, KotZot
La calligraphie islamique, art millénaire illustré par Hassen Edun
Le centre culturel islamique, à Plaine-Verte, accueille depuis mardi une exposition de calligraphie. Il s’agit des travaux de Hassen Edun, inspirés du Saint Coran. L’artiste s’appuie sur les versets coraniques.... Read more »
27 Feb 2011, KotZot
Un chauffeur d’autobus a été condamné à une amende de Rs 1 000 seulement pour diffusion de vidéo obscène
Filmer sa petite amie en pleins ébats et diffuser la vidéo à son entourage n’est finalement plus considéré comme un délit grave… Un chauffeur d’autobus de 32 ans a été... Read more »
27 Feb 2011, KotZot