Latest news
MMM takes actions against price hikes
The Mouvement Militant Mauricien (MMM) will set up a new commission that will propose solutions to the government concerning the increase in the price of several products. This was declared by MMM member of the National Assembly, Reza Uteem, on Monday. “We are aware that the situation on the world stage, with the geopolitical crisis, [...]
01 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Island, Pak share trade expertise
The ninth round of the Mauritius-Pakistan joint working group, held from February 21 to 23 in Islamabad, Pakistan, focussed on the need to further consolidate the preferential trade agreement. The agreement, which came into force on November 30, 2007, allows some hundreds of tariff lines to be traded between Mauritius and Pakistan on preferential terms. [...]
01 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
IRS replenishes state coffers with Rs 17 bn
Between 2005 and now, the government has earned Rs 17 billion with the Integrated Resort Scheme (IRS) and Rs 1 billion with the Real Estate Scheme (RES). Till date, only two IRS projects, including the ones at Tamarin and Belle Riviere have been completed while the Anahita project is in its 2nd, while Villa Vallriche [...]
01 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
CWA projects to face dry season
A high level meeting was held at the office of the deputy prime minister, minister of Energy and Public Utilities Rashid Beebeejaun with various officials from the Central Water Authority (CWA), Water Resources Unit, Waste Water Management Authority and the meteorological station. They reviewed the water level in reservoirs and groundwater. The acting director of [...]
01 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Child assaulted at Roche Noires
Another case of a child being assaulted by an adult has been reported. Avinash Goodur, 12, was assaulted by his father, Ashik, on February 26. The suspect was arrested the same day and appeared in the District Court of Mapou on Monday under a provisional charge of causing physical harm to a child. The 48-year-old [...]
01 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Building of terminal at SSR airport in progress
Major development works are expected to take place at Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport, Plaisance, with the construction of a new terminal. For this project, 1,318 tonnes of steel beams and columns have been imported from China. The ship, Kifangondo V 1102, sailed from Shanghai on February 6 transporting the cargo and docked at Port [...]
01 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
TJC to resume hearings in March
The Truth and Justice Commission (TJC) will resume public hearings in March. However, the chairman of the commission, Dr Alex Boraine will not chair sessions as he will be travelling abroad for medical purposes. The hearings will be chaired by vice chairperson of the commission Dr Vijaya Teelock during that period. The commission had undertaken [...]
01 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Frozen meat to cost more
There was no lack of frozen meat such as beef and mutton last year or for the year-end festivities. However, it seems that the year 2011 will be a difficult one for such products since an increase of Rs 4 to 9 in the price of meat, particularly mutton and beef, is expected. According to [...]
01 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Lord Mayor attends forum
The ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability has chosen Port Louis, along with four other cities including Cape Town, Maputo, Dar-es-Salaam and Walwis Bay, to work on a climate change adaptation project. The title of the project is ‘Sub-Saharan Cities: A five city network to pioneer climate adaptation through participation research and local action’. In [...]
01 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Mauritius, Bangladesh
The government will soon adopt a bilateral agreement with Bangladesh to clarify the recruitment of their citizens in Mauritius. The minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment, Shakeel Mohamed, left Mauritius on Monday night to meet the Bangladeshi minister of Labour. The agreement will be presented at the earliest at the cabinet meeting. It will [...]
01 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Taste of local cuisine in Milan
The Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA) organized the ‘Festival Culinaire Mauricien’ in Italy, with partners like Air Mauritius, Beachcomber Hotels and the tour operator Best Tours. Some 85 persons from the tourism industry, including people from specialised magazines, travel agents and consumers were invited to the opening night. The Mauritius Food Festival, organized in concomitance [...]
01 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Anti-abortionists take stand
The ‘Comité Interculturel pour le Respect de la Vie’ held a press conference on Monday at the Centre Social Marie Reine de la Paix to discuss various topics that focussed on the importance of respecting the life of every individual. Speakers from various associations including Action Familiale, La case A and Mouvement d’Aide à la [...]
01 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Viande surgelée : Rs 4 à Rs 9 plus chère
Nouveau coup dur pour les consommateurs. La viande surgelée, notamment le mouton, le bœuf et l’agneau, n’a pas manqué pendant les fêtes de fin année mais la réjouissance semble être de courte durée.
01 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
MMM takes actions against price hikes
New Commission will be set up to propose solutions to govt. The Mouvement Militant Mauricien (MMM) will set up a new commission that will propose solutions to the government concerning the increase in the price of several products. This was declared by MMM member of the National Assembly, Reza Uteem, on Monday. “We are aware [...]
01 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Les projets IRS et RES se redynamisent
Des projets d’Integrated Resort Scheme (IRS) et de Real Estate Scheme (RES) qui ont été abandonnés ces derniers temps prennent un nouvel essor.
01 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
1380 élevés du lower six doivent intégrer un nouveau collège aujourd’hui
1380 élevés du lower six doivent intégrer un nouveau collège aujourd’hui ou ce jeudi. Ils sont ceux dont les demandes de transfert ou d’admission ont été agréées par le Mauritius Examinations Syndicate. La liste de transfert a été rendu public hier. Au total le MES avait reçu 2592 demandes. Cet exercice concernait ceux qui ont réussi aux derniers examens [...]
01 Mar 2011, MBC
Le Ministère du Développement de L’Enfant s’attaque aux manquements dans certaines crèches
Après le cas de maltraitance au sein de la garderie le Nid. Le Ministère du Développement de L’Enfant s’attaque aux manquements dans certaines crèches. Sheila Bappoo annonce la mise sur pied d’une «Flying Squad» qui se rendra dans toute les crèches du pays afin de vérifier si les normes sont respectées ou pas. En cas de manquements des [...]
01 Mar 2011, MBC
JT de 19h30 – mardi 01/03/11
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC 1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-03-01End Time: 20:10
01 Mar 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – mardi 01/03/11
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC 2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-03-01End Time: 19:20
01 Mar 2011, MBC
Un incendie a éclaté ce matin au domicile de Harish Boodhoo
Un incendie a éclaté peu après 3 heures ce matin au domicile de Harish Boodhoo a Belle Terre, Phoenix. C’est le garage qui aurait pris feu et selon la police deux véhicules s’y trouvant ont été la proie des flammes. Les pompiers ont pu maîtriser le feu vers 4hr30. Nous apprenons également qu’un hall de la maison de [...]
01 Mar 2011, MBC