Latest news
Disponibilité de Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail à Maurice
Microsoft Océan Indien annonce la mise à disposition de Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail R2, à Maurice, destiné aux commerçants de détail.
18 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Navin Ramgoolam : “La pluralité comme une grande fierté”
Le premier ministre Navin Ramgoolam a défini sa vision de l’île Maurice moderne dans le cadre du 75e aniversaire du Parti Travailliste (PTr) qui débute ce vendredi au Centre Swami Vivekananda à Pailles.
18 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Icac : Richard Duval interrogé pendant 8 h
Richard Duval, ancien député de la circonscription No 12 (Mahébourg/Plaine-Magnien) et membre influent du Parti mauricien social démocrate (PMSD), a été interpellé par l´Independent Commission against Corruption (Icac) dans la soirée de jeudi.
18 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Ministry of transport repeals rules about speedometer
Motorcyclists can have a respite since the Ministry of Land Transport has decided to reconsider the rules about speedometers.
18 Feb 2011,
Ministry of Transport to abrogate speedometer law
Motorcyclists can heave a sigh of relief as the Ministry of Land Transport has decided to review its decision concerning speedometers.
18 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Hotel provides free access to golf courses
Guests staying at Heritage Le Telfair and Heritage Awali at Domaine de Bel Ombre will now have free and unlimited access to the golf course. Tour operators who are partners with the hotel will include the offer in their itineraries and vacation packages for Heritage Resorts.
18 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Toshiba launches latest NB500 laptops
Toshiba’s Singapore Computer Systems Division (CSD), a division of Toshiba Singapore Pvt Ltd unveiled two models of its new netbook family on February 16 - NB505 and the NB520, for users who want a slim and stylish netbook with enhanced sound features. They are both now available at Courts.
18 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
MTPA organises road show in France
Mauritius will launch its annual national tour as part of the road show ‘Les Escales Mauriciennes’ for travel professionals.
18 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Culinary fest at Constance Belle Mare
The largest culinary event in the Indian Ocean, ‘Culinary Festival Bernard L‘oiseau’, is back with its 2011 edition. This will be hosted by Constance Belle Mare Plage and will be held from March 13 to 20.
18 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
MACOSS helps NGOs master IT
The Mauritius Council of Social Service (MACOSS), SOS Poverty, the E-Inclusion Foundation and Microsoft Indian Ocean announced the availability of a series of trainings for NGOs in order to help them master IT tools.
18 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
CWA tracks meter bypass
The Anti-Fraud Unit of the Central Water Authority (CWA) is working hard and pursuing their struggle to track down those bypassing water metres. According to Meghduth Chumroo, chairman of CWA, 1,390 cases of illegal connections have been reported since June 2010 till now. Hence, in this context, the CWA has encountered a loss of several millions of rupees.
18 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Chinese lantern fest celebrated
The Chinese Lantern Festival is a traditional festival which is celebrated in the 15th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar.
18 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Police constable arrested
Police constable, Ashvin Foolchand, 30, a resident of Camp Chapelon, Pailles has been arrested in the firing which took place at Senator club, Flacq on Wednesday. The police is also searching for another suspect.
18 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
ACIM against price hikes
Association des Consommateurs de L'Ile Maurice (ACIM) strongly criticised the series of price increases of various commodities on the local market. This was at a press conference held at its office in Bell Village on Thursday.
18 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Infinity BPO, share your views…
I think that most of us here already know what is happening in the BPO sector since a few weeks. Employees of one of the biggest BPO firms of the island came forward to claim their salaries, unpaid since a few months.
18 Feb 2011, Yashvin, pages of my life
Un magicien choque les défenseurs des animaux
Contacté par l’AFP, l’illusionniste confirme qu’il ne rééditerait pas son tour de magie devant des centaines de millions de téléspectateurs de la chaîne de CCTV. Les poissons rouges symbolisent en... Read more »
18 Feb 2011, KotZot
Pêche au gros à Maurice 2011 – Les Ukrainiens virent en tête
Une première dans les annales de la compétition de pêche au gros à Maurice. Une équipe ukrainienne vire en tête après deux journées de pêche dans la Southern Indian Ocean... Read more »
18 Feb 2011, KotZot
MedPoint : l’ICAC s’intéresse à Hoolooman & Associates
Une nouvelle étape dans l’enquête initiée par l’Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) a été franchie dans le rachat par le ministère de la Santé de la clinique MedPoint pour le... Read more »
18 Feb 2011, KotZot
Le 6e Festival Culinaire Bernard Loiseau du 13 au 20 mars
L’hôtel Constance Belle Mare Plage accueille pour la sixième année consécutive le Festival Culinaire Bernard Loiseau. Cet événement aura lieu du 13 au 20 mars. Il verra la participation de... Read more »
18 Feb 2011, KotZot
Education – Des tableaux interactifs pour les écoles en 2011
” Les écoles primaires et secondaires seront dotées de tableaux interactifs cette année “. C’est ce qu’a annoncé le ministre de l’Éducation Vasant Bunwaree à une conférence de presse hier... Read more »
18 Feb 2011, KotZot