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Amazon Kindle now ships to Mauritius!
Yeah, you read it right. Another worldwide shopping mall has opened its doors to Mauritians.
16 Feb 2011, Yashvin, pages of my life
Mauritius Youth to Business Forum 2011 d’AIESEC : accent sur l’employabilité et l’entreprenariat
Pour cette première édition du Mauritius Youth to Business Forum 2011organisé par AIESEC Mauritius, Microsoft Océan Indien, partenaire de l’événement, éveille les universitaires et les jeunes entrepreneurs à l’employabilité et les incite à l’entreprenari
16 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
L’île Maurice brille à St. Moritz
C’est le rêve de tout spécialiste en marketing : une association de marque prestigieuse. Depuis quinze ans maintenant l’île Maurice associe son image à la prestigieuse station de ski suisse, St. Moritz à travers l’événement ʺWhite Turfʺ.
16 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Les grains secs coûtent 50 % plus cher bientôt
Les gros pois, lentilles et dholl, entre autres, connaîtront une hausse de 15 à 25 % dans les semaines à venir. C´est ce que laisse entendre Veemarlaine Veerapen, directeur de GM Veerapen Ltd.
16 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Nouvelle succursale de la Mauritius Union à Curepipe
Mauritius Union Group a ouvert un nouveau chapitre de son histoire avec l’ouverture le lundi 14 février 2011 d’une nouvelle succursale, à l’immeuble Ramdanee, route Royale, Forest Side.
16 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Road accident kills three during the weekend
The road has proven once more deadly this weekend, with three people, including two teens aged between 15 and 20 years.
16 Feb 2011,
Price of coupon parking is doubled
Five to ten rupees and ten to twenty - drivers still take a hit. Since Tuesday morning, parking coupons are doubled. This decision has been taken by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure to follows a modification to the Road Traffic (Paid Parking) Regulations 2002.
16 Feb 2011,
Zournal Kreol – mercredi 16/02/2011
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-02-16End Time: 19:00
16 Feb 2011, MBC
JT de 19h30 – mercredi 16/02/2011
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-02-16End Time: 20:10
16 Feb 2011, MBC
Petrol, diesel prices unchanged
At its meeting on Tuesday, the Petroleum Pricing Committee (PPC) decided to maintain the price of petrol and diesel at Rs 48.50 and Rs 39.90 respectively.
16 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Science Day for Women launched
In a bid to raise awareness on the use of science in one's daily life, a Science Day for Women was launched on Tuesday at the Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre (RGSC) at Belle Village.
16 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Labour Party to celebrate 75 years
The PTr was founded in February 23, 1936 after a mass rally at Champ de Mars in Port Louis attended by 8000 people to demand workers’ rights.
16 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Pleasure boat canvasser permit not to be renewed
The Tourism Authority (TA) which falls under the Ministry of Tourism and Leisure has decided to put some order on the beaches by putting an end to the activities of holders of 'canvasser attestation' permits.
16 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
CMT employees not to be laid off
The minister of Industry Showkutally Soodhun announced that he will stand as guarantor for Compagnie Mauricienne de Textile (CMT) if the company requires, concerning its suppliers or other stakeholders.
16 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Bérenger for Select Committee on Medpoint
The leader of the Opposition, Paul Bérenger, plans to remind the Parliament to urgently establish a Select Committee (SC) to answer the Oppositions’ questions about the purchase of MedPoint clinic by the state at a cost of Rs 145 million.
16 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Caterino arrested after 20 months
You can run but you cannot hide. Twenty months after he jumped bail and fled the country, Air France flight attendant Christophe Caterino, was arrested in his home village of St Raphael in the south of France.
16 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Committee to decide on new sugar price
The Mauritius Sugar Syndicate (MSS), the only institution responsible to sell the sugar on the world market, hopes to announce soon the price conditions for local sugar producers.
16 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Jeetah meets foreign students
Study Mauritius, a new unit of the Ministry of Tertiary Education, Science, Research and Technology, will be set up on February 22 to act as a facilitator for foreign students.
16 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
First ever jazz competition to be held on Saturday
Institut Français de Maurice will, for the first time, host a jazz competition on the island on Saturday evening.
16 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Kyokushinkai Mauritius 2011
La Kyokushinkai Martial Arts Federation (KMAF) donnera le coup d’envoi de ses activités demain avec la tenue d’une compétition au Centre social de Nouvelle Découverte. Cette compétition régionale débutera à... Read more »
15 Feb 2011, KotZot