Latest news
British Airways moves to night flight from Mauritius
From November 1, British Airways is changing its Mauritius timetable to give customers an overnight flight from Mauritius to London.
10 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Hot offer for Honda City of SBM and Honda Auto Lease
The promotional offer for Honda City of 'I Love My City' launched February 10, 2011 and will run until March 31, 2011
10 Feb 2011,
Que représente la Saint Valentin pour vous ?
L´amour! Il n´y a rien de plus fragile ni de plus éphémère. La Saint-Valentin, célébrée le 14 février, est pour vous l´occasion de répéter à votre bien aimé(e) combien vous l´aimez ou pas...
10 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Des profits de Rs 115 millions pour Naïade au 31 décembre 2010
La direction de Naïade a annoncé des profits de l’ordre de 115 millions de roupies après impôts pour le trimestre se terminant au 31 décembre 2010.
10 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
PRB : propositions des syndicats au 15 avril
Le Pay Research Bureau a arrêté son calendrier de travail concernant la rédaction du prochain rapport salarial de la fonction publique dont la publication est prévue pour octobre 2012.
10 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
La gestion de Four Points by Sheraton change de main
L’hôtel Four Points by Sheraton change de propriétaire. Telle est la décision prise par le Conseil d’Administration d’Ébène Cyber City Hotel Ltd.
10 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
E-register system launched in 21 schools
Minister of Education and Human Resources Dr Vasant Bunwaree and minister of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Tassarajen Pillay Chedumbrum, launched the e-register system on Wednesday at the Forest Side State Secondary School (Boys). The aim of this project is to reduce truancy at school.
10 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Island features in Vanity Fair mag
Vanity Fair, Italy, will publish a five-page story describing Mauritius as a dream destination for family holidays. This article will appear in its March edition.
10 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Naïade resorts make Rs 115 million profit for quarter ending December 2010
The management of Naïade announced profits of around Rs 115 million after tax for the quarter ending December 31, 2010.
10 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
5 ‘Enfants terribles’ members arrested
Five members of the group Enfants terribles were charged with extortion at the Mapou Disctrict Court on Wednesday. Police has objected to their release on bail for the purpose of enquiry.
10 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Ruling reserved in Lam Po Tang case
The appeal of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) against the conditional release of Gary Lam Po Tang was heard on Wednesday at the Supreme Court by judges Premila Balgobin and Hajee Abdoula.
10 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
MMM to stage rally on Sunday
The Mouvement Militant Mauricien (MMM) has criticised the Central Procurement Board’s decision of opting for MedPoint private clinic for the setting up of a government hospital.
10 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Basic level course in spoken Tamil
The basic level course in spoken Tamil will be launched on February 12 at the MGI Auditorium in Moka at 2.30 pm.
10 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
CEB employees convened by disciplinary committee
The acquisition of around 660,000 energy saving bulbs by the Central Electricity Board (CEB) is still raising a lot of questions. The investigation committee in charge of clarifying the procedures on the purchase project has delivered its first findings.
10 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Harte accused could be freed
While the loved ones of the murdered Michaela Harte are preparing for a Mass to mark a month since her death, police and the defence lawyers in Mauritius are involved in a legal wrangle.
10 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
ISKCON protests near McDonald’s site
The common Hindu Front formed in protest against the opening of a McDonald’s restaurant in Phoenix held a two-hour demonstration on Wednesday. They had announced this decision on January 25.
10 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
e-Register : réduire l’école buissonnière
L’ère des "ti-plans brite" pour faire l’école buissonnière sera bientôt révolue. Une fois n’est pas coutume, les nouvelles technologies viendront mettre un frein aux pulsions des adolescents.
09 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
SATTE 2011 : Participation exceptionnelle de l’île Maurice
S’il était nécessaire de confirmer l’intérêt que porte l’île Maurice aux touristes indiens, le salon « SATTE 2011 » qui s’est tenu à New Delhi les 28 et 29 janvier peut être considéré comme la preuve éclatante.
09 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Hippisme : feu vert pour 38 journées
Le calendrier pour la saison hippique 2011 a été approuvé par la Gambling Regulatory Authority.
09 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Dites-le avec des bulles avec Amour de Deutz
La Saint Valentin approche à grand pas et vous ne savez toujours pas quoi offrir à votre conjoint ?
09 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?