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Zournal Kreol – mercredi 09/02/2011
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-02-09End Time: 19:20
09 Feb 2011, MBC
JT de 19h30 – mercredi 09/02/2011
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-02-09End Time: 20:10
09 Feb 2011, MBC
Online filtering system to combat child abuse
Cyber criminals and paedophiles will now have to think twice before navigating child sexual abuse (CSA) websites in Mauritius as the Online Content Filtering system has now been adopted.
08 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
EIILM awards diplomas to first batch
The Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management University (EIILM) organised its first award ceremony for its preliminary batch of graduates for 2011. This even took place at the Octave Wiehe Auditorium, Réduit on February 7.
08 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
‘MMM reform was a failure’
The president of Governement Hindi Teachers Union (GHTU), Suttyhudeo Tengur, commented that the 2010 Higher School Certificate (HSC) results clearly show that the reforms of former minister of Education, Steve Obeegadoo, have been unsuccessful.
08 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
MCB hosts education
The public is expected in large numbers at the ‘Salon des Étudiants’ of OVEC, an education fair that will be held at the headquarters of the Mauritius Commercial Bank on February 12 and 13. This fair will go on from 10 am to 5 pm at Sir William Newton Street, Port Louis.
08 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Dristika, Mihirkhan on their success, plans
Dristika Bidoo Dristika Bidoo completed her School Certificate at Sodnac State Secondary School and later joined the Queen Elizabeth College (QEC) where she became a laureate in the Arts side. When asked about the secret behind the success, 18-year-old Dristika said that studying is the most important thing to do and that she received support from her parents, teachers, relatives and friends.
08 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Rector overwhelmed with joy, pride
Ruby Gopaul-Ramloll has had a long experience in the educational sector in the island. She is presently the rector of the Queen Elizabeth College (QEC) and shares with The Independent the joy of 14 students bagging the scholarships for HSC examinations 2010 on the girls’side.
08 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Special champagne for V Day
With Valentine's Day just around the corner, Phoenix Beverages Limited (PBL) is offering a new and special champagne Amour de Deutz to its customers in Mauritius, especially for lovers. In this context, PBL organised a small champagne tasting event on Tuesday at its premises in Phoenix.
08 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Flight Clearance gets ISO certificate
The Flight Clearance Office of the Civil Aviation Department at SSR International Airport was awarded the MS ISO 9001:2008 Certificate by minister of Civil Service Affairs and Administrative Reforms Ashit Gungah at Plaisance on Monday.
08 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Rose Belle hosts first co-op fair
The Ministry of Business, Enterprises, Cooperatives and Consumer Protection will host the cooperative fair in Rose Belle for the first time on February 11.
08 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
PRB puts stress on assessment
The assessment of performance will be one of the issues that the Pay Research Bureau (PRB) will look into to prepare its next report on salary. The report is scheduled to be published in October 2012.
08 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily
Meenakshi Sandrasagren dirige les Global Markets à la Standard Bank
La Standard Bank(Mauritius) compte une nouvelle responsable de la trésorerie en la personne de Meenakshi Sandrasagren.
08 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Crise égyptienne : l’île Maurice parmi les destinations gagnantes
L’île Maurice fait partie des destinations lointaines qui risquent de bénéficier par ricochet de la crise égyptienne.
08 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Pillay Chedumbrum: appel aux jeunes pour s’exposer moins sur Internet
La vie privée des jeunes est trop exposée sur l’Internet. Ces derniers doivent faire preuve de plus de prudence en fréquentant les sites de jeux et sociaux. C’est l’appel qu’a lancé Tassarajen Pillay Chedumbrum.
08 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
JT de 19h30 – mardi 08/02/2011
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC 1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-02-08End Time: 20:10
08 Feb 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – mardi 08/02/2011
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC 2Start Time: 19;00Date: 2011-02-08End Time: 19:20
08 Feb 2011, MBC
Notre économie peut bénéficier à tout un chacun. C’est l’avis du Prof Joseph Stigl-itz.
Le prix nobel de l’économie est venu étudier dit-il le miracle mauricien. Maurice a la possibilité de créer une économie pour tous. C’est l’avis du . Le Prix nobel de l’économie était l’invité de la MBC hier soir. Il estime qu’il y a des leçons à tirer d’une économie qui peut servir tout le monde Le Prof Stig-litz [...]
08 Feb 2011, MBC
Une croissance de plus de 4% : prevision du FMI pour Maurice
L’institution table sur un taux de croissance supérieur à 4% pour Maurice cette année. Pour le FMI avec le retournement attendu de l’économie mondiale et des effets continus des stimulations fiscales, la croissance devrait dépasser d’un peu plus la barre de 4% cette année. L’institution financière constate que l’économie mauricienne a bien tiré son épingle du [...]
08 Feb 2011, MBC
Seenarain Mungroo : motion de remise en liberté conditionnelle débattue
Seenarain Mungroo, le cinquième suspect arrêté dans l’affaire du meurtre de l’Irlandaise Michaela Harte, est maintenu en détention provisoire.
08 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?