Latest news
Industrie sucrière : une hausse salariale de 40 % réclamée
Hausse salariale de 40 % pour les laboureurs et artisans de l’industrie sucrière. C’est la demande que formuleront les syndicats de l’industrie sucrière lors des prochaines négociations avec la Mauritius Sugar Producers’ Association (MSPA) portant sur la signature d’un nouveau protocole ayant trait à une révision des salaires et conditions de service pour quelque 4 500 travailleurs de l’industrie sucrière.• Les attentes syndicales revues
29 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Power to the People (for a Profit)
Many companies have tried to bring sustainable solar power to Africa. Azuri Technologies is one of the few to succeed.
29 Apr 2013,
Confusion Around Parking
The development of a parking space for vehicles by Flacq District Council raises controversy in Centre de Flacq.
29 Apr 2013,
Ponzi Schemes: Former CEO of Air Mauritius Invested Rs 45 Million in Investment Company
The police are interested in a former CEO of Air Mauritius. This is believed to have invested Rs 45 million in an investment company operating under the Ponzi scheme, which are currently being investigated by the Central CID.
29 Apr 2013,
Video of the Day: Best Fails Of The Week 4 April 2013
29 Apr 2013,
Picture of the Day: That’s What Friends are For
Two schoolkids in Indonesia take shelter from the rain under a giant banana leaf.
29 Apr 2013,
Penalty Points Come Into Force in a Few Days
Motorists have to behave themselves. The system of penalty points will come into force in a few days.
29 Apr 2013,
Bandwidth: Belgacom Up to 50% Cheaper
The Minister of ICT, Tassarajen Chedumbrum Pillay said Wednesday, April 24 at Port Louis the bandwidth provider Belgacom is being implemented in Mauritius offer rates between 40% and 50% cheaper than that the market currently offers.
29 Apr 2013,
CWA Debts Reachs Rs 583 Million
In recent years, the debts of the Central Water Authority have exceeded half a billion rupees. Indeed, a blackboard currently displayed by the agency responsible for water supply in the country is R 583 million, of which Rs 196 million representing accrued interest.
29 Apr 2013,
Three Dead And One Injured In Weekend Accidents
The body of a sixty lying in a pool of blood was found on the pavement in St Pierre Sunday. He had wounds. Elements of the SAMU, summoned to the scene, pronounced him dead.
29 Apr 2013,
Alleged Financial Scams: Names of the Officials Arises
The investigation into the alleged financial scam continues to bring a lot of revelations. The CCID is already entering its sixth week of interrogation.
29 Apr 2013,
12 Rules for Great Customer Meetings
Here's how to have a face-to-face customer meeting that moves an opportunity to the next step.
29 Apr 2013,
Transactions Foncières: Des Poursuites Contre Le Père Du Ministre Seetaram
Des poursuites logées en Cour intermédiaire et une mise en demeure servie à Iswurdeo Seetaram, ancien Speaker et père du ministre du Business et des Coopératives. Elles ont trait à des transactions foncières à Henrietta.
29 Apr 2013,
Les Suédois vont-ils pouvoir continuer d'uriner debout ?
Un député a proposé de changer la position des hommes lorsqu'ils vont aux toilettes. Cette idée a du mal à faire son chemin.
29 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
5 Ways to Know What Your Customers Want Before They Do
You have to train yourself to see the world through their eyes. Here's how.
29 Apr 2013,
Private Sector: Family Affair
What is good governance? The international firm McKinsey & Company said in a report that a well-managed company is defined as one having a majority of people with no relationship serving on boards. But in Mauritius, the move towards this model is slow. The vast majority of companies remain "family business."
29 Apr 2013,
3 Unusual Ways to Help Employees Make Good Decisions
One CEO explains his quest to set up his staff for success at work--and in life.
29 Apr 2013,
La “sale campagne” du Remake 2000 dénoncée
Le chef du gouvernement, Navin Ramgoolam a choisi d’être aux cotés des victimes des inondations meurtrières du 30 mars en signe de respect et de solidarité. Alors que le Remake 2000 se livre à son ‘jalsa’ pour la fête du 1er-Mai contrairement. C’est ce que le président du Parti travailliste, Patrick Assirvaden, a déclaré lors de sa conférence de presse hebdomadaire, samedi.
29 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
MSM-MMM : 14 orateurs le 1er mai
Ils seront 14 orateurs à prendre la parole lors du meeting de Remake 2000 à Port-Louis le mercredi 1er mai. Tout comme l’an dernier, c’est le leader du Remake, sir Anerood Jugnauth, qui interviendra en dernier. Il sera précédé de Paul Bérenger.• Le Remake 2000 appelle ses partisans à la mobilisation
29 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Ponzi Schemes: MRA Asks Investment Companies Agents to Checkout
The Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) on the offensive. It asked the people who acted as agents on behalf of investment companies, suspected financial scams of checkout.
29 Apr 2013,