Latest news
Inondations : Rs 300 000 pour chaque victime
Le Premier ministre a remis un chèque de Rs 300 000 aux proches de chacune des 11 victimes des inondations du 30 mars dernier. La cérémonie s’est déroulée au Prime minister’s Office à Port-Louis, vendredi.• Enquête judiciaire “inévitable”
27 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Fraudes alléguées : Interpol sur les traces de cinq suspects
Marjorie Bazerque, directrice de Je T’aime Marketing, arrêtée pour la deuxième fois • Une somme de Rs 300 M serait en circulation dans le pays selon les enquêteurs • Les fichiers électroniques livrent leurs secrets sur les déposants • Des juridictions étrangères sollicitées pour des ‘Preliminary Freezing Orders’ • Les banques commerciales fournissent des • informations aux autorités • La FSC remet une liste de compagnies suspectes au CCID
27 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Apave Indian Ocean Lance son Département de Contrôle Technique
Apave Indian Ocean, qui se dit être le leader dans la maîtrise des risques industriels, a lancé un département spécialisé de contrôle technique de construction et des infrastructures. Bryan Gujjalu, Chief Executive Officer de la firme, en a parlé à la presse, mercredi.
27 Apr 2013,
Manraj Report: The State is Still Considering the Implications
"In time we will come forward ... "These are the words of the Minister of Public Service, Sutyadeo Moutia on Manraj Report. At this point, the state scrutinizes the report Dev Manraj on "Errors and Omissions" the Pay Research Bureau (PRB).
27 Apr 2013,
CT Power: Promoters Announced the Creation of Jobs
Representatives from CT Power met the inhabitants of Albion for announcing the creation of jobs during and after construction of the coal plant. Malaysian developers have launched off-camera, an outreach campaign on this controversial project.
27 Apr 2013,
À Bois-Rouge, Pamplemousses: Des Voitures Endommagées par les Travaux de la CWA
Le département des travaux de la Central Water Authority (CWA) est appelé à répondre des dommages causés par des travaux effectués sur la route à Bois-Rouge, Pamplemousses.
27 Apr 2013,
Port Area: Fall of a Unidentified Object Mobilizes Police
A unindentified object landed in the grounds of Moroil on the road Quai and mobilized several specialized police units, including the Bomb Disposal Unit. The area has been delineated.
26 Apr 2013,
Consumption: the Prices of Several Products to Increase
The cost of the food basket has increased steadily since the beginning of the year. Several were increases on products ranging from soft to vegetables to meat, rice, dried beans and milk, including drinks. It is the same for the fuel prices.
26 Apr 2013,
Importers of Second-Hand Vehicles Fear for Their Existence
According to the secretary of an association of importers of second-hand vehicles, the new car dealers simply want to eliminate through a case in court. The latter countered by saying that the law is not respected by everyone, costing Rs 1 million per day to the state.
26 Apr 2013,
Video of the Day: Magnetic Putty That Eats Anything in Its Path
26 Apr 2013,
Picture of the Day: The Rocky Wave
The Wave is located on the Colorado Plateau, near the Utah and Arizona border. The area is a gallery of twisted sandstone, resembling deformed pillars, cones, mushrooms and other odd creations.
26 Apr 2013,
Warning is Mandatory
Car driver Ashwin Dave Ratacharen, sued for smelling of alcohol while the ethylotest indicated a positive result, has last week obtained the discharge of the information on the ground of procedural defect.
26 Apr 2013,
Does India Have Only Three Good Colleges?
It is the season when Phil Baty and his Times Higher Education Rankings unleash a flurry of results, that invariably lead to a series of Op-Eds and articles that bemoan the terrible state of higher education in India.
26 Apr 2013,
Parc Automobile : 306 743 Véhicules Sur Nos Routes
Au 31 mars 2013, le parc automobile mauricien comptait 306 743 véhicules, excluant les cyclomoteurs (114 158) et les tracteurs (3 212). Le nombre de voitures s’élevait, pour sa part, à 150 597, dont 3 048 véhicules additionnels enregistrés pour les trois premiers mois de l’année.
26 Apr 2013,
Africa Centre Of Excellence: Discussions about Business Opportunities in Mozambique
The Africa Centre of Excellence, a division created by the Board of Investment (BoI) to support local and foreign investors to do business in Africa, will host the April 29 to May 3, a "Mozambique Week" at its headquarters in Port- Louis where he will discuss the business opportunities that could be developed by local entrepreneurs in the country located in the south-east of Africa and whose economy is growing.
26 Apr 2013,
Speed Limiters: How Effective Are They?
There was a staunch resistance from heavy vehicles owners when government first announced its intention to introduce speed limiters in 2010.
26 Apr 2013,
Are Guest Complaints a Good Thing?
Getting feedback from your guests is essential to gauge whether what you’re offering is right for your target audience.
26 Apr 2013,
Training E-Business Tourism in June with Thinkbox
This is a training tourism professionals should not miss. From 3 to 7 June, Thinkbox Vanessa Bechard organized in partnership with ESCAET, training in e-business tourism.
26 Apr 2013,
When Not to Join the Family Business
You always face the challenge of keeping your emotions from getting in the way of making sound business decisions. Those emotions are especially strong when you're dealing with family issues.
26 Apr 2013,
Mozambique Offers 2456 Hectares to Mauritius
After the offer of 23,500 hectares of land to Mauritius by the Mozambican government a few years ago in the framework of regional cooperation, now Mauritius has an additional surface
26 Apr 2013,