Latest news
Are Guest Complaints a Good Thing?
Getting feedback from your guests is essential to gauge whether what you’re offering is right for your target audience.
26 Apr 2013,
Training E-Business Tourism in June with Thinkbox
This is a training tourism professionals should not miss. From 3 to 7 June, Thinkbox Vanessa Bechard organized in partnership with ESCAET, training in e-business tourism.
26 Apr 2013,
When Not to Join the Family Business
You always face the challenge of keeping your emotions from getting in the way of making sound business decisions. Those emotions are especially strong when you're dealing with family issues.
26 Apr 2013,
Mozambique Offers 2456 Hectares to Mauritius
After the offer of 23,500 hectares of land to Mauritius by the Mozambican government a few years ago in the framework of regional cooperation, now Mauritius has an additional surface
26 Apr 2013,
Blog: Meeting parents’ panic
Girls’ parents in the middle class who are responsible for the upbringing of daughters going to secondary schools seem to be living in perpetual fear of loss, of the danger of an act of filial treachery.
26 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Blog: Benefits of Hindsight
I was pleasantly surprised at the bold stand taken by Anil Bachoo, Vice-Prime Minister and minister of Public Infrastructure, on the role played by and the help given by sociocultural organizations in favor of victims of the recent flash floods at the Tamil New Year celebrations on Sunday last at IGCIC.
26 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
The Hotel Creolias Ready in October
The hotel "The Creolias", currently under construction in Calodyne, Grand Gaube, enter into operation before the end of the year. Construction will be completed in October.
26 Apr 2013,
June 5: Richard Wooding Left Phoenix Beverages
The Chief Executive Officer of Phoenix Beverages Limited (PBL), Richard Wooding, leaving the management of the company at the end of his contract on June 5. While some suggest a break with Lagesse family, which controls the entity, Richard Wooding, he says it is time for him to "move".
26 Apr 2013,
Alleged Fraud: No Bail for Arun Mussodee
Arun Mussodee, one of the directors of the company Whitedot, suspected of being involved in financial scams in the Ponzi scheme, remains in police custody.
26 Apr 2013,
Blog: Double-edged sword
Following the Preliminary Report of Mr Geoffrey Robertson on Media Law and Ethics in Mauritius, all that the traditional media and the opposition parties have retained is that there is a necessity for a Freedom of Information Act. No one in the traditional press or in the opposition has spoken about responsible journalism, the Code of Conduct and the ethics of journalism, the right to have a comprehensive privacy law to protect, wherever this is justified, the media from intruding in the lives of people or to go under women’s skirts or their bedroom.
26 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
La peinture pour affronter ses peurs
Lorsque son père et sa mère se séparent, alors qu’il est tout jeune, Wazeerud Dean Mungroo en souffre énormément. Bien que son père, de nature violente, l’ait une fois tapé si fort qu’il en a été grièvement blessé. Cette séparation ainsi que l’acte de brutalité de son père ont eu des répercussions sur ses études primaires. “Alors que mon fils était tout le temps premier de sa classe, il a échoué la troisième”, nous raconte sa mère, Hajrah Ismael, gérante d’un snack.
26 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Le député Léopold évoque “l’exode des Rodriguais”
Rodrigues va mal. C’est en tout cas ce que pense le secrétaire parlementaire privé Christian Léopold.
26 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Affaire Whitedot : 5 employés de l’ICAC suspendus
Cinq employés de l’Independant Commission against Corruption (Icac) qui ont investi dans les ‘Ponzi Schemes’ ont été suspendus de leurs fonctions en attendant les conclusions d’une enquête interne menée par l’’Intelligence Team’ de l’Icac.
26 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Princess Margaret's 'simple' tastes
Princess Margaret was one of the most glamorous figures on the world stage in the 1950s, but documents have released she had some modest tastes when it came to food and drink. Ahead of a visit to Mauritius, the island's governor was told that she preferred "simple" meals, was "not fond of either caviar or oysters", and would rather drink wine than champagne. But that did not mean planning Margaret's tour of the island in 1956 was straightforward.
26 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Condamné pour le viol de sa fille : il demande la liberté sous caution en attendant son appel
Condamné à trois ans de prison au début d’avril pour avoir violé sa fille, Jean-Marie Vayavery avait fait appel en Cour suprême afin de contester sa condamnation et sa sentence. Il a demandé, par le truchement de son homme de loi, sa libération en attendant son appel. Et la motion de sa remise en liberté conditionnelle a été débattue en cour intermédiaire jeudi matin devant le magistrat Azam Neerooa. Ce dernier fera connaître sa décision le 3 mai 2013.
26 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Bérenger : “Je dénoncerai deux choses au meeting du 1er-Mai”
Réunissant la presse à son domicile jeudi, Paul Bérenger a confirmé qu’il sera non seulement présent au meeting de l’alliance MMM/MSM à Port-Louis le 1er mai, mais qu’il prendra aussi la parole pour dénoncer “deux choses”.
26 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Editorial : Quel militantisme ?
En dépit d’un regain considérable des activités syndicales et d’un semblant de militantisme ces derniers temps, il y a de forts doutes que les travailleurs se mobilisent en masse le 1er mai prochain pour célébrer la fête du Travail. La classe politique y volera toujours et encore la vedette. Les syndicats doivent se blâmer eux-mêmes pour cet état de choses.
26 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
1er-Mai : le PM confirme que le meeting n’aura pas lieu
Le Premier ministre Navin Ramgoolam a confirmé, jeudi, que l’alliance gouvernementale n’organisera pas de meeting le 1er mai prochain. Rencontrant la presse au Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), le chef du gouvernement a évoqué deux raisons qui ont incité l’alliance Parti travailliste-Parti mauricien social démocrate (PTr-PMSD) à ne pas organiser de rassemblement politique pour la fête la travail.
26 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Affaire Ghoorbin : retour sur le lieu du crime
Les cinq suspects arrêtés dans le cadre de l’enquête sur l’assassinat de Vikram Ghoorbin participeront à un exercice de reconstitution des faits ce vendredi à Petit-Raffray.
26 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
How Your Brain Corrupts Your Shopping Choices
Ever come home from a day of shopping and wondered why on earth you purchased certain items? As it turns out, our brains corrupt our shopping choices to the point that we barely know what we're doing. Here's what's happening and what you can do about it.
26 Apr 2013,