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EAU Mag consacre sa Une à Maurice
Des paysages spectaculaires surplombant un lagon d’une grande beauté, des fonds marins d’une grande richesse... La destination Maurice fait de nouveau la couverture des magazines étrangers tels que ‘EAU Mag’, en France, et ‘Tyden’, en République tchèque.
25 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
1er-Mai : pas de meeting pour le PTr/PMSD
L’alliance PTr/PMSD n’organisera pas cette année son traditionnel meeting du 1er-Mai à l’occasion de la Fête du travail. Cela, en signe de respect envers les sinistrés des inondations du 30 mars dernier. C’est ce qu’ont affirmé au Matinal, mercredi, des membres de l’état-major rouge.
25 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Téléphonie : un forfait MTML à Re 1.15 la minute
Mahanagar Telephone Mauritius Ltd (MTML) a lancé le premier forfait à tarif unique pour la téléphonie mobile à Maurice, mercredi. Avec ce nouveau forfait, appelé ‘Chili Uni Plan’, les abonnés de MTML ne paieront désormais que Re 1.15 la minute pour tout appel sortant vers n’importe quel opérateur local, fixe et mobile. Selon les estimations de MTML, ce tarif est 60 % moins cher que ceux pratiqués par les autres opérateurs.
25 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Ligue des champions : finale 100% allemande en vue (VIDEO)
Borussia Dortmund a corrigé le Real Madrid (4-1) hier soir, grâce à un quadruplé de Lewandowski. Pour la première fois, la finale de la Ligue des champions devrait être 100% allemande.
25 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Viol d’une septuagénaire : un suspect se rend à la police, l’autre court toujours
Soupçonné d’avoir violé la soeur de sa grand-mère, un jeune homme résidant à La Gaulette s’est rendu au poste de police de Rivière-Noire mercredi matin en compagnie de son homme de loi, Me Germain Wong Yuen Kook.
25 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Consommation : le prix de plusieurs produits à la hausse
Le coût du panier de la ménagère n’a cessé d’augmenter depuis le début de l’année. Plusieurs hausses ont été notées concernant des produits allant des boissons non alcoolisées aux légumes en passant par la viande, le riz, les grains secs et le lait, notamment. Il en est de même pour le prix des carburants.• Les prix affectés par les cours sur le marché mondial
25 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Petrol Stations Announce Strike Monday, May 6
The Petrol Retailers Association hardens his protest. She announced this time a full-day strike in service stations, which is more a business day, Monday, May 6
25 Apr 2013,
7 Gadgets to Watch for in 2013
Planning tech purchases can be a bit like going on a blind date: You never know how things are going to turn out. Do you commit now or wait for a better (ahem) opportunity?
25 Apr 2013,
Mobile Chili Reviewing Its Billing Down
Calls Rs 1.15 per minute to all operators. Mahanagar Telecom Mauritius Limited (MTML) promises 60% savings on the mobile bill customers. The new concept has been launched this Wednesday, April 24, 2013, at the Hotel Labourdonnais in Port Louis.
25 Apr 2013,
Palma — Manque D’infrastructures: Des Résidents Privés de Route d’Accès
Cela fait sept ans que Roy Ramchurn se bat pour qu’une partie de Cremation Road, à Palma, qui donne accès au petit morcellement où il habite, soit asphaltée.
25 Apr 2013,
Alibaba Pledges to Combat Fake Goods on Its Shopping Portals
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd , China's largest e-commerce platform, said it will commit "as many resources necessary" to stop the sale of pirated goods on its Taobao shopping portals, where transactions exceeded $161.7 billion last year.
25 Apr 2013,
Poste-de-Flacq: The Success Story of Sandhya and Kishan Ramguthee
They never imagined meeting such a success. Yet in recent years, Sandhya and Kishan Ramguthee reached itself in the field of manufacturing and selling detergents. Their companyBest Detergents Limited , located in Poste de Flacq, continues to grow. And their products, marketed under the brand Kim et Shinex, innovate and diversify. They now plan to open another branch in another region.
25 Apr 2013,
Road Accidents: Security Guard Died After Saturday Accident
Dhaneswar Mungar, 42 years old and living Britannia, succumbed to his injuries in hospital Rose-Belle after a Saturday accident. The vigil was in the box of a 4 x 4 when it was screened on the tarmac in the region of La Flora.
25 Apr 2013,
Alleged Anticompetitive: Phoenix Beverages Ltd.
Phoenix Beverages Limited (PBL), bottler of Coca-Cola products and beer Phoenix, offered commitments (Undertakings) as a result of the investigation the Competition Commission (CC) on alleged antitrust practices.
25 Apr 2013,
IOC Organizes An International Conference For Regional Air Strategy
The IOC will organize the 2nd and 3rd May in Port Louis a major international conference on air services in the region. The Secretary-General, Jean Claude de l'Estrac, believes it is time to implement a regional approach in the field of aviation.
24 Apr 2013,
Port Louis: Expired Medicines and Rs 82,000 Seized in Drug Store
28 expired pharmaceuticals were discovered Tuesday, April 23 on the shelves of a pharmacy located in Saint-Denis Street, Port-Louis. They were seized, as well as Rs 82,000.
24 Apr 2013,
Supreme Court: Status Quo Around Contract of Rs 800 Million for diesel NTC
Vivo Energy Mauritius Ltd asked the Supreme Court to review a decision of the Independent Review Panel (IRP), which rejected a challenge to the company about the allocation of a contract for fuel for Rs 806 million in Indian Oil ( Mauritius) Ltd. Monday, SPJ Keshoe Parsad Matadeen extended the freeze panel decision.
24 Apr 2013,
Double Yellow Line Outside His Shop: Pinky Ahuja Contest His Ticket
Discontent among some small business owners on the street SSR (ex-Desforges Street), Port Louis. They are indignant against the Traffic Management & Road Safety Unit (TMRSU) who scored a double yellow line part of this busy road.
24 Apr 2013,
Video of the Day: Scary Water Whirlpool That Eats Everything
24 Apr 2013,
New Speed Cameras Require : Craze About Radar Detectors
Radar detectors ... simple and accessible to all. With the installation of new Speed Cameras and the introduction of penalty points, there is a rush to radar detectors. For some time, there was an increase in sales of these gadgets.
24 Apr 2013,