Latest news
Residential and Golf Course Bois Chéri Rs 6 Billion Invested
This is confirmed Arthur & Morgan Ltd. invest in an ambitious project. Residential golf complex called Avalon, Bois-Chéri. Requiring an investment of over Rs 6.5 billion, it will include a golf course with 18 holes, a Country Club and 364 villas, 90 of which are intended for Mauritians living abroad. Everything will be built on an area of 544 arpents. Work should débuterle July 1. Already, more than 50% of the lots have been reserved.
26 Apr 2013,
Ponzi Schemes: Other Pastors-Agents Reported
The number of pastors who are involved in the International Whitedot case increases as the investigation into the alleged scam of 530 million at the expense of investors 1213 progresses. This is Sanjeev Luchmun, Sales Manager at Whitedot, which would have made the bridge between the company and the pastors and faithful.
26 Apr 2013,
Boot Camp Training : Du Sport Façon Commando !
Pascal Feixes, ancien membre des Forces spéciales françaises et ancien garde du corps français, lance le Boot Camp Training à Maurice. Pour ce faire, ce professionnel ayant 20 ans d’expérience bénéficie de la collaboration de Bruneau Laurette. Ce camp d’entraînement propose aux hommes et aux femmes de faire du « sport façon commando ».
26 Apr 2013,
Ponzi Schemes: ICAC Suspends Five Employees
The Anti-Corruption Commission (ICAC) has announced the suspension of five employees who have committed a breach of the code of ethics of the institution investing in Ponzi schemes subject at this time, a series of police and financial investigations.
25 Apr 2013,
How Advertising Manipulates Your Choices and Spending Habits (and What to Do About It)
Advertisements aren't inherently bad, but many use manipulative tactics that influence in ways we don't even realize.
25 Apr 2013,
MTML Chili Uni Plan: Rs 1.15 Per Minute To All Operators
The new mobile phone communication tariff plan, named Chili Uni Plan by MTML (Mahanagar Telecom Mauritius Ltd) has been announced today and this indeed brings a major contributing factor to the competition in the mobile communication market in Mauritius. Over 70,000 Chili users will now be paying only Rs 1.15 per ...Read full article on Island Crisis: MTML Chili Uni Plan: Rs 1.15 Per Minute To All Operators.
25 Apr 2013, Island Crisis
Video of the Day: Three Years of Sun in Three Minutes
25 Apr 2013,
Picture of the Day: Flood in Michigan
25 Apr 2013,
Sympathy needed : Labour Party won’t hold any political gathering (meeting) on the 1st May 2013
Not later than yesterday morning, I shared last year's post promoting the various leisure activities offered at reduced price for the public holiday of the 1st May 2012. Few hours ago, the prime minister announced that his labour party won't be holding any political gatherings on this day because of the tragic floods of the 30th March 2013.
25 Apr 2013, Yashvin, pages of my life
19 Things Every Salesperson Should Know
The essence of sales success distilled into a single, short list.
25 Apr 2013,
Scam: "A Very Profitable Business"
This is a phenomenon that takes the elevator. The scam rages in Mauritius with several cases recently exposed. The art of extracting money by all means would become a successful business. Even the poorest are not spared ...
25 Apr 2013,
How to Improve Employee-Boss Relationships
Everyone talks about employee engagement and emotional intelligence, but if you want a high-performance organization, you've got to walk the talk.
25 Apr 2013,
Amendment to the Occupational Safety and Health Act: Imprisonment for Security Violation
The forthcoming amendments to the Occupational Safety & Health Act will most uncompromising safety. Prison will be provided for responsible companies found guilty of negligence in the event of a fatal accident on the job site.
25 Apr 2013,
Arnaques financières : enquête sur le transfert de Rs 15 M
L’interrogatoire de Carl Hélène, directeur d’Helene & Partners Investment Ltd, s’est poursuivi mercredi dans les locaux du Central CID en présence de son avocat, Me Dick Ng Sui Wah.
25 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Drogue : deux pharmaciens poursuivis
Un propriétaire de pharmacie de 42 ans et son pharmacologue, âgé, lui, de 49 ans, sont poursuivis pour vente de drogues dangereuses sous la Dangerous Drugs Act. Ils ont été arrêtés suite à une opération de police menée par la Metropolitan South sous la houlette de l’inspecteur Jangai, mardi.
25 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
How to Escape the Cult of "Busy"
People who often say they're "too busy" or "crazy busy" sound like buzzing busy signals. And when you start sounding like an appliance, it makes it hard to connect with you.
25 Apr 2013,
Découverte d’ossements humains à Coromandel
Une équipe de police de Coromandel menée par l’inspecteur Curumthaulee s’est rendue sur un terrain en friche de la localité, mardi soir. En effet, elle a eu vent de la découverte d’un cadavre en ce lieu.
25 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Téléphonie mobile : la portabilité effective en septembre prochain
Changer d’opérateur tout en conservant son numéro de téléphone. Cette mesure, appelée ‘Mobile Number Portability’, ou “portabilité”, sera effective à Maurice en septembre prochain. C’est ce qu’a annoncé Tassarajen Pillay Chedumbrum, ministre des Technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) à l’occasion du lancement du forfait ‘Chili Uni Plan’ par l’opérateur MTML, mercredi.
25 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Burke Remains in Position with Stable Foo Kune
Robbie Burke thanked Sunday and absent from the training track Monday morning, made his return in the colors of the team Foo Kune morning, Tuesday, April 23. Ila joked after the workout by running: "The tropical cyclone has gone! "
25 Apr 2013,
Bangladesh Factory Collapse: Rescue Teams Hunt for Survivors
Rescuers are franctically searching for survivors after at least 159 workers were killed and hundreds more injured when an eight-storey complex, housing a factory that supplies Primark, collapsed in the Bangladeshi capital.
25 Apr 2013,