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News Bulletin – Monday 18/07/11
Title: News BulletinChannel: MBC 3Start Time: 18:30Date: 2011-07-18End Time: 18:50
18 Jul 2011, MBC
Samachar – Monday 18/07/11
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC 1Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-07-18End Time: 18:25
18 Jul 2011, MBC
Copa America: le Venezuela bat le Chili et se qualifie pour les demi-finales
SAN JUAN (Argentine) (AFP)Le Venezuela s'est qualifié dimanche pour les demi-finales de la Copa América-2011 en battant le Chili 2 buts à 1 (mi-temps: 1-0) en quarts de finale de ctte compétition, au Stade du Bicentenaire de San Juan, en Argentine.Le Venezuela, qui disputera ainsi sa première demi-finale de l'histoire en Copa America, rencontrera mercredi à Mendoza le Paraguay, vainqueur du Brésil.La discipline tactique des Vénézuéliens en milieu de terrain a finalement prévalu sur les volontés offensives des Chiliens qui n'ont pu se développer complètement.Les Vénézuéliens ont ouvert la marque à la 35e minute par Oswaldo Vizcarrondo. Aucun autre but …
18 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Laure Manaudou remporte le 200 m dos à Athens
ATHENS (Etats-Unis) (AFP)La Française Laure Manaudou, championne olympique et triple championne du monde, a remporté facilement dimanche l'épreuve du 200 m dos de la réunion d'Athens (Géorgie), en couvrant la distance en 2:10.20.Manaudou a précédé sa grande rivale de ce meeting l'Américaine Megan Romano de plus de 2 secondes.La nageuse française, 24 ans, qui espère participer aux jeux Olympiques de Londres en 2012, s'était qualifiée pour la finale du 200 m dos en terminant seulement 5e des séries (2:17.13), près de 4 secondes derrière Romano, meilleure temps des qualifications (2:13.15) et très loin de son record de France des Championnats …
18 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Libye : les rebelles entrent à Brega et consolident leur front Ouest
BENGHAZI (Libye) (AFP)La bataille pour la prise du port pétrolier de Brega, en Libye orientale, est entrée dans une nouvelle phase dimanche, les rebelles disant être engagés dans des "combats rapprochés" avec les forces kadhafistes dans un quartier dhabitation."Quelques petits groupes ont réussi à pénétrer à lintérieur (de la ville), mais nous ne contrôlons pas encore toute" la cité, a déclaré Mohammed Zawi, un porte-parole des insurgés à Benghazi, la "capitale" de la rébellion, dans lEst."Il sagit maintenant de combats rapprochés" dans ce quartier du nord-est de Brega, a-t-il ajouté, précisant que les forces en présence faisaient désormais usage de …
18 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
PRB to meet unions today
On Monday, the Pay Research Bureau (PRB) will address the second preparation stage of its next report which is due for publication in October 2012. After having completed the first task, which consisted of reviewing the conditions of service of officers and employees of parastatal bodies, the PRB will start its series of meetings with [...]
18 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Duval, NGOs discuss CSR funds
On Monday, a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) interactive forum will be held at Mer Rouge. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that deal with vulnerable children and the foundations of corporate social responsibility (CSR) will be present. The vice prime minister, minister of Social Integration and Economic Empowerment, Xavier-Luc Duval will officially launch the ceremony. The minister of [...]
18 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
85 per cent of Bagatelle shopping space sold out
The Bagatelle Shopping Mall will officially be launched in September. The countdown actually started on October 8, 2010 when the Prime Minister, Dr Navin Ramgoolam officially launched the project. The construction is in its final stage and 85 per cent of the shoppingmall space has already been sold out. The project is a joint venture [...]
18 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
UoM students to showcase design
The University of Mauritius (UoM) fashion show titled ‘Boulevard des Stylistes’, will be presented from July 19 to 23 at the UoM auditorium. This extravaganza will be by the final year students of the batch of 2008. Twenty-two students will host an exhibition from July 19 to 22 from 9 am to 4 pm, where [...]
18 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
154 women groomed to take up politics
Women should cross all barriers and move forward, because they can’t remain victims forever. This is what the minister of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare, Sheila Bappoo proclaimed on Sunday at the Ebène Cyber Tower during the graduation ceremony of 154 women who underwent training on election and campaign skills for local government [...]
18 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Aapravasi Ghat marks 5th year on UNESCO’s WHS list
It has been five years since the Aapravasi Ghat was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list. A simple ceremony was organised to celebrate the event at the headquarters of the Aapravasi Ghat, Port Louis on Saturday. Raju Mohit, officer-in-charge of the institution said that a part of Mauritius’s history was recognised when the Aapravasi [...]
18 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
GMS counsels on visa to Canada
Global Migration Solutions (GMS), a pioneer in immigration service in Mauritius, organised an open day at Réduit on Sunday to advice people who wish to migrate to Canada. Visitors were able to meet lawyer Massood Joomratty from Vancouver. Joomratty explained that obtaining a permanent visa is a lengthy process. “The procedures normally take up to [...]
18 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Govt alliance stands firm behind Ramgoolam
Alliance de l’Avenir members hosted a press conference on Saturday at Port Louis to comment on allegations made by Opposition leader Paul Bérenger against the Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam with regards to the MedPoint case. The secretary general of the PMSD, Salim Abbas Mamode and the secretary general of the MSM, Nando Bodha were [...]
18 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Victim’s grieving uncle flies in
Mohamed Ashraf Mir, late Indian billionaire Mujeeb Mir’s uncle flew in from Dubai on Thursday, the day after the Privy Council granted special leave to one of the accused Ajay Dookee to contest his Supreme Court sentence. Mir was murdered in Grand Baie in 2005. Mir’s father, Abdul Rashid, incidentally happens to be in London, [...]
18 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
MRA redoubles efforts to recover
After the case of illegal hawkers operating in the country, the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) is redoubling efforts to recover some Rs 300 million. The MRA suspects several doctors, dentists, attorneys and businesspeople have been evading tax for years, leaving the MRA with a shortfall of Rs 300 million. These people have an annual turnover [...]
18 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Heart of last Austro-Hungarian heir buried
PANNONHALMA, Hungary (AFP)Thousands of Austrians and tourists lined the streets of the historic city centre for the funeral, after a week of ceremonies honouring Habsburg.Habsburg, who was exiled with his family after the fall of the Austro-Hungarian empire in 1918, was a strong proponent of Europe and served for 20 years as a member of the European Parliament.Known abroad as Otto von Habsburg, he was just Otto Habsburg in Austria, after the state abolished his family's titles in 1919.As well as being fiercely pro-European, Habsburg had a reputation for being an ardent anti-Nazi and anti-Communist.In August 1989 he organised the …
18 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Giantkillers Venezuela leave Chile in Copa cold
SAN JUAN, Argentina (AFP)Venezuela completed a weekend of Copa America shocks by reaching the semi-finals for their first time in their history with a gutsy 2-1 win over fancied Chile on Sunday.Oswaldo Vizcarrondo gave Venezuela a 34th-minute lead, nodding in after good work by Juan Arango, only for Humberto Suazo to level midway through the second half with his first competitive international goal since November 2009.That gave the Chileans fresh energy and they had the Venezuelans on the rack for the best part of the next quarter-hour.But just as extra-time seemed to be on the way once again for the …
18 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
La tortue de la plage de Pereybere
Ce n’est pas une blague ni une légende. Il existe bel et bien une tortue qui nage dans les environs de la plage publique de Pereybere.
17 Jul 2011, Yashvin, pages of my life
Bahreïn : les opposants chiites se retirent du dialogue national
DUBAI (AFP)Le principal groupe de lopposition chiite de Bahreïn a décidé dimanche de se retirer du dialogue national entamé début juillet, estimant quil napporterait pas de solution politique à la crise où est plongé ce royaume gouverné par une dynastie sunnite."Lexécutif du Wefaq a décidé que le mouvement devait se retirer du dialogue national et la décision doit être entérinée lundi par son organe consultatif (la Choura)", a déclaré à lAFP Khalil al-Marzouq, chef de la délégation du groupe à ce dialogue.Selon M. Marzouq, le Wefaq a décidé en conséquence de ne pas assister à la séance du dialogue prévue …
17 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Tour de France: nouvelle victoire de Cavendish
MONTPELLIER (AFP)Le Britannique Mark Cavendish (HTC) a remporté au sprint la 15e étape du Tour de France, dimanche, à Montpellier, son quatrième succès depuis le départ.Le Français Thomas Voeckler (Europcar) a conservé le maillot jaune de leader à la veille de la seconde journée de repos.
17 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?