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JT de 19h30 – Dimanche 17/07/11
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-07-17End Time: 20:15
17 Jul 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – Dimanche 17/07/11
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-07-17End Time: 19:20
17 Jul 2011, MBC
News – Sunday 17/07/11
Title: NewsChannel: MBC3Start Time: 18:30Date: 2011-07-17End Time: 18:50
17 Jul 2011, MBC
Samachar – Sunday 17/07/11
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC1Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-07-17End Time: 18:25
17 Jul 2011, MBC
'Hacked off' celebrities lead war on British tabloids
LONDON (AFP)A victim of phone hacking himself, he also appeared on a television panel show with McMullan, angrily accusing him of being "morally bankrupt".McMullan hit back by noting that Coogan had received money for appearing in films including "Night at the Museum" made by 20th Century Fox, owned by Murdoch's News Corp.Meanwhile Khan, who is Grant's former girlfriend, wrote a lengthy account in The Independent newspaper describing the "long, painful process of trying to find out the truth" about how she was hacked."The press, police and Parliament have all colluded on the issue of phone hacking," Khan wrote.Moore, of the …
17 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Copa America: le Pérou en demi-finale contre le cours du jeu
CORDOBA (Argentine) (AFP)Le Pérou s'est qualifié pour les demi-finales de la Copa America en battant sur la fin la Colombie (2-0 a.p.) dans un match pourtant maîtrisé par les Cafeteros, dont le gardien a fait deux erreurs fatales et l'attaquant Falcao a raté un penalty, samedi à Cordoba.Le Pérou, resté bloqué en quarts lors des trois dernières éditions du tournoi, rencontrera mardi à La Plata le vainqueur du match Argentine-Uruguay, disputé en soirée.Le gardien colombien, Martinez, fut l'homme du match malgré lui: une sortie hasardeuse dont Lobaton profitait d'une frappe limpide (102e), puis une relance ratée, sur laquelle Vargas enfonçait …
16 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
La péninsule de l'Alaska frappé par un séisme de 6,1
WASHINGTON (AFP)Un séisme dune magnitude de 6,1 a frappé samedi la péninsule de lAlaska, à environ 970 km au sud-ouest dAnchorage, a annoncé lInstitut de géophysique américain (USGS).Le tremblement de terre sest produit à 19h59 GMT, et son épicentre se situait près de Sand Point, une île située dans le Pacifique Nord au large de la péninsule de lAlaska, a ajouté lUSGS.La secousse a eu lieu à 48 km de profondeur.Elle survient près de trois semaines après un puissant séisme de 7,2 de magnitude dans les îles Aléoutiennes, à louest de lAlaska, qui avait été suivi dune alerte au tsunami …
16 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Insécurité à Bois-Marchand – Trois chauffeurs de taxi dépouillés et agressés en deux jours
Le nombre de victimes d’agressions dans la région de Port-Louis Nord ne cesse d’augmenter.
16 Jul 2011,
Mauritius Lotto Result For 16th July 2011
The article below is a preview of the original article found at You can read the whole article here: Mauritius Lotto Result For 16th July 2011 The article below is a preview of the original article found at You can read the whole article here: Mauritius Lotto Result For 16th July 2011 Mauritius Lotto result for 16th July 2011 and the 89th draw of the Mauritian lotto is available as listed below. There are THREE [...]
16 Jul 2011, Island Crisis
5 millions trop tigit
Is Rs5million rupees is a too tiny sum for Mauritians now?
16 Jul 2011, Yashvin, pages of my life
Fauché par une voiture le 5 juillet dernier – Jean Alex Tossé succombe à ses blessures
Jean Alex Tossé, 62 ans, aussi connu comme Tune, n’a pas survécu à ses blessures. Il a rendu l’âme dans la soirée de mercredi.
16 Jul 2011,
Wishing Katrina Kaif a very happy Birthday
Have you ever wondered if 'Very Important Person' was the abbreviation of VIP, 'Indian Institute of Technology' was of IIT, 'Indian Institute of Management' was of IIM, then, of what will be 'Kind And Talented Really Intelligent Natural Actress' the abbreviation of? No prizes for guessing, it's the full form of KATRINA Kaif, the pretty lass who celebrates her royal birthday today! Not many are aware of the fact that Katrina who was born to a Kashmiri Muslim father and a British Christian mother. In addition to that, Katrina was all set to pursue her graduation from the prestigious Harvard …
16 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
New top brass for state bodies
At its weekly meeting on Friday, the Cabinet confirmed the nomination of several people to head various parastatal bodies. The Central Water Authority (CWA), which has been operating without a chairperson for some time, will now operate under the chairmanship of Prem Saddul. Saddul, who previously worked as Mauritius Institute of Education director, said his [...]
16 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Women in senior jobs up by 16 pc
More women are occupying high positions in government services. In the last 10 years, from 2000 to 2009, the number of women in senior positions has increased from 23 per cent to 39 per cent. This was revealed by the Central Statistics Office in its latest issue of the Economic and Social Indicator report on [...]
16 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Vendors given 2 weeks to respect norms
During the week, inspectors of the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life conducted surprise checks at the Rose Hill supermarket. The officers took note of several unhealthy practices and conditions that existed in the market. The vendors have been given two weeks to respect the norms otherwise the market will be closed. Speaking to [...]
16 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Hearing wraps up, ruling on Monday
The hearing in the murder case of late Irish tourist Michaela Harte has been moved to Monday. At the District Court of Mapou, senior magistrate Sheila Bonomally will give her stance on the case. Two witnesses, chief police medical officer Sudesh Kumar Gungadin and scene of crime officer sergeant Mohamed Reaz Dhonye, recorded their statements [...]
16 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Asbestos detected in 2,500 houses
On Friday, the Truth and Justice Commission (TJC) kept itself busy with cases concerning the presence of asbestos in some houses. Two representatives of the Ministry of Housing and Lands were called at the hearing session of the commission to provide more information. Jean Claude Fleury, advisor to the minister, stated that there around 2,500 [...]
16 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
White paper to promote culture, arts to be finalised in two months
A White Paper on arts and culture will be presented in about two months’ time in a bid to further promote the industry. The White Paper will comprise various measures and policies to encourage local and international artistes. This announcement was made by minister of Arts and Culture Mookhesswur Choonee at a meeting held at [...]
16 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
JT de 19h30 – samedi 16/07/11
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-07-16End Time: 20:15
16 Jul 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol -samedi 16/07/11
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-07-16End Time: 19:20
16 Jul 2011, MBC