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Allocation de parcelles de terre à 54 anciens employés ayant opté pour l’Early Retirement Scheme
La cérémonie de tirage au sort pour l’allocation d’une parcelle de terre à chacun des 54 employés d’Omnicane ayant fait valoir leur droit à une retraite prématurée s’est tenue à La Baraque ce jeudi 14 juillet 2011. Lors de son discours, Jacques d’Unienville, Chief Executive Officer d’Omnicane a fait l’historique de la réforme sucrière qui a eu lieu durant ces dernières années. Selon lui c’est l’aspect social du plan de réforme qui a connu le plus de succès. « Les bénéficiaires sont des anciens employés de La Baraque qui avec l’automatisation de l’usine ont fait valoir leur droit pour le …
15 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Tour de France: le col de l'Aubisque au menu de la 13e étape
LUZ-ARDIDEN (France) (AFP)L'Aubisque dominera vendredi la 13e étape du Tour du haut de ses 1709 mètres d'altitude, sur le parcours menant de Pau à Lourdes (152,5 km).Après deux côtes en début d'étape, la course aborde l'Aubisque, seule grande ascension du jour, par le versant de Gourette (16,4 km à 7,1% de pente).Au sommet (Km 110) de ce col franchi à 71 reprises par la Grande Boucle, le Tour descend par le balcon du Soulor, qui jouxte un à pic vertigineux où Wim Van Est, à cause d'une crevaison, bascula dans le vide voici soixante ans. Le Néerlandais, alors maillot jaune, …
15 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Turquie: 13 soldats et 7 rebelles kurdes tués dans des combats
DIYARBAKIR (Turquie) (AFP) Treize soldats turcs et sept rebelles kurdes ont été tués jeudi lors des affrontements les plus meurtriers pour larmée depuis trois ans dans le sud-est de la Turquie peuplé en majorité de Kurdes, faisant craindre un raidissement dAnkara sur la question kurde.Les combats sont survenus au cours dune opération de larmée dans une zone montagneuse connue pour être un bastion des rebelles du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK) près de la ville de Silvan, dans la province de Diyarbakir, les soldats étant tombés dans un guet-apens, ont indiqué des sources locales de sécurité.Au cours des heurts, …
15 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
MBC to sue daily paper for libel
Thursday’s edition of a daily contained information and allegations to which the MBC has responded by formally announcing on its radio and TV channels the upcoming lawsuits against the daily and the author of the article, Deepa Bhookun. ‘La MBC en difficulté, procède a des economies ‘controversées’ ‘the MBC, facing difficulties, undertakes controversial economic decisions,’ [...]
15 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
25 assistant rectors appointed
After waiting for more than one year, 25 assistant rectors have been appointed. Solicited by phone, Soondress Sawminaden, president of the association of rectors and assistants rectors, said that they are relieved that the Public Service Commission (PSC) finally confirmed the names of the 25 appointees. He stated that the Ministry of Education and Human [...]
15 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Mayflower College launches magazine on 40th anniversary
On Thursday, Mayflower College celebrated its 40th anniversary at Brisée Verdière in the presence of minister of Education and Human Resources, Dr Vasant Bunwaree. On the occasion, the school also launched the third edition of its souvenir magazine. The college opened its doors in 1971. It was started by the late Krishnadutt Lutchmah, who had [...]
15 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Maurisoft hosts multimedia forum
Creative Masters Tour, a two-day workshop on multimedia creativity, will be held on August 23 and 24 under a dome built exclusively for this purpose at Trianon. This was announced on Thursday by Nicolas Le Maire, director of Maurisoft, during a press conference held at its headquarters in Phoenix. Maurisoft is a company that specialises [...]
15 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Calculating water footprints vital
To make people aware and make the best use of water resources, especially in the corporate sector, Dr Revin Panray Beeharry will be conducting a one day workshop titled Water Footprint Workshop on July 27 at the Conference Room in Gymkhana, Vacoas, from 10 am to 4 pm. The workshop mainly aims help CEOs, business [...]
15 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Prudence Life to organise open day on July 16
The Trianon branch of the Mauritius Union Group will vibrate to the sound of steel drums and to the rhythm of Zumba on Saturday, July 16. La Prudence Life Insurance will host an open day where they will offer different products relating to insurance and pensions. It will be an informative and interactive day where [...]
15 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Aumeer defends Islamic centre
Following the recent allegations of illegal issue of operator licences for Hadj by the Islamic Cultural Centre (ICC), the chairman, Dr Farhad Ismael Aumeer has made it clear that he has nothing to hide and everything is being done in a transparent manner. According to Dr Aumeer, the licences granted to operators are based on [...]
15 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Vaccination exercise against cervical cancer
A total of 62 people from the village of Batimarais were given the first dose of the cervical cancer vaccination. This drive was held on July 13 and 14. The project is financed by Omnicane Foundation, in collaboration with the Mauritius Family Planning Welfare Association (MFPWA) at a cost of Rs 1 million. The vaccination [...]
15 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Civic week at Vacoas Phoenix
The Municipality of Vacoas / Phoenix is organising a series of activities to mark civic week at its seat from July 17 to 23. The theme chosen for the civic week is ‘Le progrès dans l‘Unité’ (progress in unity). The citizens are invited to participate in the activities for the city’s development. This was announced [...]
15 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Anglo-Mauritius insurance at 60, announces Rs 1.2 billion bonus
To mark its 60th anniversary, one of the largest insurance companies in the country, Anglo-Mauritius announced a bonus of about Rs 1.2 billion for all its profit policy holders. This was stated by Louis Rivalland, group chief executive of Anglo-Mauritius at a press conference held on Thursday at Swan Group Centre, Port Louis. This is [...]
15 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Dette américaine: toujours pas d'accord, Obama exhorte les élus à prendre une décision
WASHINGTON (AFP)Barack Obama a affirmé jeudi aux chefs de file du Congrès que "le temps des décisions est venu" pour résoudre le problème de la dette américaine, après une nouvelle journée sans accord marquée par des avertissements sur les graves conséquences en cas dinaction du parlement."Le temps des décisions est venu. Il nous faut des projets concrets pour faire progresser" ces dossiers, a déclaré M. Obama, selon un responsable démocrate au courant des pourparlers entre le président et les élus.A lissue dune cinquième séance de négociation consécutive à la Maison Blanche -- sans résultats -- entre le président et les …
15 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mauritius Horse Racing Tips 2011 – Week 17
The article below is a preview of the original article found at You can read the whole article here: Mauritius Horse Racing Tips 2011 – Week 17 The article below is a preview of the original article found at You can read the whole article here: Mauritius Horse Racing Tips 2011 – Week 17 This is week 17th of the Mauritius Horse Racing Tips 2011 challenge. The week’s main race is the Afrasia Bank Barbe Cup [...]
15 Jul 2011, Island Crisis
JT de 19h30 – vendredi 15/07/11
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC 2Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-07-15End Time: 20:15
15 Jul 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – vendredi 15/07/11
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC 2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-07-15End Time: 19:20
15 Jul 2011, MBC
News Bulletin – Friday 15/07/11
Title: News BulletinChannel: MBC 3Start Time: 18:30Date: 2011-07-15End Time: 18:50
15 Jul 2011, MBC
Samachar – Friday 15/07/11
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC 1Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-07-15End Time: 18:25
15 Jul 2011, MBC
Beckham set to face former Spanish club
LOS ANGELES (AFP)David Beckham says he's chomping at the bit to finally face his old club Saturday when the Los Angeles Galaxy host Real Madrid in a football friendly at the storied Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.Beckham spent four superb seasons with the La Liga giants before leaving in 2007 to try his luck in North American football. He won the Spanish crown in his final season there."To be facing Real Madrid for the first time since I left, it?s emotional," Beckham said. "You get attached to a club, you get attached to people in a club.""I spent four amazing years …
14 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?