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Deputy rectors await confirmation
The president of the Rectors Association of State Colleges, Soondress Sawminaden, has urged the Public Service Commission (PSC) to appoint 30 rectors who have been waiting for appointment. Sawminaden said that the Public Bodies Appeal Tribunal (PBAT) is responsible for listening to the grievances of civil servants. Therefore, he added that he finds it quite [...]
06 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Inflation rate down to 6.58 from 7.1 per cent
According to a report of the Central Statistics Office (CSO) released on Tuesday, the inflation rate has been decreased to 6.58 per cent in June compared to 7.1 per cent for the previous month. The annual inflation rate fell to a five-month low in June, curbed by two successive increases in the benchmark interest rates [...]
06 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Le Japon va procéder à des tests de résistance sur toutes les centrales nucléaires
TOKYO (AFP)Le Japon va procéder à des "tests de résistance" sur lensemble de ses centrales nucléaires pour vérifier à nouveau leur sûreté après laccident de Fukushima, a annoncé mercredi le ministre de lEconomie, Banri Kaieda, cité par les agences de presse Jiji et Kyodo.La sécurité des réacteurs japonais a déjà été contrôlée dans les semaines suivant la catastrophe sur ordre du Premier ministre, Naoto Kan, mais ces nouvelles vérifications "permettront de rassurer davantage la population", a souligné M. Kaieda.Depuis quun tsunami géant a provoqué dimportantes fuites radioactives à la centrale Fukushima Daiichi (nord-est), linquiétude est vive dans les différentes régions …
06 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Brazil to face Equatorial Guinea in women's W.Cup
FRANKFURT, Germany (AFP)Title contenders Brazil will look to avoid a slip-up in their final Group D match of the 2011 Women's World Cup against pointless Equatorial Guinea on Wednesday.Brazil have already locked up first place in the group with six points and victories over both Norway and Australia - who square off in the other group match. And the Brazilians will take on either Sweden or the United States in the quarter-finals.The South American giants - on the hunt for their first world title after losing to Germany in the 2007 final - have yet to concede a goal through …
06 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Britain's princess Kate wows Canada
CHARLOTTETOWN, Canada (AFP)"The underlying message is that none of this is easy. It is not easy coping with the constant intrusion of the media, not easy trying to come up with endless small talk for the hundreds of strangers she meets every day, not easy always being on show with a happy smile and an easy manner," opined Times correspondent Valentine Low.In accordance with Buckingham Palace's protocol, the duchess will not make any public statements during this trip. In private moments, she also focuses on easy topics with the crowds of well-wishers.A Huron chief welcomed her to Quebec City as …
06 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Killer roads claim 69 lives from January to May
Some 2,708 accidents were recorded from January till May 2011. This represents an average of 18 accidents per day.
06 Jul 2011,
Filmmaker Mani Kaul passes away
Veteran filmmaker Mani Kaul passed away this morning in Delhi. The director had been suffering from cancer for a while. Mani Kaul has won the Filmfare Critics Award for Best Movie for 4 of his films including Uski Roti, Ashad Ka Ek Din, Duvidha and Idiot (which featured Shah Rukh Khan during the early stages of his career). The director was a graduate from the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) where he studied under veteran filmmaker Ritwik Ghatak. He also won the National Award in 1989 for the Best Documentary- Siddheshwari. Bollywood personalities paid their tribute to the …
06 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
New road to improve traffic flow in capital
The Ministry of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, Land Transport and Shipping aims to improve the flow of vehicles to the capital through a traffic decongestion programme.
06 Jul 2011,
Aamir Khan claims to be the fake DK Bose
There is something about the Khan clan that actually makes them tick! Many say that it's their chocolaty looks, but, we feel it's the gift of the gab plus their presence of mind that does the trick for them. A recent example that can be stated is that of Aamir Khan, whose latest film Delhi Belly, despite being a B.O. bonanza, has also raised many a controversy. The latest one being artists Jiten Thukral and Sumir Tagra demanding that they should be given their share of credit for the hit song because they had the copyright for the expression 'Bose …
06 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Giovanni Bouton – Un concert, un chorégraphe
C’est lui qui s’occupe des danses pour le concert d’Alain Ramanisum les 9 et 10 juillet. Rencontre avec ce passionné dont le talent est né sur la rue. À une... Read more »
06 Jul 2011, KotZot
Top 100 Companies : le groupe Mon Loisir détrône Air Mauritius
Le groupe Mon Loisir occupe le fauteuil de leader dans le dernier classement «The Top 100 Companies» du pays. Avec un chiffre d’affaires de Rs 18, 3 milliards en 2010,... Read more »
06 Jul 2011, KotZot
Producer Gaurang Doshi sentenced to three years imprisonment
It's a classic case of 'real life' following 'reel life'. Well, in this case, it is Bollywood producer Gaurang Doshi who is in the spot light. Gaurang has been held guilty of cruelty to his wife, for which he has been sentenced to three years rigorous imprisonment by a Magistrate's court. However, Doshi, the producer of the 2002 hit Aankhen, starring Amitabh Bachchan, is currently absconding. This ruling comes following the maximum punishment prescribed by law, for the offence of wife-beating under section 498A of the Indian Penal Code. Though Gaurang is absconding, the police are on Doshi's trail and …
05 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Un Mauricien arrêté en Angleterre après la découverte d’un clip le montrant en train de sodomiser son neveu
Un Mauricien de 36 ans, établi en Angleterre, est dans de sales draps. Il a été récemment arrêté par la police britannique après la découverte d’un clip pornographique à son... Read more »
05 Jul 2011, KotZot
Mondial de rugby: "l'objectif" c'est d'être champion du monde estime Dusautoir
MARCOUSSIS (Essonne) (AFP)Le capitaine du XV de France Thierry Dusautoir a rappelé mardi lors d'une conférence de presse "l'objectif" de remporter la Coupe du monde en Nouvelle-Zélande, titre auquel "on peut sérieusement penser" à condition de "donner le meilleur de nous-mêmes."Q: Comment se passe cette préparation?R: "C'est très exigeant mais ça se passe très bien. Il y a toujours de l'enthousiasme et l'envie d'aller s'entraîner, c'est le plus important. Les préparateurs physiques ont réussi à trouver des exercices différents qui nous permettent, même dans la douleur, de rester intéressés."Q: Y-a-t-il un risque d'épuisement avant la compétition?R: "On est là pour …
05 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Karan Johar to be the brand ambassador of Lloyd Electronics?
Karan Johar is always the man of every season and every reason. And frankly speaking, he has every reason to be so. If Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham, Kal Ho Naa Ho etc. were anything to go by, then, watch out for an array of films like Agneepath, Short Term Shaadi and so on, coming from his production house, which will hit the silver screens in the days to come. And the days to come will also see the 'brand' called Karan Johar becoming the brand ambassador of Lloyd Electronics, according to Bollywood Hungama's ever so reliable …
05 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Ramu threatened; files police complaint and gets security
Trust Ram Gopal Varma to be in the news constantly. His audacious proclamation that he is willing to work with the alleged killer actress Maria Susairaj has raised the hackles of radical political parties in Maharashtra. On Monday, Ramu received a threatening letter allegedly from the Bharatiya Janta Party warning him of dire consequences if he insisted on working with Maria. Ramu promptly complained to the police. On Tuesday afternoon he lodged a former complaint at the Versova police station. His office and home are now surrounded by a posse of policemen. Sounding anything but intimidated, Ramu said after filing …
05 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Hughton vows business as usual at Birmingham
LONDON (AFP)Birmingham City manager Chris Hughton is adamant neither his position nor the club's pre-season spending have been compromised by money-laundering charges levelled against owner Carson Yeung.City major shareholder Yeung faces charges amounting to £57 million ($92m) in his native Hong Kong and has been bailed until August 11.But former Newcastle coach Hughton has promised "business as normal" as he seeks to get Birmingham back into the English Premier League at the first attempt following their relegation from the lucrative top flight last season.Hughton, asked about the charges against Yeung, said on Tuesday: "They are very much side issues."With the …
05 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Tour de France: Evans devance Contador sur la 4e étape
MÛR-DE-BRETAGNE (AFP)L'Australien Cadel Evans (BMC) a remporté la 4e étape du Tour de France, mardi à Mûr-de-Bretagne, devant l'Espagnol Alberto Contador, les deux hommes étant départagés par la photo-finish.Le Norvégien Thor Hushovd (Garmin) a conservé le maillot jaune de leader après cette étape bretonne de 172,5 kilomètres.Evans s'est imposé de quelques centimètres à Contador, le triple vainqueur de l'épreuve (2007, 2009, 2010) qui a relevé la tête après un démarrage laborieux samedi dernier.Le Madrilène, qui pensait avoir gagné, a levé le bras en franchissant la ligne. Mais Evans a conservé une très courte avance pour enlever son deuxième succès d'étape …
05 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Allemagne: la Cour constitutionnelle passe au crible les aides aux Européens
KARLSRUHE (Allemagne) (AFP)Le ministre allemand des Finances est venu mardi se justifier devant les juges suprêmes allemands des milliards deuros daides accordées par Berlin à ses partenaires européens, espérant les convaincre de la légalité de ces soutiens.Devant les juges de la Cour constitutionnelle, plus haute instance judiciaire allemande, Wolfgang Schäuble a insisté sur les dangers que courait leuro au printemps 2010, les bénéfices de la monnaie unique et la communauté de destin qui unit lAllemagne à lEurope.M. Schäuble, juriste de formation, a aussi assuré que les aides consenties à Athènes, puis à Dublin et Lisbonne par le biais du fonds …
05 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Sortie de scène houleuse à Strasbourg pour la présidence hongroise de l'UE
STRASBOURG (Parlement européen) (AFP)La présidence hongroise de lUE, marquée par six mois de polémiques, a pris congé de manière houleuse mardi du Parlement européen avec une fin de non-recevoir menaçante du Premier ministre Viktor Orban aux demandes de modification de la constitution hongroise."Je défendrai toujours la Hongrie contre les remarques et critiques, de Bruxelles ou dailleurs", a martelé Viktor Orban, dans un discours bilan de ses six mois de présidence de lUE."Aucun gouvernement, aucun pays na le droit de dire quelle doit être la constitution hongroise. Cest au peuple hongrois den décider", a-t-il insisté."Vous navez pas la possibilité de nous …
05 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?