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Pending ruling AML shelves hotel project
At the National Assembly on Tuesday, Dr Rihun Hawoldar wanted to know the reasons why the hotel project near Sir Seewoosagur International Airport by the Airport of Mauritius Ltd (AML) was shelved. The Prime Minister, Dr Navin Ramgoolam said that in June 2001, an open tender exercise was launched. Two bids were received and evaluated [...]
07 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Rs 34 m earmarked to enhance civil service
A series of projects to enhance the work environment of civil servants in various ministries and departments will start in about two weeks’ time. A sum of Rs 34 million has already been allocated and approved by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development for the same. This was stated by the minister of Civil [...]
07 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Cut in import of Malagasy seafood not to affect local market
Shrimp, fish, octopus, lobsters, crabs and squid imported from Madagascar are becoming increasingly rare on the local market. Madagascar prefers to export its products to Europe because they receive more money, said Darmen Nandee, chief executive officer of HK & D Nandee. Local operators have no choice but to turn to countries like Bangladesh, South [...]
07 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Export revenues from SADC, COMESA up
Domestic exports to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) are increasing. This statement was made by minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade Arvin Boolell in Parliament on Tuesday. In 2006, exports stood at Rs 3.6 billion and rose to Rs 6.1 billion in 2007. This trend was maintained during the past years. [...]
07 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
CSO figures show men outnumbered
The Central Statistics Office has published the gender statistics for 2010. It gives an idea about the women and men in Mauritius and includes their demographic profile, family status, labour force characteristics and their role in decision making. According to CSO figures, in 2010, there were 17,540 more women than men. It also shows that [...]
07 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Association proposes one ministry for police force, prisons, fire services
The Prison Officers’ Association (POA) held a press conference on Wednesday at the Beau Bassin prison. Present were Farhad Moideen, president of the Fire Fighters Union (FFU) and Toolsiraj Benydin, president of the Federation of the Civil Service and Other Unions (FCSOU). POA president Sidick Lallmohamed suggested solutions to the various problems existing in prisons. [...]
07 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Soodhun to set up industry observatory
The Ministry of Industry and Cooperatives will set up an industry observatory by September. The ministry is also working on a master plan for cooperatives for the period 2012 to 2015. This was announced by minister of Industry and Cooperatives Showkutally Soodhun at a press conference held in Port Louis on Wednesday. The observatory will [...]
07 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Ambre Hotel ponders lay-off, redeployment
The list of employees likely to be laid off or redeployed by Ambre Hotel has not been submitted to the Ministry of labour or the syndicate. This is what Atma Shanto, negotiator of the Organisation of Hotel, Private Club & Catering Workers Unity (OHCWU) had to say after a meeting held on Wednesday between officers [...]
07 Jul 2011, The Independent Daily
Chine: Jiang Zemin n'est pas mort, affirme Chine nouvelle
PEKIN (AFP)Les informations qui ont circulé sur la mort de lancien numéro un chinois Jiang Zemin sont de "pures rumeurs", a rapporté jeudi lagence Chine nouvelle, citant des "sources sûres".Ancien chef du Parti communiste chinois (PCC) et de lEtat âgé de 84 ans, Jiang Zemin na pas participé aux célébrations du 90ème anniversaire du PCC le 1er juillet, déclenchant de nombreuses spéculations sur son état de santé déclinant.
07 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Loterie Verte : résultats de la 706e tranche - tirage du 6 juillet 2011
Loterie Verte : résultats de la 706e tranche - tirage du 6 juillet 2011. Le No 3626748 gagne le 1er lot de Rs 10 millions Le No 3626748 gagne le 1er lot de Rs 10 millions Le No 3626748 gagne Rs. 10,000,000 Le No 2393585 gagne Rs. 2,000,000 Le No 3683167 gagne Rs. 1,000,000 149 autres lots gagnent chacun Rs 25 000 alors que 40 numéros de la deuxième chance gagnent chacun Rs 25 000. Cliquez ici pour les résultats complets - Le résultat officiel du tirage est celui signé par le Secrétaire du Government Lotteries Committee et affiché au …
07 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Rishi Kapoor to feature in Karan Johar's Student Of The Year
By now its common knowledge that Karan Johar's next directorial venture Student Of The Year stars debutants Varun Dhawan, Siddharth Malhotra and Alia Bhatt. There was also strong speculation that Karan's good friend Shah Rukh Khan would also be seen in the film. However that is not to be. Shah Rukh won't be acting in the film and would just be co-producing the venture with Karan Johar. Meanwhile Karan has gone ahead and signed veteran actor Rishi Kapoor to play an important role in the film. Incidentally Rishi also features in Karan Johar's remake of Agneepath which stars Hrithik Roshan …
07 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
FIFA probe finds 'new evidence' in bin Hammam case
LONDON (AFP)A FIFA commissioned investigation into claims that Asian football chief Mohamed bin Hammam used bribes in his bid for the organisation's top job has found fresh evidence, according to the Guardian newspaper.Bin Hammam and then vice-president Jack Warner were suspended on May 29 when a leaked report revealed that four Caribbean Football Union associations had been offered money or had seen the offence occurring during a meeting on May 10-11.A further five associations have now told former FBI director Louis Freeh, who is heading the investigation, that they were offered $40,000 (27,900 euros) in brown paper envelopes in return …
07 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Former NY governor Spitzer's CNN show axed
WASHINGTON (AFP)US cable television network CNN axed a talk show on Wednesday hosted by Eliot Spitzer, the former New York governor whose promising political career was derailed by a prostitution scandal.Spitzer's one-hour show, "In The Arena," was cancelled after just nine months. In February, Spitzer's co-host, conservative commentator Kathleen Parker, left the show, which had been suffering from consistently low ratings.Ken Jautz, executive vice president for CNN/US, said the Atlanta-based network was in discussions with Spitzer "about an alternative role."But Spitzer, in a statement released by CNN, indicated that his time at the 24-hour cable television network may be over."I …
06 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mondial de foot féminin: la Suède bat les Etats-Unis et les envoie face au Brésil
BERLIN (AFP)Le choc Brésil - Etats-Unis sera la principale affiche des quarts de finale du Mondial féminin organisé en Allemagne, les Américaines ayant été battues (2-1) mercredi par la Suède, qui affrontera de son côté l'Australie pour une place en demi-finale.Le match Suède - Etats-Unis, disputé à Wolfsbourg sous les yeux de la chancelière Angela Merkel et de l'équipe féminine allemande, mettait aux prises deux équipes déjà qualifiées, et les Américaines, plus convaincantes que les Scandinaves lors des deux premiers matches, partaient légèrement favorites.Mais un penalty pour une faute sur la Lyonnaise Lotta Schelin transformé par Dahlkvist et un coup …
06 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Problems of road infrastructure Ste-Cécile - Residents threaten to immolate
Fifteen residents of Ste-Cécile expressed their dissatisfaction on Wednesday in front of Government House.
06 Jul 2011,
Jouanno: "Apprendre de cette défaite"
DURBAN (Afrique du Sud) (AFP)La ministre des Sports Chantal Jouanno a affirmé que le sport français dans son ensemble devrait tirer les conclusions qui s'imposent après la défaite de la candidature d'Annecy pour l'organisation des jeux Olympiques d'hiver de 2018.Interrogée sur France 2 sur les quatre défaites des candidatures françaises présentées depuis 2004, Mme Jouanno a répondu: "C'est dur à encaisser pour le sport français, parce que le sport français ne mérite pas ça, mais on va apprendre de cette défaite. On n'a sans doute pas suffisamment appris des précédentes défaites. On va apprendre de celle-ci. On va clairement débriefer".Les …
06 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
No bids for Marseille midfielder Lucho, says Anigo
PORT CROUESTY, France (AFP)Marseille have received no offers for their Argentine playmaker Lucho Gonzalez, despite rumours to the contrary, sporting director Jose Anigo said on Wednesday."There's nothing new, no contact; just rumours," Anigo told AFP at Marseille's pre-season training camp here, on the day that new signings Alou Diarra and Gennaro Bracigliano were officially presented."With (coach) Didier (Deschamps), we've decided on a date -- July 15 -- up to which the player can leave. After that, it'll be finished."Lucho, who joined Marseille for an initial fee of 18 million euros ($25.8m) in 2009, has been linked with a move to …
06 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
La flottille propalestinienne à quai en Grèce, seul un bateau garde le cap sur Gaza
JERUSALEM (AFP)Un bateau français de la flottille de militants propalestiniens pour Gaza faisait route mercredi à faible allure vers le territoire palestinien dans lespoir de plus en plus hypothétique dêtre rejoint par les autres bloqués en Grèce.Les 12 passagers du bateau français Dignité Al-Karama, dont Olivier Besancenot, du Nouveau parti anticapitaliste (NPA) français, et Nicole Kiil-Nielsen, eurodéputée dEurope-Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV), sont toujours en contact avec les autres participants immobilisés en Grèce, a affirmé leur porte-parole à bord, Julien Rivoire, joint au téléphone par lAFP."On est surtout très attentif à tout ce qui peut se passer, en espérant toujours quil y …
06 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Le président Barack Obama mobilise Twitter pour dialoguer avec les électeurs
WASHINGTON (AFP)Le président Barack Obama, décidé à remobiliser les réseaux sociaux sur internet pour décrocher une réélection en 2012, devait participer mercredi à une séance de questions-réponses avec des Américains via la populaire plateforme de micro-blogs Twitter.Cette "première réunion publique Twitter" organisée à la Maison Blanche devait être principalement consacrée à "léconomie et à lemploi", selon la présidence des Etats-Unis.Léconomie américaine peine à remonter la pente de la récession de 2007-2009 : le taux de chômage officiel dépasse toujours les 9%. Ce point noir du bilan de M. Obama, deux ans et demi après sa prise de fonctions, devrait dominer …
06 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?
EN DIRECT - JO 2018: Le CIO élit la ville hôte
16h49 - Quatuor - Seules quatre personnes connaissent à ce stade le résultat du scrutin : Jacques Rogge, président du CIO, et les trois membres scrutateurs: Dick Pound, Frankie Fredericks et Francisco Elizalde.16H45 - Du calme ! - Dans la salle où aura lieu l'annonce officielle, les journalistes sont entassés dans un espace délimité par une corde. "Quand l'annonce aura lieu, restez où vous êtes. Ne courez pas partout. Ne quittez pas cette zone", insiste la personne chargée de les chaperonner. 16H40 - Rumeur - Une rumeur selon laquelle la ville sud-coréenne de Pyeongchang a été choisie se répand. A …
06 Jul 2011, Orange Ki News ?